
giovedì 23 agosto 2012

Turni finali al PBEM di CMBN

Alla fine ho perso malamente anche se almeno il Priest l'ho fatto fuori. Il mio avversario ha fatto delle considerazioni interessanti sulla tattica da impiegare sia per il primo che per il secondo game che sto giocando; le riporto qui nel caso le si voglia discutere o le si voglia provare ad applicare:


The hardest lesson I'm trying to learn in this game is pacing. 
It's should be played at a much slower pace than I tend to play it myself and I think it's the most common mistake of most players.

Once you reach the point where contact with the enemy is imminent slow down everything you want to do. 
Unless a unit is dangerously exposed make sure your troops stop regularly and spend who turns doing nothing. 
This give them a chance to spend time spotting for the enemy, gathering intelligence and finding the enemy for you, it also keeps their fatigue level lower, which is important to their combat effectiveness, tired troops are disadvantaged. If a unit is still for a turn or two it will notice things it wont notice if it's moving. 
Take the time to set a firebase and then split off scouts and 'hunt' or 'slow' move them forward to find the enemy. 
Even with scouts, leave them still every second turn or so, I and most player make the mistake of thinking that every unit has to be 'doing' something every turn.
It's the most basic mistake that I make every game.
I think you're problem in the second game has been that your troops were extremely spread out in the town. Which meant that I could take care of each small element in turn with overwhelming firepower.

Of course you do need 'depth' in defence, but what you need is a series ambush and retreat.
There are so many houses, it's impossible for me to know where your troops are if you have them 'hidden' most of the time. 
Set one small scout group in locate and identify my advancing troops, but not engage. At the appropriate time have the 'hidden' units come out of hiding, attack with everything they have at close range for a turn or two, then retreat to a preplanned second line, go back into hiding and await another ambush. Don't have long drawn out fights, hit and run, defence is about attrition.

Also I spent quite a long time carefully probing the forests and buildings around the town. Your entire force seemed to be in the town, which made it easy to envelop and choose when and where I wanted attack.
Some small forces on the flanks, also fighting in ambush and retreat style would have made me wary of my flanks all game and therefore reduce the concentration of troops targeting the town.

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