Su RTS guru trovate una recensione di Company of Heroes 2 – Western Front Armies, espansione per Company of Heroes 2.
Dal punteggio e dai commenti sembra si tratti di un gioco completamente rinnovato.
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Company of Heroes 2. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Company of Heroes 2. Mostra tutti i post
sabato 5 luglio 2014
domenica 11 maggio 2014
Company of Heroes 2 – The Western Front Armies
Trailer della prossima grossa DLC per Company of Heroes 2, The Western Front Armies.
sabato 16 novembre 2013
Company of Heroes 2 – Turning Point disponibile
Da Steam è possibile scaricare l'aggiornamento Turning Point per COH2, che installa del contenuto aggiuntivo gratuito come l'editor di mappe, nuove mappe multiplayer e comandanti multiplayer. Per più info basta andare sul sito ufficiale.
mercoledì 25 settembre 2013
Company of Heroes 2 - Theater of War DLC Case Blue Trailer
Trailer per la prima DLC per Company of Heroes 2, Theatre of War Case Blue.
Il gioco su Metacritic ha ricevuto una stroncatura piena da parte degli utenti, quasi tutti Russi. Il mio contatto, ucraino, mi dice che il vero motivo è che l'esercito sovietico non è forte come volevano, e nell'impeto del nazionalismo hanno fatto coalizione contro il gioco. Qualcuno l'ha provato? I sovietici sono davvero troppo deboli?
Il gioco su Metacritic ha ricevuto una stroncatura piena da parte degli utenti, quasi tutti Russi. Il mio contatto, ucraino, mi dice che il vero motivo è che l'esercito sovietico non è forte come volevano, e nell'impeto del nazionalismo hanno fatto coalizione contro il gioco. Qualcuno l'ha provato? I sovietici sono davvero troppo deboli?
case blue,
Company of Heroes 2,
theatre of war,
venerdì 20 settembre 2013
Company of Heroes 2 scontato su Gamersgate
Sempre su Gamersgate trovate scontato questo week-end Company of Heroes 2, sia nella versione base: , sia nella versione digital collector .
Costa sempre un botto e non so quanto ne valga la pena.
Costa sempre un botto e non so quanto ne valga la pena.
sabato 29 giugno 2013
Company of Heroes 2 - Red Army Gameplay
Video di gameplay con Company of Heroes 2 che spiega come usare i sovietici.
lunedì 24 giugno 2013
martedì 4 giugno 2013
Company of Heroes 2 - Trailer "More Than Tanks"
Nuovissimo trailer per Company of Heroes 2; il gioco sarà disponibile dal 25 Giugno.
giovedì 23 maggio 2013
mercoledì 15 maggio 2013
Company of Heroes 2, preview su RTS guru
Su RTS guru trovate una preview sulla campagna di COH2:
mercoledì 1 maggio 2013
Annunciata nuova modalità di gioco per Company of Heroes 2
Da RTS guru:
The Theatre of War is coming for Company of Heroes 2 as the third mode in the game. This was unveiled in today's producer's letter, one that also reflected upon the game's closed beta, which has been running for nearly a month. The letter announced that the closed beta phase would come to an end tomorrow.
As for the Theatre of War, it is designed to be a bridge between the singleplayer cinematic campaign and the PvE and PvP multiplayer modes we all knew about already. The mode consists of "a collection of single player and co-operative based missions that have been crafted in a way that will not only will challenge our most skilled players but also allow gamers of all skill levels to hone their skills and tactics in some very unique situations". The description is a bit vague as to how they will be a challenge to both skilled fans and gamers who might be less than awesome at the game, but it does sound promising. Players will find 18 of these levels, with an even split on each side of the conflict. Preorder customers will get a special pack of missions that will eventually come out after launch for everyone.
The packed letter concluded with note that there will be new and free multiplayer maps released at regular intervals. Looks like Relic will be supporting its game for some time.
The Theatre of War is coming for Company of Heroes 2 as the third mode in the game. This was unveiled in today's producer's letter, one that also reflected upon the game's closed beta, which has been running for nearly a month. The letter announced that the closed beta phase would come to an end tomorrow.
As for the Theatre of War, it is designed to be a bridge between the singleplayer cinematic campaign and the PvE and PvP multiplayer modes we all knew about already. The mode consists of "a collection of single player and co-operative based missions that have been crafted in a way that will not only will challenge our most skilled players but also allow gamers of all skill levels to hone their skills and tactics in some very unique situations". The description is a bit vague as to how they will be a challenge to both skilled fans and gamers who might be less than awesome at the game, but it does sound promising. Players will find 18 of these levels, with an even split on each side of the conflict. Preorder customers will get a special pack of missions that will eventually come out after launch for everyone.
The packed letter concluded with note that there will be new and free multiplayer maps released at regular intervals. Looks like Relic will be supporting its game for some time.
mercoledì 10 aprile 2013
Preview Company of Heroes 2 Closed Beta
Su RTS guru trovate una preview dalla closed beta di COH2
Before I tried the beta, I was not really interested in purchasing Company of Heroes 2, and now I am. Though COH2 might not offer a lot of new content for the COH player.
Before I tried the beta, I was not really interested in purchasing Company of Heroes 2, and now I am. Though COH2 might not offer a lot of new content for the COH player.
giovedì 4 aprile 2013
Company of Heroes 2: nuovi screenshots e parte la beta
La beta per COH2 è partita ieri per coloro che avevano pre-acquistato il gioco. Nel frattempo ecco nuovi screenshots:
giovedì 24 gennaio 2013
La THQ è ufficialmente finita e la SEGA prende i diritti per COH2
La THQ è alla fine fallita dopo una lunga agonia e la SEGA ha acquistato i diritti per Company of Heroes 2; dopo il colpaccio con Warhammer, la casa giapponese si aggiudica un'altro pezzo del settore degli strategici in tempo reale. Stranamente, mentre le vendite degli ultimi due Total War sono state deludenti rispetto al passato (500.000 ognuno, rispetto al milione di Empire), la SEGA sembra credere ancora nel genere, non si sa bene perchè, dato il target parecchio diverso da quello solito delle console.
martedì 8 gennaio 2013
Immagine e descrizione dell'interfaccia di Company of Heroes 2
One of the most important components of any Real-time Strategy game is the User Interface. Often overlooked, the UI makes all the difference in how you experience the game and execute your strategy. This is why we are happy to give you a first look at the new UI for Company of Heroes 2!
Designed to give the player a full view of the battlefield and quick unit control, all the information you need to command your army is presented in a clean, concise and straightforward manner, with many improvements being made over the original design from CoH1.
Starting on the lower left of the UI is the Minimap. Similar to the design in CoH1, the minimap panel gives you a bird’s eye view of the battlefield, displaying capture points and territory control lines. More prevalent are buttons for easily locating idle units and marking points of interest on the map. Unique map objectives are also identified with their own set of icons. The aesthetic of the minimap image is cleaner and allows for better friend vs. foe recognition, it also provides more contrast for the major geographical and tactical elements on each map.
To the right of the minimap is the selected Unit Portrait. Apart from providing a high fidelity visual representation of the selected unit, the portrait displays vital combat information including health, experience progress, experience rank, allegiance, kill-count, temperature, active abilities and vehicle criticals. Much of this information can be rolled over with the mouse to provide an expanded level of detail to the player.
Beyond the unit portrait is the main information panel, the Bridge. The bridge presents all of the critical and tertiary information for a selected unit, giving the player a quick reference for how to be effective on the battlefield in various combat scenarios. This information is presented through the unit decorators and text content. Selecting multiple units displays a list of unit decorators on a single line, allowing for fast unit sub-selection, upgrades and reinforcement.
Along the top of the bridge is the Resource Panel. This horizontal layout allows players to quickly and easily comprehend the various resources in the game, and compare and contrast the costs of issuing orders or purchasing new units vs. their available funds.
Every soldier and vehicle has a unique unit decorator. These are iconic representations which display each type of unit, their health, their veterancy, upgrades and combat situations such as idle, attacking, pinned or suppressed states and other information. These build from the UI decorators in Coh1, but provide more information and better clarity about what’s happening to a particular unit. The decorators are shown in 3 places: in-game overtop of units, in the bridge when a unit is selected, and in the top right of the screen in the Global Unit Control.
The Global Unit Control is the collapsible list of unit decorators in the top right of the screen. Infantry are displayed on the top row, with vehicles below. Units are displayed by build order, and re-arrange to form a 3rd row when put into control groups. This feature allows players to rapidly navigate between their units and see things like which units are under attack, or which are idle, all at a glance.
In the lower right of the screen is the Command Card. We have kept most of this as it was in Company of Heroes – we didn’t want to fix what wasn’t broken! You can now see each command labeled with a hotkey for quick reference – which by default favors complete control with the left hand on the keyboard.
Above the action panel is the new Commander Ability Menu. As you gain experience in combat, you may select one of three commander types (chosen before the game begins). Once the commander type is selected, the new commands and abilities are displayed in the column above the action panel. This is where you’ll see passive abilities, artillery strikes, air strikes, and more!
That’s the new Company of Heroes 2 User Interface! Small tweaks are still being made as we get feedback from the Alpha Stress Test and upcoming Closed Beta, but functionally the new UI is complete. We think you all will really like the new functions and look of the UI once you get your hands on it. We welcome all feedback on the UI as you see more screenshots or use it in the upcoming closed beta, so be sure to tell us what you think about it! Be sure to join the discussion here.
venerdì 14 dicembre 2012
Company of Heroes 2: Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer
Stanno facendo parecchio marketing al gioco; francamente non mi attira più di tanto, si tratta sempre di un buon rts ma sempre rts.
lunedì 10 dicembre 2012
Preview di COH 2
Su Rock Paper Shotgun c'è una breve preview di Company of Heroes 2:
e uno su RTS Guru
e uno su RTS Guru
venerdì 7 dicembre 2012
venerdì 30 novembre 2012
Primo gameplay trailer per Company of Heroes 2
Rilasciato il primo gameplay trailer di COH 2
Francamente non mi sembra nulla di che, molte belle opzioni e grafica ma la sostanza rimane quella.
Francamente non mi sembra nulla di che, molte belle opzioni e grafica ma la sostanza rimane quella.
coh 2,
Company of Heroes 2,
mercoledì 22 agosto 2012
Test Preview di Company of Heroes 2
Su potete trovare un articolo d un test-preview avuto alla Gamescom con Company of Heroes 2; ecco il link:
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