E' in corso di lavorazione una nuova dlc per Graviteam tactics, stavolta con ambientazione un piccolo scontro di pochissimi uomini tra una cinese e guardie di frontiera sovietiche nel 1969. Lo scontro fu molto piccolo quindi non so quanto questa dlc possa essere appetibile.
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Achtung Panzer Operation Star. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Achtung Panzer Operation Star. Mostra tutti i post
sabato 15 giugno 2013
lunedì 8 aprile 2013
Video fatto con Operation Hooper
Durante il week-end ho preso la DLC per APOS, Operation Hooper e fatto un primo video. Non che il gioco ne sia stravolto, ma l'ambientazione moderna è un piacevole stacco dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale.
martedì 19 marzo 2013
Rilasciata patch di Marzo per APOS
E' stata rilasciata la patch di Marzo per Achtung Panzer Operation Star (da adesso Graviteam Tactics).
E' necessario prima scaricare il core update ed installarlo, poi scaricate gli altri due files e li caricate usate il programma di update del gioco. Il primo file è la patch vera e propria, il secondo un aggiornamento per i poligoni della grafica.
E' necessario prima scaricare il core update ed installarlo, poi scaricate gli altri due files e li caricate usate il programma di update del gioco. Il primo file è la patch vera e propria, il secondo un aggiornamento per i poligoni della grafica.
lunedì 11 marzo 2013
Nuova DLC per Achtung Panzer: Operation Hooper
Come già annunciato in precedenza il mondo di Achtung Panzer (ormai GTOS, Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star) sta evolvendo verso un engine a tutto tondo di simulazione tattico-operazionale. Dopo una piccola DLC di reskin per l'HD (http://www.gamersgate.com/DLC-APOSGTHRTP1/graviteam-tactics-operation-star-dlc-high-resolution-textures-pack-1) è stata annunciata una DLC che cambia completamente lo scenario: Operation Hooper è uno scenario ambientato nell'Angola del 1988, dove Cubani e Angolani si scontrano con l'UNITA appoggiato dai Sud Africani. L'ambientazione quindi è simile a quella di uno degli scenari di Blaze of War, ma stavolta si tratta non di una simulazione ma di un tattico.
The DLC will be devoted to an attack on the Cuito Cuanvale base in 20th of February 1988.
DLC adds to the game:
1) Two new combatants for operations and quick battle are Angolan army and SADF.
2) The new area 120 square kilometers wide.
3) 3 operations for Angola, UNITA and SADF.
4) Weapons and equipment that was used in the conflict.
The DLC will be devoted to an attack on the Cuito Cuanvale base in 20th of February 1988.
DLC adds to the game:
1) Two new combatants for operations and quick battle are Angolan army and SADF.
2) The new area 120 square kilometers wide.
3) 3 operations for Angola, UNITA and SADF.
4) Weapons and equipment that was used in the conflict.
Nel frattempo i lavori sulla patch di Marzo procedono, mentre è stata annunciata una politica di DLC maggiori e minori per l'engine di APOS.
Ecco alcune immagini di Operation Hooper.
lunedì 28 gennaio 2013
Gameplay con Achtung Panzer Operation Star
Dopo un po' di tempo torno a fare un video con APOS (patch di Agosto); questa volta potete vedere dei Matildas e Valentines in azione contro la fanteria. Purtroppo lo sviluppo del multiplayer del gioco parrebbe ancora lontano, perchè rallenterebbe lo sviluppo di altre parti considerate prioritarie.
lunedì 21 gennaio 2013
Change log parziale della patch di Marzo di Achtung Panzer
Mea culpa è un po' che non gioco a APOS (e anche molti giochi sono rimasti indietro, ma The Witcher è davvero bello). Posto il change log della prossima patch ( Marzo 2013 ) di APOS; io speravo nel multi ma ancora non si vede.
1) Fixed crash when pressing ESC while loading district maps in operation.
2) The algorithm of broken tracks is improved.
3) Weapons overheating algorithm is adjusted.
4) Differentiation and locks for paths on operational map is introduced.
5) Principle of editing paths in operation editor is improved.
6) The ability to import a database description for operation from other operation is added.
7) Fixed a bug with the repair in the abandoned vehicles (crew members now leave repair).
8) Added a separate button for the ambush. At this command the infantry and gun crews will be lie, vehicle crews will be close a hatches.
9) Removed the option for buttoned state for vehicles.
10) Now you can set the "level" of defensive structures in a quick battle.
11) Added the ability to set placement in defense without digging trenches.
12) Fixed a bug with the canceling of serial orders in battle.
13) Adjusted indication and view modes for serial orders in battle.
14) Added button for automatic platoon placement.
15) Added separate command teams for different types of troops.
16) Added the support units in a quick battle.
17) Added a separation for radio stations by type and his type indication.
18) Fixed a bug with icons remain after disable (and enable) the mini-map.
19) Added the indication for the radio/voice/wire communications in battle.
20) Button for platoons table in operational phase is changed from F1 to F3.
21) Added an antenna on KV-1S and KV-8S tanks.
22) Added an option for icon types on operational map (option 4.20).
23) The algorithm for ammunition and fuel replenish is cahnged, added indication for supply level on map.
24) Command radii is removed.
25) Company and battalion commanders are added in a quick battle.
26) During the retreat without a combat (in operational phase) platoon loses morale.
27) Added the fire platoon commanders in artillery batteries.
28) Staff for the troops in quick battle has been modified and expanded.
29) Added a group of messages for breaking and restoring wired connection.
30) Adjusted an algorithm offers ceasefire from AI (removed immediately cancel after offer).
31) Added target designation by flares.
32) Added a button to apply the last selected filter for soldiers or vehicles.
33) Staff for the troops in operations has been modified and adjusted.
34) Squad parameters panel is changed.
35) Rotate order is moved to squad panel.
36) Added a separate button for reverse move.
37) Added indication for suppressed squads in 3D and on the map.
38) The "quick" orders adaptively vary depending on the number of troops who are given the order.
39) Added a button on the orders panel, which allows to transfer troops under the control of AI.
40) Put a penalty at the start of the operation if allied troops is transfer under the players control.
41) Added automatic movement for signalers to laying wire communication.
42) Feature 42, now without name.
43) Added indication and options for valid orders.
44) Removed the outline of the selected units if individual icons is displayed.
45) Added a separate option for block of squads exchange in the operational phase (by default is enabled).
46) Added tank Pz I ausf. F and a platoon of this tanks in a quick battle.
47) Tankers do not close the hatches and do not climb into the tank if detecting enemy.
48) Added icons in Wehrmacht style on operational map.
49) Fixed a bug with the wrong choice of the level of detail for grass when you attach the camera to an unit.
50) Corrected the appearance for contact signs.
51) Added full automatical firing on external target designation.
52) When the defence "flag" is set during placement mode, changed the principle of defence points selecting.
53) The base color for summer camouflage on some vehicles of Red Army is changed.
54) Visual look of vehicles is changed due to humidity level.
55) Added Red Army's icons for operational map.
56) Fixed a bug with incorrect display of sides color in Quick battle editor due to change side.
57) Fixed a bug with black squares on an operations map.
58) Added Dunkelgelb 1943 color scheme for Pz III ausf. N tank.
59) For external target designation spot time and target direction will be transmitted.
60) Added ability to set delay for order execution until some time (right click on the "Stop" order).
61) Vehiles and squads that left without user control automatically returns to the commander.
62) Added ammo reallocation for guns and mortars at the end of the battle.
63) Slight adjustments for opponents AI.
64) Changed some icons of the squad and vehicle information.
65) Fixed disappearance of the sounds for rolled guns.
66) Added a color scheme selection for the map marks on operational and tactical phases.
67) Added NATO icons for operational map.
68) Fixed bug with unit dragging on the map in deploy phase.
69) Added an option for showing an alphanumeric platoon's codes on the map.
70) Added the wire-reel model for signalman's in the battle.
71) Added muzzle velocity dependence from the temperature.
72) Sounds for Pz III and Pz VI tanks engines and Marder SPGs based on the Pz 38(t) tank caterpillars are changed.
73) Added Soviet Army icons for operational map.
74) Display on the map ally AI plans and their changes during the battle is added.
75) Some shot sounds are corrected.
76) Added some armor piercing ammunition to the penetration diagrams.
77) Added detailed description for the orders delay and for player's command level into the built-in help system.
1) Fixed crash when pressing ESC while loading district maps in operation.
2) The algorithm of broken tracks is improved.
3) Weapons overheating algorithm is adjusted.
4) Differentiation and locks for paths on operational map is introduced.
5) Principle of editing paths in operation editor is improved.
6) The ability to import a database description for operation from other operation is added.
7) Fixed a bug with the repair in the abandoned vehicles (crew members now leave repair).
8) Added a separate button for the ambush. At this command the infantry and gun crews will be lie, vehicle crews will be close a hatches.
9) Removed the option for buttoned state for vehicles.
10) Now you can set the "level" of defensive structures in a quick battle.
11) Added the ability to set placement in defense without digging trenches.
12) Fixed a bug with the canceling of serial orders in battle.
13) Adjusted indication and view modes for serial orders in battle.
14) Added button for automatic platoon placement.
15) Added separate command teams for different types of troops.
16) Added the support units in a quick battle.
17) Added a separation for radio stations by type and his type indication.
18) Fixed a bug with icons remain after disable (and enable) the mini-map.
19) Added the indication for the radio/voice/wire communications in battle.
20) Button for platoons table in operational phase is changed from F1 to F3.
21) Added an antenna on KV-1S and KV-8S tanks.
22) Added an option for icon types on operational map (option 4.20).
23) The algorithm for ammunition and fuel replenish is cahnged, added indication for supply level on map.
24) Command radii is removed.
25) Company and battalion commanders are added in a quick battle.
26) During the retreat without a combat (in operational phase) platoon loses morale.
27) Added the fire platoon commanders in artillery batteries.
28) Staff for the troops in quick battle has been modified and expanded.
29) Added a group of messages for breaking and restoring wired connection.
30) Adjusted an algorithm offers ceasefire from AI (removed immediately cancel after offer).
31) Added target designation by flares.
32) Added a button to apply the last selected filter for soldiers or vehicles.
33) Staff for the troops in operations has been modified and adjusted.
34) Squad parameters panel is changed.
35) Rotate order is moved to squad panel.
36) Added a separate button for reverse move.
37) Added indication for suppressed squads in 3D and on the map.
38) The "quick" orders adaptively vary depending on the number of troops who are given the order.
39) Added a button on the orders panel, which allows to transfer troops under the control of AI.
40) Put a penalty at the start of the operation if allied troops is transfer under the players control.
41) Added automatic movement for signalers to laying wire communication.
42) Feature 42, now without name.
43) Added indication and options for valid orders.
44) Removed the outline of the selected units if individual icons is displayed.
45) Added a separate option for block of squads exchange in the operational phase (by default is enabled).
46) Added tank Pz I ausf. F and a platoon of this tanks in a quick battle.
47) Tankers do not close the hatches and do not climb into the tank if detecting enemy.
48) Added icons in Wehrmacht style on operational map.
49) Fixed a bug with the wrong choice of the level of detail for grass when you attach the camera to an unit.
50) Corrected the appearance for contact signs.
51) Added full automatical firing on external target designation.
52) When the defence "flag" is set during placement mode, changed the principle of defence points selecting.
53) The base color for summer camouflage on some vehicles of Red Army is changed.
54) Visual look of vehicles is changed due to humidity level.
55) Added Red Army's icons for operational map.
56) Fixed a bug with incorrect display of sides color in Quick battle editor due to change side.
57) Fixed a bug with black squares on an operations map.
58) Added Dunkelgelb 1943 color scheme for Pz III ausf. N tank.
59) For external target designation spot time and target direction will be transmitted.
60) Added ability to set delay for order execution until some time (right click on the "Stop" order).
61) Vehiles and squads that left without user control automatically returns to the commander.
62) Added ammo reallocation for guns and mortars at the end of the battle.
63) Slight adjustments for opponents AI.
64) Changed some icons of the squad and vehicle information.
65) Fixed disappearance of the sounds for rolled guns.
66) Added a color scheme selection for the map marks on operational and tactical phases.
67) Added NATO icons for operational map.
68) Fixed bug with unit dragging on the map in deploy phase.
69) Added an option for showing an alphanumeric platoon's codes on the map.
70) Added the wire-reel model for signalman's in the battle.
71) Added muzzle velocity dependence from the temperature.
72) Sounds for Pz III and Pz VI tanks engines and Marder SPGs based on the Pz 38(t) tank caterpillars are changed.
73) Added Soviet Army icons for operational map.
74) Display on the map ally AI plans and their changes during the battle is added.
75) Some shot sounds are corrected.
76) Added some armor piercing ammunition to the penetration diagrams.
77) Added detailed description for the orders delay and for player's command level into the built-in help system.
domenica 23 dicembre 2012
Annunciata nuova incarnazione per Achtung Panzer
Una nuova versione di Achtung Panzer è stata annunciata: lo scenario saranno gli scontri sul fiume Mius durante l'estate del 1943, nello stesso periodo della battaglia di Kursk. Il gioco cambierà anche nome, passando da Achtung Panzer a Graviteam Tactics Operation Mius, indicazione probabilmente della trasformazione in un engine flessibile.
Qui trovate alcuni screenshot:
Nel frattempo sono attese nuove DLC per Operation Star.
Qui trovate alcuni screenshot:
Nel frattempo sono attese nuove DLC per Operation Star.
mercoledì 14 novembre 2012
Primo change log della prossima patch per Achtung Panzer
Graviteam ha rilasciato le prime modifiche che saranno implementate nella patch di Marzo 2013 di APOS; ecco la lista in progress:
1) Fixed crash when pressing ESC while loading district maps in operation.
2) The algorithm of broken tracks is improved.
3) Weapons overheating algorithm is adjusted.
4) Differentiation and locks for paths on operational map is introduced.
5) Principle of editing paths in operation editor is improved.
6) The ability to import a database description for operation from other operation is added.
7) Fixed a bug with the repair in the abandoned vehicles (crew members now leave repair).
8) Added a separate button for the ambush. At this command the infantry and gun crews will be lie, vehicle crews will be close a hatches.
9) Removed the option for buttoned state for vehicles.
10) Now you can set the "level" of defensive structures in a quick battle.
1) Fixed crash when pressing ESC while loading district maps in operation.
2) The algorithm of broken tracks is improved.
3) Weapons overheating algorithm is adjusted.
4) Differentiation and locks for paths on operational map is introduced.
5) Principle of editing paths in operation editor is improved.
6) The ability to import a database description for operation from other operation is added.
7) Fixed a bug with the repair in the abandoned vehicles (crew members now leave repair).
8) Added a separate button for the ambush. At this command the infantry and gun crews will be lie, vehicle crews will be close a hatches.
9) Removed the option for buttoned state for vehicles.
10) Now you can set the "level" of defensive structures in a quick battle.
sabato 3 novembre 2012
Nuovo video di battaglia con nuova patch APOS
Altro video di scontro fatto con Achtung Panzer con la nuova patch: le mie tankette si sono fatte onore.
Peccato non ci sia ancora il multi per questo gioco
Peccato non ci sia ancora il multi per questo gioco
venerdì 2 novembre 2012
Nuovo video di gameplay con Steel Armor Blaze of War
Per fare un po' di pratica con la nuova interfaccia, ho fatto un tutorial di tiro al bersaglio con il T62. Ho dovuto riprenderci la mano perchè era parecchio che non ci giocavo, ma è davvero un buon simulatore e la nuova interfaccia rende parecchio. Peccato non ci sia ancora il multiplayer. Tempo fa si diceva che Graviteam stesse lavorando ad una versione di APOS con i mezzi di SABOW, il che sarebbe davvero fantastico.
martedì 16 ottobre 2012
Rilasciata beta patch di Agosto per Steel Armor Blaze of War
Due giorni dopo il rilascio della beta patch per APOS, ecco la beta patch di agosto per SABOW che da una bella spinta al gioco, soprattutto come grafica e interfaccia:
Come per APOS, il primo link è l'aggiornamento dell'updater, il secondo l'estensione vera e propria.
Ecco il change log che avevo già postato:
--- Update August 2012 beta 3---
1) Completely changed the tactical interface.
2) Added additional options for the platoons structure and parameters management in the operational phase.
3) Changed some animations for infantry.
4) All game operations is adjusted and remaked.
5) Added support for scripting in the operational phase.
6) Some changes in the operation editor.
7) Changed some of the special effects.
8) Added new vehicles and weapons: F5E, M2HB, G3 rifle.
9) Adjusted environments, and cockpits visualization.
10) Refined cockpits for the T-62 and M60A1: rounded some elements and reconfigured lighting.
11) Completely redesigned interface in tank mode.
12) The algorithm for shadows rendering and lighting calculation is changed.
13) New commands for platoon, tank and crew control is added.
14) Reconfigured some tracked vehicles.
15) Added tracks in grass from tanks and vehicles.
16) Added ability to perform some tasks in the tank cocpit without the interface.
17) Added new animations in M60A1 tank cockpit.
18) Added a hint what button need to press to cancel a pause mode in the battle.
19) Mini-map is removed in the battle.
20) In realism mode does not display the flags and markers for enemies (in 3D mode).
21) Removed rangefinder lock when the commander's turret on the M60A1 tank is turned.
22) Fixed a bug with the canceling of a short stop command and this command is available from the commanders site.
23) Adjusted algorithm for subtitles and narration issuing.
24) Platoon control options on the gunners site is removed.
25) Added a visual indicator for targets and goals.
26) The ability to request a priority target from the AI commander is now available.
27) Added the button to send permission to open fire on the specified target.
28) Added support for automatic setup gun direction from the AI commander on requested target (for T-62 tank).
29) Added lock for measuring range for the AI commander, if target is out of rangefinder view (for M60 tank).
30) Added feedback and indication for obstacles in the path of the tank, for AI driver.
31) Added indication that the range measurement process continues, as well as the inability to range measure.
32) The targeting algorithm is changed.
33) The ability to switch the tempo of fire for machine guns.
34) Added to the sight reticles for the T-62 from Vadifon.
35) The ability to control the mode of target selection (one or different targets) for the tank platoon or users tank.
36) Added a command to align the gun on the hull of the tank.
37) Added the ability to specify the range for the gunner in binoculars mode.
38) Fixed a number of glitches and bugs.
Come per APOS, il primo link è l'aggiornamento dell'updater, il secondo l'estensione vera e propria.
Ecco il change log che avevo già postato:
--- Update August 2012 beta 3---
1) Completely changed the tactical interface.
2) Added additional options for the platoons structure and parameters management in the operational phase.
3) Changed some animations for infantry.
4) All game operations is adjusted and remaked.
5) Added support for scripting in the operational phase.
6) Some changes in the operation editor.
7) Changed some of the special effects.
8) Added new vehicles and weapons: F5E, M2HB, G3 rifle.
9) Adjusted environments, and cockpits visualization.
10) Refined cockpits for the T-62 and M60A1: rounded some elements and reconfigured lighting.
11) Completely redesigned interface in tank mode.
12) The algorithm for shadows rendering and lighting calculation is changed.
13) New commands for platoon, tank and crew control is added.
14) Reconfigured some tracked vehicles.
15) Added tracks in grass from tanks and vehicles.
16) Added ability to perform some tasks in the tank cocpit without the interface.
17) Added new animations in M60A1 tank cockpit.
18) Added a hint what button need to press to cancel a pause mode in the battle.
19) Mini-map is removed in the battle.
20) In realism mode does not display the flags and markers for enemies (in 3D mode).
21) Removed rangefinder lock when the commander's turret on the M60A1 tank is turned.
22) Fixed a bug with the canceling of a short stop command and this command is available from the commanders site.
23) Adjusted algorithm for subtitles and narration issuing.
24) Platoon control options on the gunners site is removed.
25) Added a visual indicator for targets and goals.
26) The ability to request a priority target from the AI commander is now available.
27) Added the button to send permission to open fire on the specified target.
28) Added support for automatic setup gun direction from the AI commander on requested target (for T-62 tank).
29) Added lock for measuring range for the AI commander, if target is out of rangefinder view (for M60 tank).
30) Added feedback and indication for obstacles in the path of the tank, for AI driver.
31) Added indication that the range measurement process continues, as well as the inability to range measure.
32) The targeting algorithm is changed.
33) The ability to switch the tempo of fire for machine guns.
34) Added to the sight reticles for the T-62 from Vadifon.
35) The ability to control the mode of target selection (one or different targets) for the tank platoon or users tank.
36) Added a command to align the gun on the hull of the tank.
37) Added the ability to specify the range for the gunner in binoculars mode.
38) Fixed a number of glitches and bugs.
Ed infine due belle immagini:
lunedì 15 ottobre 2012
Primo test con la nuova beta patch di APOS
Ieri ho fatto una partitella con la nuova patch di Achtung Panzer Operation Star; confermo che la grafica e l'interfaccia sono migliorate, ed in più ho fatto un bel massacro di tedeschi.
domenica 14 ottobre 2012
Rilasciata beta patch di Agosto per Achtung Panzer Operation Star
E' stata rilasciata ieri la versione beta della patch di Agosto di APOS. Ecco i links:
Il primo link è l'upgrade del tool di update e va installato per primo, il secondo e' l'aggiornamento vero e proprio da caricare con il tool di update.
Ho avuto tempo di dargli solo un occhio veloce, ma l'interfacce è adesso graficamente più piacevole.
giovedì 4 ottobre 2012
Achtung panzer: Operation Star (Update August 2012)
Rilasciato un video promozionale della nuova patch di Achtung panzer: Operation Star; la patch dovrebbe ormai essere prossima.
martedì 2 ottobre 2012
Achtung Panzer: Operation Star - Tigers in the Snow
Ho trovato questo video di gameplay fatto con Achtung Panzer: Operation Star; si tratta di puro sangue, violenza e carri. Da vedere gente:
mercoledì 19 settembre 2012
Tattiche da non usare ad Achtung Panzer
Ecco due video di cose da non fare ad Achtung Panzer Operation Star
Primo evitare di mettere gli spotters di artiglieria lontano dal punto di attacco probabile con il buio; finisce che la vostra artiglieria non serve a nulla nel momento del bisogno.
Due stare attenti a non usare i razzi per colpire obbiettivi troppo vicini alle vostre truppe, sono imprecisi da paura e vi colpiscono senza pietà.
Due stare attenti a non usare i razzi per colpire obbiettivi troppo vicini alle vostre truppe, sono imprecisi da paura e vi colpiscono senza pietà.
lunedì 27 agosto 2012
Esempio di difesa con l'artiglieria in Operation Star
In Achtung Panzer l'uso dell'artiglieria può essere di grande aiuto se ben piazzata ed usata la momento giusto. Ecco qua due video; nel primo la vedete usare contro truppe meccanizzate, senza il suo intervento sarei stato spacciato. Nel secondo la vedete in azione contro un Tiger a cui rompe un cingolo.
Nel frattempo abbiamo un primo elenco delle DLC programmate per APOS nei prossimi mesi:
3rd Sinyavino 1942
Summer in south-east Ukraine in 1943
Taranovka Summer 1943
1st and 2nd Sinyavino 1941
Nomongan 1939
Non è ben chiaro che scenario sia POC42. Una nuova patch dovrebbe uscire ad ottobre.
domenica 26 agosto 2012
Video della nuova patch di Steel Armor Blaze of War
Ecco un nuovo video che mostra alcune delle nuove features della prossima patch di Steeel Armor Blaze of War. Steel Armor usa lo stesso engine di Achtung Panzer quindi è prevedibile che verrà upgradato con la nuova interfaccia già in uso per quest'ultimo; se non ho capito male però dato che il gioco originariamente era stato sviluppato per un terzo ci sono questioni di diritti che ne hanno rallentato lo sviluppo.
venerdì 10 agosto 2012
Segnalazione mod per Achtung Panzer Operation Star
Mi hanno segnalato questo mod russo per il gioco; converte le mappe di Taranovka e Rakitnoe da invernali ad estive.
venerdì 3 agosto 2012
Altre azioni con Operation Star
In questo video potete vedere i miei semoventi fare a pezzi i carri russi che cercavano di aggirarmi; anche l'effetto dell'artiglieria è stato micidiale sulla sua fanteria. Il tempo di risposta dei pezzi dipende dalla distanza dell'osservatore che chiama il tiro.
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