L'uscita è prevista il 9 Luglio.
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
domenica 30 giugno 2013
Qualche libro per Kindle da Amazon
Ho visto oggi che si Kindle è disponibile il quarto volume dei Waterloo Archives, una serie di volumi che raccoglie le testimonianze dei partecipanti inglesi e tedeschi (Hannoveriani e truppe di Nassau) della battaglia. Il fatto che sia uscito il quarto volume indica che presto usciranno anche i primi tre:
Ho preso anche Decision in the Ukraine: German Panzer Operations on the Eastern Front, Summer 1943; bel libro sulle operazioni del tardo 1943 nel sud del fronte orientale
Infine sempre su Waterloo è uscito su Kindle anche il libro di Barbero.
sabato 29 giugno 2013
MALO-JAROSLAWETZ La battaglia degli Italiani
Questo è un testo francese traduzione di un brano del libro Gli Italiani in Russia nel 1812 di Girolamo Cappello. La battaglia in questione vede prendere parte la Guarda Real Italiana, la Divisione Pino e due divisioni francesi, ma composte da italiani dalle zone sotto diretto controllo francese contro una grossa parte dell'armata russa.
Il testo è un po' magniloquente, ma è lo stile del periodo in cui è stato scritto.
La traduzione in francese è di Diego Manè. Ecco il suo sito: http://www.planete-napoleon.com
Il testo è un po' magniloquente, ma è lo stile del periodo in cui è stato scritto.
La traduzione in francese è di Diego Manè. Ecco il suo sito: http://www.planete-napoleon.com
Company of Heroes 2 - Red Army Gameplay
Video di gameplay con Company of Heroes 2 che spiega come usare i sovietici.
venerdì 28 giugno 2013
After Action Report: Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions AAR
AAR con Ghost Division su The Wargamer:
giovedì 27 giugno 2013
Flashpoint Campaigns – Red Storm video di gameplay pre-uscita
Sul canale del gioco trovate dei video di gameplay fatti con Flashpoint Campaigns – Red Storm, seguito di Operation Flashpoint. L'uscita del gioco dovrebbe essere davvero vicina.
mercoledì 26 giugno 2013
Usciti Scourge of War Gettysburg: 150th Anniversary Collection e Scourge of War: Brandy Station
Sono usciti oggi sia la Scourge of War Gettysburg: 150th Anniversary Collection, mega confezione che contiene Scourge of War e tutti i suoi moduli (compreso Brandy Station) e appunto Brandy Station, ultimo modulo della prima versione dell'engine.
Ecco qui le pagine: http://matrixgames.com/products/501/details/Scourge.of.War.Gettysburg.150th.Anniversary.Collection
La anniversary edition è consigliata a chi non ha ancora il gioco e se la sente di prendere tutto in toto.
Ecco qui le pagine: http://matrixgames.com/products/501/details/Scourge.of.War.Gettysburg.150th.Anniversary.Collection
La anniversary edition è consigliata a chi non ha ancora il gioco e se la sente di prendere tutto in toto.
East vs West sito e nuovi screenshots
Qui trovate il sito di East vs West della Paradox e dentro anche nuovi screenshots del gioco:
La data di rilascio prevista è per il primo trimestre del 2014, ancora parecchio da attendere quindi, considerando che il gioco è in sviluppo già da un po'. Speriamo facciano un buon lavoro almeno.
La data di rilascio prevista è per il primo trimestre del 2014, ancora parecchio da attendere quindi, considerando che il gioco è in sviluppo già da un po'. Speriamo facciano un buon lavoro almeno.
martedì 25 giugno 2013
Rome 2: Presentazione dettagliata del gameplay
L'uomo dal cappello più brutto del mondo ha fatto un'altra presentazione del gameplay di Rome 2.
Nuovi video di gioco con Shield of Prophet
Ho fatto qualche altra partita con Graviteam Tactics Shield of Prophet; stavolta sono stato più cauto anche se ho avuto le mie perdite. E' difficile beccare la fanteria ben trincerata, alla fine l'ho costretto ha cedere grazie all'artiglieria.
lunedì 24 giugno 2013
Nuova settimana di sconti Matrix
Due nuovi giochi in sconto sul sito Matrix, stavolta a sfondo napoleonico: Empire in Arms e Napoleon in Italy. Il primo in particolare mi interessava parecchio perchè è un monster game del periodo, ma le voci di forum lo danno come ancora parecchio bacato e sostanzialmente abbandonato dalla Matrix.
Review di Wargame AirLand Battle
Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate una review di Wargame Airland Battle, direi molto positiva:
Total War: Rome II - E3 2013 Stage Demo
Demo della dimostrazione di Rome 2 all'E3, notare il ridicolo cappello del tipo. Però fanno vedere la mappa strategica che pare bella grossa e molto bella, soprattutto molto più interattiva rispetto ai precedenti.
E3 2013 Stage Demo,
Total War: Rome II,
domenica 23 giugno 2013
Review di Alea Jacta Est su The Wargamer
Su The Wargamer trovate una recensione di Alea Jacta Est, l'ultimo nato Ageod
The Wargamer
sabato 22 giugno 2013
Wargame AirLand Battle AAR
Due AAR video per Wargame AirLand Battle direttamente da The Wargamer:
wargame airland battle
Battaglia di Mohacs
Trovato questo video (penso sia stato fatto con l'engine di MTW2), sulla battaglia di Mohacs del 1526. Uno dei motivi di vittoria dell'esercito ottomano non era solo il gran numero di truppe (molte erano composte da ausiliari dalla qualità non eccelsa), ma dall'enorme uso di cavalleria, che se meno corazzata di quella occidentale era anche più mobile e flessibile, e dall'uso dell'ottima fanteria dei giannizzeri e di un gran numero di cannoni, usati spesso come incudine difensiva per smorzare l'attacco nemico anche grazie a fortificazioni campali, mentre la cavalleria completava l'aggiramento.
venerdì 21 giugno 2013
Annunciata la Scourge of War 150th Anniversary Collection
Sul sito Matrix è stata annunciata la prossima uscita della Scourge of War 150th Anniversary Collection, la versione integrale di SOW comprensiva di tutti i moduli (compreso Brandy Station) + molti mods addizionali.
Covers the Battles of Gettysburg,Chancellorsville, Antietam, Pipe Creek and Brandy Station, with all the scenarios of the series.
Highly accurate historical battlefield maps and general purpose battle maps.
Realistic weather.
Courier system for dispatches.
Extensively researched historical order of battle for each day of the battle.
Historical or alternate history single player scenarios.
Real time combat command of a brigade, division, or corps in the most intense battle of the Civil War.
Random play mode to generate battles.
Routing server for multiplayer play.
Multiplayer online combat in several modes, including: Standard opposite sides, cooperative play versus the AI ,play embedded within historical battle scenarios.
Random play mode to generate battles of brigade, division, or corps size on any of the included maps.
Extensive option set to tailor the game experience to the players preference and to allow good game performance on a wide range of systems.
A full set of infantry and artillery tutorials to get you started.
Full modding support.
Sounds and Smoke effects to bring the battles to life.
Multiplayer games that can support as much as 32 players.
Covers the Battles of Gettysburg,Chancellorsville, Antietam, Pipe Creek and Brandy Station, with all the scenarios of the series.
Highly accurate historical battlefield maps and general purpose battle maps.
Realistic weather.
Courier system for dispatches.
Extensively researched historical order of battle for each day of the battle.
Historical or alternate history single player scenarios.
Real time combat command of a brigade, division, or corps in the most intense battle of the Civil War.
Random play mode to generate battles.
Routing server for multiplayer play.
Multiplayer online combat in several modes, including: Standard opposite sides, cooperative play versus the AI ,play embedded within historical battle scenarios.
Random play mode to generate battles of brigade, division, or corps size on any of the included maps.
Extensive option set to tailor the game experience to the players preference and to allow good game performance on a wide range of systems.
A full set of infantry and artillery tutorials to get you started.
Full modding support.
Sounds and Smoke effects to bring the battles to life.
Multiplayer games that can support as much as 32 players.
Oggi sono in vena di nostalgia: classe '76, chi si ricorda i mobile suits, la base bianca? Gundam per l'epoca era una rivoluzione, un war-anime.
base bianca,
mobile suit,
Uscito Command Ops: Battles for Greece
E' finalmente uscito Command Ops: Battles for Greece, la versione di Conquest of the Aegean con l'engine di Battle for the Bulge. I possessori della vecchia versione hanno uno sconto del 10%. Il gioco contiene scenari 1940-41 nella penisola ellenica (compresa l'invasione (e ritirata) italiana) e anche l'invasione di Creta. Costa circa 25 euro, non certo regalato, ma uno dei Wargame per cui vale la pena spendere. Ovviamente ci vuole il gioco originale per usarlo non è uno stand-alone.
19 historical and what-if scenarios covering all of the major actions that took place during Operation Marita, the German invasion of Greece in 1941 as well as a few battles from the previous Italian invasion of Greece
o Battle of the Pindos Bases
o Blunting the Spear
o Charge of the Centaurs
o Cutting the Line
o Elasson Rearguard
o First Clash at Veve
o First Clean Break
o Foothills of the Gods
o Gamble and Scramble
o Intro 1 - Bridges to Lamia
o Intro 2 - Setback and Rebound
o Parachutes over Corinth
o Pindos Historical Campaign
o Pulling Tight the Noose
o Spartans at the Pass
o Springing the Trap
o Take the Pass
o Tanks at Platamon
o Tempe Gorge Crisis
o Tactical Exercise Brigade Day Attack
o Tactical Exercise Brigade Night Attack
The same powerful Map and Scenario makers are still available in addition to the acclaimed Unit and Equipment editor allowing for the same unprecedented customization of gameplay.
Command Ops: Battles for Greece also includes the Command Ops AI engine which stands as one of the most advanced commercial AI opponents ever developed.
Command Ops: Battles for Greece is an expansion for Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge and requires the base game to play.
19 historical and what-if scenarios covering all of the major actions that took place during Operation Marita, the German invasion of Greece in 1941 as well as a few battles from the previous Italian invasion of Greece
o Battle of the Pindos Bases
o Blunting the Spear
o Charge of the Centaurs
o Cutting the Line
o Elasson Rearguard
o First Clash at Veve
o First Clean Break
o Foothills of the Gods
o Gamble and Scramble
o Intro 1 - Bridges to Lamia
o Intro 2 - Setback and Rebound
o Parachutes over Corinth
o Pindos Historical Campaign
o Pulling Tight the Noose
o Spartans at the Pass
o Springing the Trap
o Take the Pass
o Tanks at Platamon
o Tempe Gorge Crisis
o Tactical Exercise Brigade Day Attack
o Tactical Exercise Brigade Night Attack
The same powerful Map and Scenario makers are still available in addition to the acclaimed Unit and Equipment editor allowing for the same unprecedented customization of gameplay.
Command Ops: Battles for Greece also includes the Command Ops AI engine which stands as one of the most advanced commercial AI opponents ever developed.
Command Ops: Battles for Greece is an expansion for Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge and requires the base game to play.
mercoledì 19 giugno 2013
Rome 2 Preview su RTS Guru
Su RTS guru trovate una preview di Total War Rome 2 direttamente dalla demo mostrata all'E3.
rts guru,
Total War Rome 2
lunedì 17 giugno 2013
Annunciato Ageod Civil War 2
Sul sito Matrix trovate l'annuncio ufficiale di Ageod Civil War 2, seconda versione del più fortunato dei giochi Ageod. Sulla pagina del gioco trovate degli screenshosts:
Setting: the game covers all of the USA, from the Eastern seaboard to the Rockies, from 1861 to 1865. Mexico and the Northern Caribbean are also in
Game map is divided into more than 3,000 regions, with a variety of terrain, climates and development level.
Scenarios: 2 tutorial and 5 main scenarios from Shiloh all the way up to the Grand Campaign.
Historical leaders: Over 400 historical leaders each rated on their abilities and over 1,000 different types of units from sharpshooters to cavalry and artillery and even Ironclads!
Production: Control your nations spending on the military without worrying about micro managing the economy.
Regional Decision Cards: The game has an innovative card system that lets you trigger events such as Indian raids and partisans attacks, which used wisely can affect the flow of a campaign.
Detailed game model includes features such as Weather, Attrition, Supply and Fog of War
Historical Event are triggered throughout the game giving the player crucial decision points. These cover anything from local uprising to foreign intervention.
Battlefield Tactics allow the player to make decisions that can turn the tide of battle.
Sieges and Naval warfare are all covered in detail in the game.
Chain of Command allows units to be organized in to brigades, division, corps and armies and leaders put in command of them.
Navigable rivers which played a crucial role during the Civil War are represented.
Scenario list
Two Tutorials scenarios
1861 First Manassas (Battle of Bull Run)
1862 Shiloh
1862 Sibley (New Mexico Campaign)
1861-1865 Our Hearts were Touched with Fire April 1861 scenario (THE multi-theater Grand Campaign)
1861-1865 The Blue and the Gray July 1861 scenario (accelerated start campaign)
Setting: the game covers all of the USA, from the Eastern seaboard to the Rockies, from 1861 to 1865. Mexico and the Northern Caribbean are also in
Game map is divided into more than 3,000 regions, with a variety of terrain, climates and development level.
Scenarios: 2 tutorial and 5 main scenarios from Shiloh all the way up to the Grand Campaign.
Historical leaders: Over 400 historical leaders each rated on their abilities and over 1,000 different types of units from sharpshooters to cavalry and artillery and even Ironclads!
Production: Control your nations spending on the military without worrying about micro managing the economy.
Regional Decision Cards: The game has an innovative card system that lets you trigger events such as Indian raids and partisans attacks, which used wisely can affect the flow of a campaign.
Detailed game model includes features such as Weather, Attrition, Supply and Fog of War
Historical Event are triggered throughout the game giving the player crucial decision points. These cover anything from local uprising to foreign intervention.
Battlefield Tactics allow the player to make decisions that can turn the tide of battle.
Sieges and Naval warfare are all covered in detail in the game.
Chain of Command allows units to be organized in to brigades, division, corps and armies and leaders put in command of them.
Navigable rivers which played a crucial role during the Civil War are represented.
Scenario list
Two Tutorials scenarios
1861 First Manassas (Battle of Bull Run)
1862 Shiloh
1862 Sibley (New Mexico Campaign)
1861-1865 Our Hearts were Touched with Fire April 1861 scenario (THE multi-theater Grand Campaign)
1861-1865 The Blue and the Gray July 1861 scenario (accelerated start campaign)
civil war 2,
Matrix games
Fallen Enchantress – Legendary Heroes review
Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate una review di Fallen Enchantress – Legendary Heroes, espansione stand-alone di Fallen Enchantress.
Il giudizio è che nel complesso è piacevole ma non aggiunge nulla, e se ne può fare a meno.
Il giudizio è che nel complesso è piacevole ma non aggiunge nulla, e se ne può fare a meno.
Austerlitz 1805
Annunciato nuovo documentario di battaglia realizzato con Histwar Les Grognards; stavolta si tratta di Austerlitz e l'uscita dovrebbe essere questa estate. Stavolta sembrerebbe aver usato l'engine grafico più recente.
sabato 15 giugno 2013
GTOS Zhalanashkol 1969
E' in corso di lavorazione una nuova dlc per Graviteam tactics, stavolta con ambientazione un piccolo scontro di pochissimi uomini tra una cinese e guardie di frontiera sovietiche nel 1969. Lo scontro fu molto piccolo quindi non so quanto questa dlc possa essere appetibile.
Nuovi turni a War in the East
Continua il mio PBEM con War in the East; la battaglia nel Caucaso si fa dura, ma il mio avversario sembra aver raggiunto un punto di overstretch delle sue forze in una zona dove ho molte truppe mobili. Infatti nell'ultimo turno le sue forze panzer nonostante abbiamo sfondato sono state isolate a causa della mancanza di fanteria e presumibilmente sarà costretto ad arretrare il prossimo turno. La forte pressione in altri punti del fronte lo costringe a non muovere grosse forze a sud anche se la mia ricognizione mi fa vedere forze italiane e rumene molto più indietro.
gary grigsby,
War in the East
venerdì 14 giugno 2013
RID - Rivista Italiana Difesa
Oggi voglio introdurre questa rivista, che in modo non uniforme ormai seguo da più di 20 anni (o ancora numeri da prima della fine della Guerra Fredda); è sicuramente la migliore rivista in lingua italiana sulle tematiche militari moderne, con articoli di alto livello tecnico (spesso anche troppo per il lettore medio) e argomenti di geopolitica. Posso dire che quello che so sugli armamenti moderni l'ho imparato da RID. L'uscita è mensile e il costo 5 euro.
Nuove uscite: Ghost Divisions e Assault on Democracy
Sono stati rilasciati Ghost Divisions e Assault on Democracy, rispettive espansioni di Conflict of Heroes e Strategic Command WW II Global Conflict, il primo un gioco Matrix Games e il secondo della Battlefront.
giovedì 13 giugno 2013
National Geographic Battle Of Arnhem in Color
Bellissimo documentario a colori sulla battaglia di Arnhem del 1944 (Market Garden). Questa è la campagna che fa da background a Command Ops Highway to the Reich. Sarà anche il background del prossimo modulo per Combat Mission Battle for Normandy
Videos di gameplay di Pandora: First Contact
Spaziale sempre targato Matrix, ecco i primi video di gameplay dalla beta:
Annunciato Germany at War: Barbarossa 1941
Sul sito Matrix è stato annunciato un nuovo gioco: Germany at War: Barbarossa 1941 simile come stile a Panzer Corps ma probabilmente un po' più profondo.
On June 22, 1941, the largest land campaign in history began, as three German Army Groups advanced into the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa was underway and the German war machine was now locked in a struggle which would change the course of World War II.
Germany At War: Operation Barbarossa 1941 is an elegant turn-based design, inspired by classics such as Panzer General, but with more of a historical focus. You command the German forces through a branching historical campaign covering the entire 1941 campaign as well as part of the 1942 campaign. Dozens of scenarios stretch from the Soviet border all the way to Archangel and towards Astrakhan, the original military goals of Operation Barbarossa. Step into a wargame where your performance will rewrite history, through an addictive combination of compelling gameplay, realistic events and challenging battles.
Additional stand-alone scenarios cover other famous battles and are ideal for head to head play through the integrated PBEM++ system. Your forces follow you through the campaign, earning historical upgrades as you progress and new equipment becomes available on a historical schedule. Units and maps are represented at realistic scales and the combat, movement and terrain systems are all based on real capabilities.
Aimed at all levels, from those who have never played a wargame before to those who know the history of World War II in detail, this is an entertaining and challenging game of combined arms strategy.
Easy-to-use but realistic combat, movement and logistics system
Realistic map and time scales
Ground and Air units as well as specialized unit types such as Engineer and Reconnaissance battalions
Different unit sizes fully modelled and viable, from Tiger Battalions to Infantry Divisions
Wide variety of support units and realistic historical upgrades for each unit type as units earn experience
Historical equipment base on historical availability
Dynamic branching campaign system with player decisions, choose the main German axis of attack after the battle of Smolensk.
Interesting and innovative mission objectives make each scenario unique
In-Game scenario events like bridge destruction, reinforcements based on player actions, news from other fronts, etc.
PBEM++ play via server
Balanced Stand-alone scenarios suitable for head to head play and as either side
Scenario Editor
4 Campaigns:
o Main branching Archangel to Astrakhan Campaign (37 Scenarios)
o Army Group North (3 Scenarios)
o Case Blue (4 Scenarios)
o Operation Barbarossa Short (9 Scenarios)
14 Stand-alone Scenarios
o Drive on Stalingrad
o Dubno-Brody
o Minsk
o Riga
o Road to Demyansk
o Saving Berlin (1945)
o Storming Leningrad
o Tallinn
o Third Kharkov (1943)
o Tikhvin
o Typhoon over Moscow
o Vyazma
o Zhitomir (1943)
o Zitadelle (1943)"
On June 22, 1941, the largest land campaign in history began, as three German Army Groups advanced into the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa was underway and the German war machine was now locked in a struggle which would change the course of World War II.
Germany At War: Operation Barbarossa 1941 is an elegant turn-based design, inspired by classics such as Panzer General, but with more of a historical focus. You command the German forces through a branching historical campaign covering the entire 1941 campaign as well as part of the 1942 campaign. Dozens of scenarios stretch from the Soviet border all the way to Archangel and towards Astrakhan, the original military goals of Operation Barbarossa. Step into a wargame where your performance will rewrite history, through an addictive combination of compelling gameplay, realistic events and challenging battles.
Additional stand-alone scenarios cover other famous battles and are ideal for head to head play through the integrated PBEM++ system. Your forces follow you through the campaign, earning historical upgrades as you progress and new equipment becomes available on a historical schedule. Units and maps are represented at realistic scales and the combat, movement and terrain systems are all based on real capabilities.
Aimed at all levels, from those who have never played a wargame before to those who know the history of World War II in detail, this is an entertaining and challenging game of combined arms strategy.
Easy-to-use but realistic combat, movement and logistics system
Realistic map and time scales
Ground and Air units as well as specialized unit types such as Engineer and Reconnaissance battalions
Different unit sizes fully modelled and viable, from Tiger Battalions to Infantry Divisions
Wide variety of support units and realistic historical upgrades for each unit type as units earn experience
Historical equipment base on historical availability
Dynamic branching campaign system with player decisions, choose the main German axis of attack after the battle of Smolensk.
Interesting and innovative mission objectives make each scenario unique
In-Game scenario events like bridge destruction, reinforcements based on player actions, news from other fronts, etc.
PBEM++ play via server
Balanced Stand-alone scenarios suitable for head to head play and as either side
Scenario Editor
4 Campaigns:
o Main branching Archangel to Astrakhan Campaign (37 Scenarios)
o Army Group North (3 Scenarios)
o Case Blue (4 Scenarios)
o Operation Barbarossa Short (9 Scenarios)
14 Stand-alone Scenarios
o Drive on Stalingrad
o Dubno-Brody
o Minsk
o Riga
o Road to Demyansk
o Saving Berlin (1945)
o Storming Leningrad
o Tallinn
o Third Kharkov (1943)
o Tikhvin
o Typhoon over Moscow
o Vyazma
o Zhitomir (1943)
o Zitadelle (1943)"
mercoledì 12 giugno 2013
Nuovi screenshots per Rome 2
Rilasciati nuovi screenshots per Total War Rome 2.
Trovate gli altri qui: http://www.wargamer.fr/total-war-rome-ii-screenshots/
Trovate gli altri qui: http://www.wargamer.fr/total-war-rome-ii-screenshots/
Total War Rome 2
martedì 11 giugno 2013
News su Combat Mission Market Garden
Qualche news sul prossimo modulo per Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: Market Garden.
"Now that Gustav Line is out it's time to start the process of informing you about Combat Mission: Market Garden. But it will take a little while before we start putting out screenshots and other bits.
Portraying the battles of Market Garden posed unique challenges to us on the development end. Specifically that Market Garden requires British and Waffen SS units, which are part of the Commonwealth module. And yet our philosophy is to never require players to purchase Module A to play Module B. Likewise, our philosophy is to not duplicate content in Modules because we don't want to double charge those who want both.
Interesting dilema we got ourselves into, eh?
Instead of canceling Market Garden (CM:MG), which we did contemplate, we decided to pack Market Garden so full of new stuff that people will find value in it and minimize the overlap with Commonwealth that people won't feel like they are buying stuff they might already have. So here's an overview of what's being included:
1. Basic Waffen SS and British units which represent those units that fought directly in the Market Garden battles. Which means the majority of units found in Commonwealth are not present in CM:MG.
2. New German Heer, Waffen SS, and Luftwaffe units have been added which aren't present in Commonwealth. These better portray the scratch formations which made up the bulk of the early German resistance to the landings. Training, security, school, admin personnel, etc. are available.
3. We've added German Navy units. These poor saps were base and ex-ship personnel thrown into battle without much consideration about their fighting capabilities (which were next to none). In fact, this is the first time we've ever had Navy ground units in a CM game. Though to be honest, it's mostly for flavor as organizationally they weren't that much different from horribly stripped down and under equipped Heer units. Still, it's better to give you explicitly tweaked units than to say "imagine those Heer guys are Navy".
4. AAA units are present for the first time on the Western Front. Not only the sorts of AAA stuff found in Gustav Line, but some new fun things like Wirbelwind and Crusader AA.
5. The Germans also now have access to Panzer Brigades. These armor heavy units are uniquely organized and contain the ever fun SPW 251/21 in large numbers.
6. Fallschirmjäger are now present, all the way from June through September.
7. Some new vehicle variants for all forces just to keep things interesting.
8. New terrain features to create the feeling you're battling in The Netherlands and not France. Yes, we have even included a windmill.
9. Bridges. Lots of 'em. We are including 5 custom made historically accurate bridges, a canal bridge, and 3 new generic long bridges. Some, like the Arnhem road bridge, are massive. For the larger ones we include "stubs" which map makers can use to simulate fights around the entrance to a bridge without having the other 500+ meters stuck in there.
And before the questions start flying about what new game features are to be added... a reminder that as a rule Modules do not add new game elements unless they are directly necessary for that particular Module. Besides the new bridges and some other terrain related stuff, we don't see the need for new features and therefore there won't be many directly related to Market Garden. However, anything new that was added for Gustav Line will be automatically carried over to the entire Normandy Family of games. Such as new shaders, "movie" lighting, bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, AAA support, etc. No worries there."
"Now that Gustav Line is out it's time to start the process of informing you about Combat Mission: Market Garden. But it will take a little while before we start putting out screenshots and other bits.
Portraying the battles of Market Garden posed unique challenges to us on the development end. Specifically that Market Garden requires British and Waffen SS units, which are part of the Commonwealth module. And yet our philosophy is to never require players to purchase Module A to play Module B. Likewise, our philosophy is to not duplicate content in Modules because we don't want to double charge those who want both.
Interesting dilema we got ourselves into, eh?
Instead of canceling Market Garden (CM:MG), which we did contemplate, we decided to pack Market Garden so full of new stuff that people will find value in it and minimize the overlap with Commonwealth that people won't feel like they are buying stuff they might already have. So here's an overview of what's being included:
1. Basic Waffen SS and British units which represent those units that fought directly in the Market Garden battles. Which means the majority of units found in Commonwealth are not present in CM:MG.
2. New German Heer, Waffen SS, and Luftwaffe units have been added which aren't present in Commonwealth. These better portray the scratch formations which made up the bulk of the early German resistance to the landings. Training, security, school, admin personnel, etc. are available.
3. We've added German Navy units. These poor saps were base and ex-ship personnel thrown into battle without much consideration about their fighting capabilities (which were next to none). In fact, this is the first time we've ever had Navy ground units in a CM game. Though to be honest, it's mostly for flavor as organizationally they weren't that much different from horribly stripped down and under equipped Heer units. Still, it's better to give you explicitly tweaked units than to say "imagine those Heer guys are Navy".
4. AAA units are present for the first time on the Western Front. Not only the sorts of AAA stuff found in Gustav Line, but some new fun things like Wirbelwind and Crusader AA.
5. The Germans also now have access to Panzer Brigades. These armor heavy units are uniquely organized and contain the ever fun SPW 251/21 in large numbers.
6. Fallschirmjäger are now present, all the way from June through September.
7. Some new vehicle variants for all forces just to keep things interesting.
8. New terrain features to create the feeling you're battling in The Netherlands and not France. Yes, we have even included a windmill.
9. Bridges. Lots of 'em. We are including 5 custom made historically accurate bridges, a canal bridge, and 3 new generic long bridges. Some, like the Arnhem road bridge, are massive. For the larger ones we include "stubs" which map makers can use to simulate fights around the entrance to a bridge without having the other 500+ meters stuck in there.
And before the questions start flying about what new game features are to be added... a reminder that as a rule Modules do not add new game elements unless they are directly necessary for that particular Module. Besides the new bridges and some other terrain related stuff, we don't see the need for new features and therefore there won't be many directly related to Market Garden. However, anything new that was added for Gustav Line will be automatically carried over to the entire Normandy Family of games. Such as new shaders, "movie" lighting, bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, AAA support, etc. No worries there."
Nuovo video con Graviteam Tactics Shield of Prophet
Giocata nuova partita con Shield of Prophet, nel video vedete carri, mitragliatrici e mortai in azione. Dopo un inizio di successo, mi sono trovato distrutto, anche se non ho ancora capito perchè i miei carri non abbiano risposto al fuoco durante lo scontro ravvicinato.
lunedì 10 giugno 2013
Annunciato Brandy Station per Scourge of War
Annunciato l'ultimo modulo per Scourge of War: Brandy Station. La battaglia è stata il più grande scontro di cavalleria della guerra civile. Il modulo contiene una nuova mappa, 10 scenari single e 5 multi. Ecco la notiiza ufficiale: http://www.matrixgames.com/news/1108/Scourge.of.War.the.charge.for.Brandy.Station!
Nuovi sconti Matrix Games
Altri sconti Matrix Games; questa settimana trovate in sconto due giochi sulla prima guerra mondiale: World War One La Grande Guerre e Guns of August. Ho entrambi ed entrambi sono giochi notevoli.
Qui la notizia ufficiale: http://matrixgames.com/news/1107/A.Deal.from.the.Great.War!
Qui la notizia ufficiale: http://matrixgames.com/news/1107/A.Deal.from.the.Great.War!
domenica 9 giugno 2013
Combat Mission Fortress Italy The Gustav Line AAR
Non ho ancora preso l'espansione ma ho trovato il video AAR fatto da un altro. Davvero ben fatto direi.
Intervista allo sviluppatore di Strategic Command
Su La Gazette du Wargamer c'è un'intervista agli sviluppatori di Strategic Command, la serie strategica (perchè ormai le versioni e sottoversioni si perdono) distribuita dalla Battlefront. In particolare l'intervista è incentrata sull'AI.
sabato 8 giugno 2013
Review di Wargame AirLand Battle su RTS Guru
Su RTS Guru trovate una review di Wargame AirLand Battle, molto positiva. Davvero sembra che il gioco sia venuto fuori bene; nonostante ne sia tentato, penso che passerò almeno finchè il gioco non va in ultra sconto, primo perchè so già che come il predecessore dopo 1 o 2 mesi mi verrà a noia, due perchè appunto far uscire un gioco nuovo dopo un anno dal lancio del primo che è stato abbandonato, mi puzza di presa in giro. Dato che ho pagato il primo mi sarebbe piaciuto che la sua vita utile fosse stata un po' più lunga.
Dragon Commander
E' un gioco che avevo visto annunciato l'anno scorso, un RTS ad ambientazione fantasy con elementi RPG. Da quello che si vede dal video non mi sembra ci siano grossi elementi di rottura, nulla che Carrier Command non abbia già introdotto qualche mese fa ma a qualcuno può sempre piacere.
dragon commander,
venerdì 7 giugno 2013
Total War Rome 2 nuovo trailer
Rilasciato trailer di Cleopatra per Rome 2
giovedì 6 giugno 2013
Rilasciato Allied Corps
Oggi è stato rilasciato Allied Corps, seguito di Panzer Corps. Su The Wargamer trovate un AAR del gioco:
mercoledì 5 giugno 2013
Levels of Tactical Proficiency: The Advanced Wargamer and Terrain
Terza parte dell'articolo su Real and Simulated Wars sulla tattica nei giochi e l'applicazione pratica con CMBN.
Europa Universalis IV - Pre-Order Trailer
EU IV entra in pre-ordine ed è stato rilasciato un nuovo trailer:
Video della Centauro in prova percorso
Bellissimo mezzo.
oto melara,
martedì 4 giugno 2013
Pride of Nations DLC sul sito Matrix
Anche le 4 dlc uscite in precedenza per Pride of Nations sono disponibili sul sito Matrix come il gioco base; ecco la news:
Matrix Games (www.matrixgames.com) and Slitherine (www.slitherine.com) are proud to announce the release of the fourmissing DLCs for Pride of Nations, the turn-based historical strategy game set in the colonial era of the 19th century from AGEOD. These are The American Civil War 1862, The Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871, The Scramble for Africa Campaign 1880 andThe Spanish-American War 1898.
The American Civil War 1862 relives the conflict between the North and South factions for the supremacy of the New World.
The Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 is set during the advent of the Second Reich under the aegis of Otto von Bismarck and the rise of a new European power: Prussia.
In The Scramble for Africa Campaign 1880 the world powers struggle for colonies on the Dark Continent...and beyond.
The Spanish-American War 1898 features the naval and land combat of the two powers, where the results should not be taken for granted.
Keep in mind that the Ageod forum will be the place to discuss this game and all aspects of future AGEOD releases, updates and news.
Matrix Games (www.matrixgames.com) and Slitherine (www.slitherine.com) are proud to announce the release of the fourmissing DLCs for Pride of Nations, the turn-based historical strategy game set in the colonial era of the 19th century from AGEOD. These are The American Civil War 1862, The Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871, The Scramble for Africa Campaign 1880 andThe Spanish-American War 1898.
The American Civil War 1862 relives the conflict between the North and South factions for the supremacy of the New World.
The Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871 is set during the advent of the Second Reich under the aegis of Otto von Bismarck and the rise of a new European power: Prussia.
In The Scramble for Africa Campaign 1880 the world powers struggle for colonies on the Dark Continent...and beyond.
The Spanish-American War 1898 features the naval and land combat of the two powers, where the results should not be taken for granted.
Keep in mind that the Ageod forum will be the place to discuss this game and all aspects of future AGEOD releases, updates and news.
Matrix games,
pride of Nations
Company of Heroes 2 - Trailer "More Than Tanks"
Nuovissimo trailer per Company of Heroes 2; il gioco sarà disponibile dal 25 Giugno.
lunedì 3 giugno 2013
Chi ha giocato ad Harpoon non può non conoscere la Kirov, la caposerie dell'omonima classe di incrociatori da battaglia sovietici. Il termine incrociatore da battaglia all'inizio secolo si riferiva a navi con le stesso armamento della corazzate ma con meno protezione e più velocità (ad esempio la famosa Hood, affondata dalla Bismarck). Il termine venne usato per questa classe in quanto nonostante fossero incrociatori, avevano un armamento impressionante, anche nucleare, e quindi erano considerate della capital ship. In realtà non era ben chiaro che compito dovessero avere in un'ipotetica guerra. Hackett nel sua libro di fantasia sulla terza guerra mondiale ipotizza un loro ruolo come navi corsare, ma sembra un po' forzoso.
The battlecruiser Kirov, is the most powerful surface combatant that ever put to sea. Built from the bones of all four prior Kirov Class battlecruisers, she is updated with Russia’s most lethal weapons, given back her old name, and commissioned in the year 2020. A year later, with tensions rising to the breaking point between Russia and the West, Kirov is completing her final missile trials in the Arctic Sea when a strange accident transports her to another time. With power no ship in the world can match, much less comprehend, she must decide the fate of nations in the most titanic conflict the world has ever seen—WWII.
The novel is an intensely focused naval saga, where the crew of the lost Russian battlecruiser must struggle to understand what has happened to them, and then make a choice that could be decisive in the outcome of the war—who’s side are they on? A conflict between senior officers on the ship heightens the tension, and the course of all future history rides in the balance!
At this crucial time, Kirov finds herself just days and miles away from a secret summit at sea between Churchill and Roosevelt. On August 9, 1941, the two great leaders meet to plan cooperation in the war and lay down the Atlantic Charter, which decides the framework of post war power in the world and becomes the basis for the new United Nations and NATO.
With the hindsight of history as their guide, Kirov races south toward the secret meeting place at Argentia Bay in Newfoundland. Even as she cruises for the Denmark strait, both Roosevelt and Churchill prepare to embark for the sea journey as well. The Royal Navy soon discovers what they believe to be a fearsome new German raider in the Norwegian Sea, and they join with America’s Atlantic Fleet to bar the way and hunt down the most formidable surface action ship in the world.
Kirov is a compelling and deeply satisfying read by a master story teller. naval battles rage throughout the novel, and If you are a fan of naval fiction you will not be disappointed by this book. Written in a style that rivals some of the very best authors in the genre, C. S. Forester could not have done it any better!
Vedo che su Amazon ci sono parecchi romanzi nella serie, purtroppo ora non ho tempo per leggerli, ma magari più avanti ci farò un pensiero.
Tutto 'sto popo di introduzione per segnalare questa serie di romanzi (purtroppo solo in inglese) fantastorici. La serie si chiama appunto Kirov ed è sulla falsa riga del film anni '70 "The Final Countdown" dove la portaerei Nimitz torna indietro nel tempo giusto poco tempo prima dell'attacco a Pearl Harbor, con il potenziale per cambiare la storia. Ebbene in questa serie è la Kirov ha tornare indietro; ecco la intro su Amazon:
The novel is an intensely focused naval saga, where the crew of the lost Russian battlecruiser must struggle to understand what has happened to them, and then make a choice that could be decisive in the outcome of the war—who’s side are they on? A conflict between senior officers on the ship heightens the tension, and the course of all future history rides in the balance!
At this crucial time, Kirov finds herself just days and miles away from a secret summit at sea between Churchill and Roosevelt. On August 9, 1941, the two great leaders meet to plan cooperation in the war and lay down the Atlantic Charter, which decides the framework of post war power in the world and becomes the basis for the new United Nations and NATO.
With the hindsight of history as their guide, Kirov races south toward the secret meeting place at Argentia Bay in Newfoundland. Even as she cruises for the Denmark strait, both Roosevelt and Churchill prepare to embark for the sea journey as well. The Royal Navy soon discovers what they believe to be a fearsome new German raider in the Norwegian Sea, and they join with America’s Atlantic Fleet to bar the way and hunt down the most formidable surface action ship in the world.
Kirov is a compelling and deeply satisfying read by a master story teller. naval battles rage throughout the novel, and If you are a fan of naval fiction you will not be disappointed by this book. Written in a style that rivals some of the very best authors in the genre, C. S. Forester could not have done it any better!
domenica 2 giugno 2013
Civilization V: Brave New World nuovo video
Nuovo video dimostrativo per Civilization V: Brave New World.
Due DLC per Alea Jacta Est
Sul sito matrix sono state rilasciate le due mini dlc per Alea Jacta Est:
The Cantabrian Wars, che parla delle campagne di Augusto nel nord della Spagna alla fine del I secolo avanti Cristo. http://matrixgames.com/products/491/details/Alea.Jacta.Est-.The.Cantabrian.Wars.-.29BC
The Spartacus Revolt che appunto tratta della guerra servile contro Spartaco. http://matrixgames.com/products/492/details/Alea.Jacta.Est-.The.Spartacus.Revolt..73.BC
The Cantabrian Wars, che parla delle campagne di Augusto nel nord della Spagna alla fine del I secolo avanti Cristo. http://matrixgames.com/products/491/details/Alea.Jacta.Est-.The.Cantabrian.Wars.-.29BC
The Spartacus Revolt che appunto tratta della guerra servile contro Spartaco. http://matrixgames.com/products/492/details/Alea.Jacta.Est-.The.Spartacus.Revolt..73.BC
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