
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Ageod. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Ageod. Mostra tutti i post

domenica 10 febbraio 2019

Field of Glory: Empires

Nuovo gioco targato Matrix, unisce la parte tattica del nuovo Field of Glory con quella Strategica del motore Ageod. Non c'è ancora una data di rilascio.

domenica 30 novembre 2014

Cominciati sconti natalizi Matrix Games\Slitherine\Ageod

Sono cominciati gli sconti natalizi della Matrix\Slitherine\Ageod; trovate il listino completo qui:

mercoledì 24 settembre 2014

venerdì 22 agosto 2014

To End All Wars Introduction Video

Video di introduzione di To End All Wars; la mappa è identica a quella di World War One in tutto e per tutto e molte novità sono copiate pari pari. Il sistema di combattimento mi sembra lo stesso dei sistemi Ageod normali e quindi pochissimo adatto al periodo: troppo poco astratto, troppo poco dettagliato.

Nel frattempo proprio per nascondere le similitudini ed eliminare un concorrente, l'Ageod ha chiesto a Steam di ritirare WW1 Centennial vantando diritti di distribuzione che non ha. Sono in una querelle legale ai danni di una piccola software house e dei fans di World War One per nascondare la poca fantasia di To End All Wars.

venerdì 1 agosto 2014

Hannibal Terror of Rome recensione

Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate una recensione di Alea Jacta Est Hannibal Terror of Rome. La somma della recensione è che si tratta di un'espansione ben fatta con qualche pecca minore.

mercoledì 2 luglio 2014

World War 1 Centennial Edition

Segnalato oggi in vari siti: sembrerebbe una versione improved di Ageod World War 1 La Grande Guerre. Sembra l'Ageod abbia ceduto i diritti ad una casa minore che ha deciso di migliorarlo e distribuirlo su Steam. Non è ben chiaro fino dove si spingano i cambiamenti\miglioramenti: il gioco è un capolavoro ma era anche afflitto da problemi, che l'Ageod non aveva più voglia di far correggere (anche perchè dovrà uscire il loro gioco sulla WWI), e solo la buona volontà di Calvinus aveva permesso l'uscita di una serie di patches. Un grosso problema era il multiplayer che via LAN era non fattibile con la gran campagna e il PBEM richiedeva ancora molti test per correggere i problemi.

Comunque ecco il link:

mercoledì 18 giugno 2014

Hannibal: Terror of Rome rilasciato

E' stata rilasciata la nuova DLC per Alea Jacta Est, Hannibal: Terror of Rome!

Hannibal: Terror of Rome is a true simulation that puts you in the place of the main commanders of the Ancient World. You will be in charge of building, managing, organizing and maneuvering armies, whilst taking into account the economic, military and political situation. The game is built on the renowned AGE engine and offers a comprehensive level of detail and historical accuracy.

The game features five historical scenarios:

The First Illyrian War(230-228 BC) sees Rome opposing the aggressive Illyrian pirates and the Greek cities of the South in the Adriatic Sea. To contain the pirate’s activity, military forces were sent by the Achaean League and even Rome. For the first time the Roman consuls focus on the East.

The Cisalpine War(225-222 BC) confronts Rome with a ferocious Celtic tribe. It’s time for revenge as these Gallic warriors sacked Rome in 390 BC.

The Second Punic War(219-201 BC) is a major campaign that starts even before the clash between Rome and Carthage; with Roman legions fighting in the Second Illyrian War, and Carthage finishing its conquest of Hispania…

Cannae(216-201 BC) begins with panic in the Roman army after its catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Cannae. The scenario starts with the withdrawal of Syracuse, Capua and Taranto from the war in Italy. The situation is critical!

Scipio Africanus (211-201 BC) narrates the Spanish campaigns of the best Roman general of the war, and his final fight against Hannibal in Africa.

Note this is a stand-alone game that does not require the Alea Jacta Est base game to play.

giovedì 29 maggio 2014

To End All Wars

Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate una preview di To End All Wars, il previsto titolo Ageod sulla Prima Guerra Mondiale; interessante l'elenco delle features, alcune riprese pari pari da World War One sempre dell'Ageod.
  • Setting: the game covers all of Europe, from the Western seaboard to the Volga, from 1914 to 1918. Middle-East is also in, as well as most of the rest of the world (as off-map boxes regions)
  • Game map is divided into more than 3,000 regions, with a variety of terrain, climates and development level.
  • Scenarios: 1 tutorial and 2 main scenarios of the whole war (historical start in August 1914 and open start with players choosing their own warplans).
  • Historical leaders: Over 1600 historical leaders each rated on their abilities and over 900 different types of units from infantry, to cavalry and artillery to aircrafts and battleships!
  • Production: Control your nations spending on the military, economics, research and diplomacy through a few simple-to-understand assets and production centers.
  • Regional Decision Cards: The game has an innovative card system that lets you trigger events such as Spies, surprise attacks, key trench warfare aspects, technological or tactical breakthrough and, if played wisely can affect the flow of a campaign.
  • Detailed game model includes features such as Weather, Attrition, Supply, Front Lines and Fog of War
  • Historical Events are triggered throughout the game giving the player crucial decision points. These cover anything from local uprising to foreign intervention.
  • Battlefield Tactics allow the player to make decisions that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Sieges and Naval warfare are all covered in detail in the game.
  • Technology over time the technologies available will be upgraded using both the event and cards system.
  • Chain of Command allows units to be organized in to brigades, division, corps and armies and leaders put in command of them.

mercoledì 21 maggio 2014

Un po' di news dalla Home of Wargamers

Durante il solito evento annuale Matrix sono state rilasciate un po' di news sulle prossime uscite 2014-2015; ecco qualcuno dei titolo annunciati:


Soviet Corps

Commander: The Great War

Polar Motion

Warhammer 40K: Armageddon

War in the West

Distant Worlds: Universe

Brother Against Brother

Flashpoint Campaigns: Southern Storm

Hannibal: Terror of Rome

To End All Wars

Battle Academy 2

Pike and Shot and Hell

Close Combat: Gateway to Caen

Close Combat: the Bloody First

giovedì 8 maggio 2014

Rise of Prussia Gold su Steam

Rise of Prussia Gold, versione migliorata di ROP, è adesso disponibile su Steam, e i possessori del gioco versione Matrix potranno richiedere una chiave steam gratis. Sto per cominciare giusto adesso una partita a quattro con ROP Gold.!.

domenica 20 aprile 2014

Hannibal: Terror of Rome

Annunciata nuova DLC per Alea Jacta Est, Hannibal: Terror of Rome; queste le campagne incluse:
  • The First Illyrian War(230-228 BC) sees Rome opposing the aggressive Illyrian pirates and the Greek cities of the South in the Adriatic Sea. To contain the pirates activity, military forces were sent by the Achaean League and even Rome. For the first time the Roman consuls focus on the East.
  • The Cisalpine War(225-222 BC) confronts Rome with a ferocious Celtic tribe. It’s time for revenge as these Gallic warriors sacked Rome in 390 BC.
  • The Second Punic War(219-201 BC) is a major campaign that started even before the clash between Rome and Carthage; when Roman legions fight in the Second Illyrian War, and Carthage finishes its conquest of Hispania…
  • Cannae(216-201 BC) begins with panic in the Roman army after its catastrophic defeat at the Battle of Cannae. The scenario starts with the withdrawal of Syracuse, Capua and Taranto from the war in Italy. The situation is critical!
  • Scipio Africanus (211-201 BC) narrates the Spanish campaigns of the best Roman general of the war, and his final fight against Hannibal in Africa.

domenica 16 febbraio 2014

Civil War II patch 1.03

Uscita la nuova patch per Ageod's Civil War II. La patch può essere scaricata qui: oppure tramite l'updater automatico

Qui il change log:

Gameplay / Game Logic (improvements & fixes)
Development level reduction done by regional decisions was not working.
Land mine decision can now affect cities, not only forts.
Messages on decisions with tests and conditions reworked so they are easier to understand when not successful.
Ability sending command points modifier to subordinate stacks had a bug resulting in double modifiers sometime.
New option added in Menu\Options to play with ‘hidden activation’.

Some abilities icons fixed.
* Added models and units for new flavor unit (USA Flotilla Bde.)
* Changed Mussel Shoals to forbid navigation up the Tennessee past the river region

Combat Power indicated on each map counter will be the sum of all combat powers of all stacks of the region.
Combat Power and the 3 gauges (hits, cohesion, Supply) only appear on enemy counters if there is at least 2 extra detection points toward the enemy stack.
Replay feature makes a comeback (experimental support!). If your current turn has a replay, then invoke the console and type loadreplay. Once the console has finished loading, you can hit space to start/pause/resume replay or hit escape to abort it.

Historical setting and events
Additional flavor units added at historical time: Cable Brigade, Texas Greyhounds, Waul Legion, Iron Cavalry Bde, Thomas’ Legion.
Sioux uprising event improved.
Fixed missing images (Kentucky)
Fixed texts (e.g. Virginia commissioned)
Added events for new Flavor Bde.

AI has been improved on sending supply wagons and artilleries.
AI has been improved on resupplying algorithm.

Game Balance
Several tweaks for CSA and USA.
Things that would benefit CSA:
1) Add one more CSA draft card each year. They would receive 4 to current Union 8 cards (1:2 ratios).
2) Add 2 more cotton warehouses to the CSA, for a total of 5 (New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, Wilmington).
3) Add 4 barracks (New Orleans San Antonio, Macon, and Raleigh).
4) Add 6 VP to CSA production by increasing Objective value of New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah and Mobile.
5) Double troops from mobilization options
6) Increase money options yield from 400 to 600$

Things that would benefit US:
1) Raise the tax and bonds yield from 400 to 800$.
2) Add additional +15 FI bonuses for Emancipation proclamation.
3) Add Event creating 10 vol. brigades to Washington, and 5 vol. brigades to Alexandria in Nov, 61. Have them unlocked after 60 turns (2.5 years).
4) Add 6 barracks (Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Pittsburg, and Philadelphia).
5) Double troops from mobilization options.

mercoledì 29 gennaio 2014

Civil War 2 The Bloody Road South

L'Ageod ha annunciato una dlc per Civil War 2, The Bloody Road South.

Ecco l'elenco del contenuto:

Battle Scenarios
1863 – Thunder at the Crossroads (June-July 1863, Battle of Gettysburg)
1864 – Make Georgia Howl (July-October 1864, Battle of Atlanta)

One Theater Annual Campaign Scenarios
1862 – Eastern Theater
1862 – Western Theater

Grand Campaigns with all Theater Scenarios, later starts
1862-1865 – Struggle for the Heartland
1863-1865 – Triumph & Defeat
1864-1865 – Bloody Roads South

giovedì 26 dicembre 2013

lunedì 25 novembre 2013

Sconti Natalizi Matrix\Ageod\Slitherine

Natale si avvicina e Matrix&Co hanno rilasciato il catalogo delle offerte valide da oggi fino al 14 Gennaio. I giochi da suggerire sono molti e chi segue il blog avrà già avuto modo di vedere all'opera quelli che conosco: francamente Scourge of War Gettysburg a 19,90 dollari (16 euro) è ottimo. Io e Legio Flavia stiamo cercando altri giocatori italiani per le nostre partite con gli angloamericani.

Comunque provate a spulciare il catalogo: