Su The Wargamer trovate un'intervista agli sviluppatori di Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm il tattico sulla Terza Guerra Mondiale in uscita a breve.
Mentre su Real and Simulated Wars trovate una preview dalla beta:
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
lunedì 30 settembre 2013
domenica 29 settembre 2013
Aggiornamento PBEM War in the East questa settimana
Mi sono accorto di aver sbagliato i conti e c'è una settimana ancora di bel tempo oltre a quella di questo turno. Spero di non essermi esposto troppo contando sulla presenza del fango e che il mio avversario non rischi un attacco in profondità con il fango, perchè ho già ritirato truppe per preparare le armate per l'offensiva d'inverno: sul fronte del Don in particolare sono esposte e spero che non tenti il colpaccio ma si limiti a cercare di contenerle.
Per l'offensiva di inverno, ho pensato sostanzialmente ad un attacco convergente lungo la strada che porta da Stalingrando a Rostov, soprattutto perchè devo garantirmi i rifornimenti ed è l'unica strada principale: l'attacco sarà da Nord sia da ovest, con attacchi di supporto sia da est che alla base del saliente. Dato che durante il periodo del fango avrà tempo per fortificarsi, sto costruendo parecchie unità di genieri e artiglieria.
La divisione corazzata finlandese è kaputt.
Per l'offensiva di inverno, ho pensato sostanzialmente ad un attacco convergente lungo la strada che porta da Stalingrando a Rostov, soprattutto perchè devo garantirmi i rifornimenti ed è l'unica strada principale: l'attacco sarà da Nord sia da ovest, con attacchi di supporto sia da est che alla base del saliente. Dato che durante il periodo del fango avrà tempo per fortificarsi, sto costruendo parecchie unità di genieri e artiglieria.
La divisione corazzata finlandese è kaputt.
gary grigsby,
Matrix games,
War in the East
sabato 28 settembre 2013
Qualche video di gameplay con Ironclads
Non so se tutti conoscono questa serie di giochi navali ambientati nella seconda metà dell'800, penso di averne anche parlato un po' di tempo fa. Sono giochi singleplayer (i primo episodi a turni gli ultimi in tempo reale) che permettono di giocare una campagna navale con diverse ambientazioni. Non sono certo l'apice del gioco, ma sono divertenti riempitivi a basso costo, quindi se avete l'occasione provateli pure.
simulatore navale,
venerdì 27 settembre 2013
Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting recensione
Ho avuto modo di leggere recentemente "Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting" di Jonathan P. Riley. Il libro tratta, abbastanza in dettaglio i vari fronti di guerra dell'anno 1813 (Europa Centrale, Spagna e Mediterraneo, Nord America) in un'ottica politico-militare; per cui, anche se le operazioni militari sono abbastanza dettagliate è il loro impatto sull'azione politica e le difficoltà di una guerra di coalizione (il difficile rapporto tra gli alleati nell'Europa Centrale, tra Wellington e Spagnoli e Portoghesi, tra americani,canadesi, indiani e inglesi i nord-america) ad avere la parte del leone. Da questo punto di vista il libro è ben bilanciato senza essere un mattone: esce evidente che Napoleone si è scavato la fossa politicamente molto prima di Lipsia, mentre Wellington era anche un accorto politico oltre ad essere un abile tattico.
Insomma un libro che vale la pena di leggere se si vuole andare oltre la semplice histoire de bataille.
Insomma un libro che vale la pena di leggere se si vuole andare oltre la semplice histoire de bataille.
Jonathan P. Riley,
Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting,
Combat Mission Gustav Line su Grogheads
Mentre su Grogheads trovate una recensione di Combat Mission Gustav Line:
Ageod Civil War II recensione su The Wargamer
Su The Wargamer trovate una review di Ageod Civil War II:
civil war 2,
The Wargamer
giovedì 26 settembre 2013
Ageod Espana 1936 esce il Primo Ottobre
Il prossimo gioco Ageod, frutto del lavoro di un modder, è previsto per settimana prossima. La guerra civile spagnola è un'ambientazione strana, sono curioso di vedere come ne hanno realizzato le complessità.
In España 1936 you will experience the famous battles of Jarama, Guadalajara and Ebro, command the International Brigades or the Army of Africa. Can you conquer Madrid and force the Republic to surrender or will you lead the Anarchist forces of Durruti to victory?
The game covers a period rarely seen in computer games and has rich historical detail and historical accuracy. It is the first computer strategy game covering the entire Spanish Civil War. You will face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Republicans or Nationalists during the war. Not only must you recruit and train troops, maneuver them and engage the enemy, but you must also manage your nation’s limited resources.
Using the powerful AGE engine, España: 1936 covers the complete Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939. The game features more than 200 regions, complete with cities, roads, weapons factories, weather types, factions and subfactions of the time of the war. The game includes a grand campaign plus the Fall of the North, a host of historical leaders, units and events. España: 1936 is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.
In España 1936 you will experience the famous battles of Jarama, Guadalajara and Ebro, command the International Brigades or the Army of Africa. Can you conquer Madrid and force the Republic to surrender or will you lead the Anarchist forces of Durruti to victory?
The game covers a period rarely seen in computer games and has rich historical detail and historical accuracy. It is the first computer strategy game covering the entire Spanish Civil War. You will face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Republicans or Nationalists during the war. Not only must you recruit and train troops, maneuver them and engage the enemy, but you must also manage your nation’s limited resources.
Using the powerful AGE engine, España: 1936 covers the complete Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939. The game features more than 200 regions, complete with cities, roads, weapons factories, weather types, factions and subfactions of the time of the war. The game includes a grand campaign plus the Fall of the North, a host of historical leaders, units and events. España: 1936 is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.
Qui trovate un'intervista realizzata dallo staff di The Wargamer:
mercoledì 25 settembre 2013
Prima review di Command: Modern Air/Naval Operations
Ecco una prima review positiva:
Company of Heroes 2 - Theater of War DLC Case Blue Trailer
Trailer per la prima DLC per Company of Heroes 2, Theatre of War Case Blue.
Il gioco su Metacritic ha ricevuto una stroncatura piena da parte degli utenti, quasi tutti Russi. Il mio contatto, ucraino, mi dice che il vero motivo è che l'esercito sovietico non è forte come volevano, e nell'impeto del nazionalismo hanno fatto coalizione contro il gioco. Qualcuno l'ha provato? I sovietici sono davvero troppo deboli?
Il gioco su Metacritic ha ricevuto una stroncatura piena da parte degli utenti, quasi tutti Russi. Il mio contatto, ucraino, mi dice che il vero motivo è che l'esercito sovietico non è forte come volevano, e nell'impeto del nazionalismo hanno fatto coalizione contro il gioco. Qualcuno l'ha provato? I sovietici sono davvero troppo deboli?
case blue,
Company of Heroes 2,
theatre of war,
martedì 24 settembre 2013
Massiva patch e DLC per Europa Universalis IV
Una grossa patch è stata rilasciata oggi da Paradox per EU IV, qui il link al post in Paradox Plaza:
Inoltre due nuove DLC sono disponibili: “American Dream” and “National Monuments II”
Inoltre due nuove DLC sono disponibili: “American Dream” and “National Monuments II”
Command: Modern Air Naval Operations rilasciato oggi
Oggi potete già trovare Command: Modern Air Naval Operations sul sito Matrix, come avrete letto dal commento di Max nel post precedente è abbastanza caro, per cui a meno che non sognate di farvi una Classe Nimitz al posto della Bellucci (prima che qualcuno commenti, no, io non sogno la classe Nimitz...), aspettate i primi commenti e AAR dei giocatori sul forum prima di spendere.
About Command Modern Air/Naval Operations
Re-live the brutal air struggle between Iran and Iraq. Wrestle the Falklands under your control. Hunt down rogue nukes in Pakistan. Go "Down Town" around Hanoi and spar with the deadly NV air defences. Lead nuclear-powered sharks of steel against the masters of antisubmarine ops. Trade volleys of fire in close-quarters gun duels, or obliterate the enemy with sophisticated, heavy-hitting hypersonic missiles from hundreds or thousands of miles away. Escort vital convoys to their destination, or make a last stand against all odds. When things escalate out of control, step up to unconventional or even nuclear weapons. Play the most dangerous game of hide and seek - at sea, on land and in the air. Command is the next generation of air/naval wargaming.
Surface fleets, submarine squadrons, air wings, land-based batteries and even satellite constellations are yours to direct as you see fit - from the lowliest pirate skiff to the mightiest aircraft carrier, from propeller biplanes to supersonic stealth fighters. Every sensor and weapon system is modelled in meticulous detail. You are given the hardware; but you have to use it well.
Throw your distorted flat maps away - Command uses a realistic 3D earth globe for each of its scenarios. Rotate and zoom in and out of the action, from satellite view down to the trenches and wavetops. Play scenarios or build your own on any place on earth - from classics like the Middle East, South Atlantic, North Cape and Europe to new and rising hotspots like the Arctic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
Sensors and weapons work just like in real life, with all their strengths and weaknesses. Units move, detect, fight and win or die based on what their systems can and cannot do. Electronic warfare and technological levels can tilt the balance of battle. The weather can be your best ally and your worst enemy. The terrain, both overland and undersea, can hide you from the enemy but also can block your weapons from firing. Thermal layers, convergence zones, surface ducting, the deep sound channel and factors such as water salinity and temperature may decide the sub vs ship duel. Command's battle environment is as unforgiving as the real thing - and as rewarding for those who understand it.
Korea. Colonial wars. Vietnam. Middle East. Cuba. Falklands. Iran-Iraq. World War 3. Desert Storm. India & Pakistan. The Arctic circle. Future conflicts in the Pacific, Norwegian Sea, Russian periphery and more. Experience conflict from post-WW2 all the way to 2020+ and beyond. Test your mettle against lethal land-based missile forces, air regiments, naval fleets or pirate groups. Face off against threats of the past, present and future. How do you measure up against the challenges of modern warfare?
Modern warfare with all its technicalities scaring you away? Your staff & tactical AI sweat the details so you don't have to. Aircraft position themselves to deliver their warloads optimally; Ships and subs manoeuvre on their own to reach out and touch the enemy (including winding their way around islands, landmasses and even known mines) - and everyone tries very hard to save his skin when bullets are flying. Manage the big decisions and let your virtual crews get to the details - and still intervene whenever you want.
Think you can build a better conflict? Prove it! Command's integrated scenario editor offers unparalleled functionality for making your own scenarios or editing existing ones. Create and share with other players detailed, exact-down-to-the-meter land installations from all over the world - from airbases to port complexes to ICBM fields. Customize unit icons, sound effects, even platform weapons and sensors (Aegis on the USS Iowa - click and done). Create multiple sides with variable, complex alliances and postures. Assign forces to detailed missions with custom behaviours and inheritable doctrines. Script complex interactive events with the advanced event editor. Assign variable success thresholds - from triumph to utter defeat. From a gunboat duel all the way to global thermonuclear warfare - the possibilities are endless.
About Command Modern Air/Naval Operations
Re-live the brutal air struggle between Iran and Iraq. Wrestle the Falklands under your control. Hunt down rogue nukes in Pakistan. Go "Down Town" around Hanoi and spar with the deadly NV air defences. Lead nuclear-powered sharks of steel against the masters of antisubmarine ops. Trade volleys of fire in close-quarters gun duels, or obliterate the enemy with sophisticated, heavy-hitting hypersonic missiles from hundreds or thousands of miles away. Escort vital convoys to their destination, or make a last stand against all odds. When things escalate out of control, step up to unconventional or even nuclear weapons. Play the most dangerous game of hide and seek - at sea, on land and in the air. Command is the next generation of air/naval wargaming.
Surface fleets, submarine squadrons, air wings, land-based batteries and even satellite constellations are yours to direct as you see fit - from the lowliest pirate skiff to the mightiest aircraft carrier, from propeller biplanes to supersonic stealth fighters. Every sensor and weapon system is modelled in meticulous detail. You are given the hardware; but you have to use it well.
Throw your distorted flat maps away - Command uses a realistic 3D earth globe for each of its scenarios. Rotate and zoom in and out of the action, from satellite view down to the trenches and wavetops. Play scenarios or build your own on any place on earth - from classics like the Middle East, South Atlantic, North Cape and Europe to new and rising hotspots like the Arctic, the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.
Sensors and weapons work just like in real life, with all their strengths and weaknesses. Units move, detect, fight and win or die based on what their systems can and cannot do. Electronic warfare and technological levels can tilt the balance of battle. The weather can be your best ally and your worst enemy. The terrain, both overland and undersea, can hide you from the enemy but also can block your weapons from firing. Thermal layers, convergence zones, surface ducting, the deep sound channel and factors such as water salinity and temperature may decide the sub vs ship duel. Command's battle environment is as unforgiving as the real thing - and as rewarding for those who understand it.
Korea. Colonial wars. Vietnam. Middle East. Cuba. Falklands. Iran-Iraq. World War 3. Desert Storm. India & Pakistan. The Arctic circle. Future conflicts in the Pacific, Norwegian Sea, Russian periphery and more. Experience conflict from post-WW2 all the way to 2020+ and beyond. Test your mettle against lethal land-based missile forces, air regiments, naval fleets or pirate groups. Face off against threats of the past, present and future. How do you measure up against the challenges of modern warfare?
Modern warfare with all its technicalities scaring you away? Your staff & tactical AI sweat the details so you don't have to. Aircraft position themselves to deliver their warloads optimally; Ships and subs manoeuvre on their own to reach out and touch the enemy (including winding their way around islands, landmasses and even known mines) - and everyone tries very hard to save his skin when bullets are flying. Manage the big decisions and let your virtual crews get to the details - and still intervene whenever you want.
Think you can build a better conflict? Prove it! Command's integrated scenario editor offers unparalleled functionality for making your own scenarios or editing existing ones. Create and share with other players detailed, exact-down-to-the-meter land installations from all over the world - from airbases to port complexes to ICBM fields. Customize unit icons, sound effects, even platform weapons and sensors (Aegis on the USS Iowa - click and done). Create multiple sides with variable, complex alliances and postures. Assign forces to detailed missions with custom behaviours and inheritable doctrines. Script complex interactive events with the advanced event editor. Assign variable success thresholds - from triumph to utter defeat. From a gunboat duel all the way to global thermonuclear warfare - the possibilities are endless.
lunedì 23 settembre 2013
Documentario sulla Guerra in Libano del 1982
Documentario in tre parti sulla guerra in Libano del 1982. Mi torna in mente l'unico romanzo della Fallaci che ho letto, Insciallah, che appunto è una vicenda romanzata dell'esperienza del contingente italiano inviato in quel paese.
Civil War II Manuale online
E' possibile scaricare online il manuale di Ageod Civil War II dal sito Matrix:
Da quello che leggo nei forum, il gioco sembra venuto molto bene, a parte piccoli bugs. Prevedo il suo acquisto a breve.
Da quello che leggo nei forum, il gioco sembra venuto molto bene, a parte piccoli bugs. Prevedo il suo acquisto a breve.
Command: Modern Air Naval Operations intervista agli sviluppatori
Su The Wargamer trovate un'intervista fatta agli sviluppatori di Command: Modern Air Naval Operations, di prossima uscita:
La lista degli scenari è davvero notevole:
Advanced ASW Exercise, 1979 - FOST units vs. Redfor off UK
Battle of Chumonchin Chan, 1950 - North Korea vs. United Nations
Battle of Latakia, 1973 - Israel vs. Syria in Mediterranean Sea
Down Town, 1967 - United States vs. North Vietnam over North Vietnam
Duelists, 1989 - UK vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact, 1957 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact ,1973 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact, 1986 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact, 2016 - Norway vs. Russia in Norwegian Sea
Green Tide 2016 - Spain vs. Morocco in the Canary Islands
Iron Hand, 2014 - Russian vs. Azerbaijan
Khark Island Raid 1985 - Iraq vs. Iran in the Persian Gulf
Maria and Victoria, 1982- Argentina vs. UK in the Falklands
North Pacific Shootout 1989- US Navy vs. USSR
Operation Brass Drum 2017- US vs. Iran in Arabian Gulf
Operation Lightning Strike 2014- US vs. Pakistani Belligerents and maybe Pakistan
Operation Lion’s Den 1972- US vs. North Vietnam
Operation Market Time, 1968- US/South Vietnam vs. North Vietnam
Operation Trident 1971 - India vs. Pakistan on Indian West Coast.
Operation Vantage 1961 - UK/Kuwait vs. USSR and Iraq in Persian Gulf
Raid on Dwarka, 1965- India and Pakistan on Indian West Coast
Raid on Kismayo 2013- US vs. Somali in Somalia
Raven 21 is Down, 1976-US vs. USSR and Somali Forces in the Gulf of Aden
Sea of Fire 1982 - UK vs. Argentine off the Falklands
Shamal 1991 - US Navy or USAF/Coalition vs. Iraq
South China Sea Clash 2013- US/Philippines vs. PRC/Chinese Coast Guard
Stand Up 2011 - UK vs. Argentine off the Falklands
Standing Naval Force Atlantic 1979- NATO vs. USSR in the Norwegian Sea
Tee Up, 1971- US Navy vs. Soviet Navy off Cuba
The Battle of Dong Hoi, 1972 - US Navy vs. North Vietnam
The Four Horsemen 1987 - USSR vs. NATO
The Shark 1971- India vs. Pakistan
The Tiger And The Dragon 2019 - Indian and Chinese Navy in the South China Sea
Trapped Under Ice 1999 - US Navy vs. Russian Navy under the Arctic Ice Cap.
Wooden Leg 1985- IAF vs. PLO in Tunisia
3 Tutorial Scenarios
Basic Training Air Operations- 1983
Basic Training Submarine Operations 2013
Basic Training Warship Operations 2013
La lista degli scenari è davvero notevole:
Advanced ASW Exercise, 1979 - FOST units vs. Redfor off UK
Battle of Chumonchin Chan, 1950 - North Korea vs. United Nations
Battle of Latakia, 1973 - Israel vs. Syria in Mediterranean Sea
Down Town, 1967 - United States vs. North Vietnam over North Vietnam
Duelists, 1989 - UK vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact, 1957 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact ,1973 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact, 1986 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea
First Contact, 2016 - Norway vs. Russia in Norwegian Sea
Green Tide 2016 - Spain vs. Morocco in the Canary Islands
Iron Hand, 2014 - Russian vs. Azerbaijan
Khark Island Raid 1985 - Iraq vs. Iran in the Persian Gulf
Maria and Victoria, 1982- Argentina vs. UK in the Falklands
North Pacific Shootout 1989- US Navy vs. USSR
Operation Brass Drum 2017- US vs. Iran in Arabian Gulf
Operation Lightning Strike 2014- US vs. Pakistani Belligerents and maybe Pakistan
Operation Lion’s Den 1972- US vs. North Vietnam
Operation Market Time, 1968- US/South Vietnam vs. North Vietnam
Operation Trident 1971 - India vs. Pakistan on Indian West Coast.
Operation Vantage 1961 - UK/Kuwait vs. USSR and Iraq in Persian Gulf
Raid on Dwarka, 1965- India and Pakistan on Indian West Coast
Raid on Kismayo 2013- US vs. Somali in Somalia
Raven 21 is Down, 1976-US vs. USSR and Somali Forces in the Gulf of Aden
Sea of Fire 1982 - UK vs. Argentine off the Falklands
Shamal 1991 - US Navy or USAF/Coalition vs. Iraq
South China Sea Clash 2013- US/Philippines vs. PRC/Chinese Coast Guard
Stand Up 2011 - UK vs. Argentine off the Falklands
Standing Naval Force Atlantic 1979- NATO vs. USSR in the Norwegian Sea
Tee Up, 1971- US Navy vs. Soviet Navy off Cuba
The Battle of Dong Hoi, 1972 - US Navy vs. North Vietnam
The Four Horsemen 1987 - USSR vs. NATO
The Shark 1971- India vs. Pakistan
The Tiger And The Dragon 2019 - Indian and Chinese Navy in the South China Sea
Trapped Under Ice 1999 - US Navy vs. Russian Navy under the Arctic Ice Cap.
Wooden Leg 1985- IAF vs. PLO in Tunisia
3 Tutorial Scenarios
Basic Training Air Operations- 1983
Basic Training Submarine Operations 2013
Basic Training Warship Operations 2013
Sembrerebbe che una volta stabilizzata la parte aereo\navale prevedano un'espansione modulare che renda più dettagliata la parte terrestre\anfibia. Decisamente sempre più interessante questo gioco.
sabato 21 settembre 2013
PBEM War in the East nuovo aggiornamento
Settimana scorsa ho parlato troppo presto, il mio avversario aveva delle panzer division arretrate che erano sfuggite alla mia ricognizione e grazie a queste è riuscito a salvare le quattro divisioni di fanteria in trappola, anche se durante questo turno le ho malmenate non poco e si sono ritirare con la perdita di 2000 uomini. Comunque ho ottenuto degli effetti positivi, innanzitutto ha spostato verso est le riserve centrali per salvare le truppe ed è stato costretto a forza all'indietro la spinta verso Stalingrado. In più cercando di spingere comunque verso ovest ha lasciato una parte di fronte a ovest coperta solo da deboli divisioni ungheresi e dove ho iniziato a spingere per raggiungere il Don, muovendo qui forze mobili da usare nel prossimo turno. In riserva ho individuato solo due Panzerdivisions, e se questo è vero rischia davvero di vedersi tagliato fuori lungo il Don, proprio prima del fango.
All'estremo nord, ha tentato il colpaccio muovendo la divisione corazzata finlandese nelle mie retrovie, ma ha sottovalutato le mie riserve e adesso rischia davvero di vederla distrutta nel prossimo turno.
All'estremo nord, ha tentato il colpaccio muovendo la divisione corazzata finlandese nelle mie retrovie, ma ha sottovalutato le mie riserve e adesso rischia davvero di vederla distrutta nel prossimo turno.
gary grigsby,
Matrix games,
War in the East
venerdì 20 settembre 2013
Civil War II Trailer Video
Video di uscita di Ageod Civil War II
AGEOD's Civil War II,
Fall Weiss - gioco in uscita sulla campagna di Polonia
E' il nuovo gioco della Wasteland (Time of Fury ) che ha come scenario la campagna di Polonia del 1939. Dovrebbe uscire a giorni. Dalla descrizione sembra molto dettagliato, ma non so quanto lo scenario abbia lo stesso appeal a livello internazionale delle campagne successive.
Fall Weiss is a turn based strategy game which takes place during the Invasion of Poland during the World War 2. Player has got possibility to take control over one of the major participants of the conflict which are Germany, Poland and Soviet Union and also to control other countries in the region, which might be interested in taking a part in the conflict, to name Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Lithuania.
The main goal of the game is to change the history course to the favor of controlled country. Poland will try to defend itself for as long as possible, or until the French offensive in the West will be started. Germany’s goal is to defeat Poland faster than one month and the Soviet Union will try to increase the gains compared to those historical.
Fall Weiss is played with daily turns with the following order sequence: Axis (Germany and Slovakia), Allies (Poland), Soviet Union, Neutral countries. Units are divided to regimental and brigade sizes and each of them has got assigned Action Points (AP), which can be spent to move, attack, reinforce or redeploy. Depends on the country there are various types of armored land units, non-armored land units, airborne unit, fighters, tactical and strategic bombers, there are also naval vessels divided into subtypes, and transport vessels.
Units on the map by default are represented by the figurines with information about the Strength, Action Points and nationality displayed. This allows to easy recognize own units which can still perform some action, and also to find a weak spots in the enemies lines.
Strength of the units depends on the many factors, such as basic strength, experience, war doctrine, commanders, HQs, adjacent units, terrain, weather, fortifications, entrenchments, but what is most important the supply. An unsupplied unit even with best support from all other factors and modifiers is doomed. Basic supply lines are provided by the cities and railroads network, can be also exchanged by the tactical bombers and fleets. Supplies delivered that way can only provide about 75% of the supplies needed by the units to be fully operational, both in battles and movement. The only way to deliver full level supply to the units is to deploy Supply Depots near them. Those are specialized types of units able to deliver 100% supplies even for units being couple of hexes from them.
As the number of Supply Depots is limited for each country and the whole map is almost 20000 hexes, it must be planned ahead where to deploy them, to provide support as efficient as possible.
In Fall Weiss many aspects of the gameplay can be set up to fulfill preferences of the player. Starting with hiding values of enemy units, through adjustable Fog of War radius, customizable battle reports, adjusting how fast the specific actions of the player and AI should be displayed to setting difficulty for each country separately. Also it is very easy to exchange the map and units graphic to make the game completely fit requirements of the player.
On September 1st 1939, German forces attacked Poland along the whole border. Thousands of tanks and planes, more than a million of soldiers marched into Poland. Polish army fought bravely and with tenacity, but on September 17th the Soviets stabbed Poland in the back, the allies withdrew and the country was left alone against two most powerful armies in the world.
Features List:
• Realistic presentation of the campaign’s events,
• Supply Depots which are crucial to execute successful offensives,
• HQ units and Chain of Command boosting the efficiency of units,
• Historical types of units, like Ulhans, Panzers, Stukas, etc.,
• Major rivers which can really slow down the offensive,
• Over 700 of historical units, with a unique photos,
• 20000 hexes map of Poland and surroundings.
When there are no guns, no tanks, no hope, honor is the only thing that’s left.
Fall Weiss is a turn based strategy game which takes place during the Invasion of Poland during the World War 2. Player has got possibility to take control over one of the major participants of the conflict which are Germany, Poland and Soviet Union and also to control other countries in the region, which might be interested in taking a part in the conflict, to name Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Lithuania.
The main goal of the game is to change the history course to the favor of controlled country. Poland will try to defend itself for as long as possible, or until the French offensive in the West will be started. Germany’s goal is to defeat Poland faster than one month and the Soviet Union will try to increase the gains compared to those historical.
Fall Weiss is played with daily turns with the following order sequence: Axis (Germany and Slovakia), Allies (Poland), Soviet Union, Neutral countries. Units are divided to regimental and brigade sizes and each of them has got assigned Action Points (AP), which can be spent to move, attack, reinforce or redeploy. Depends on the country there are various types of armored land units, non-armored land units, airborne unit, fighters, tactical and strategic bombers, there are also naval vessels divided into subtypes, and transport vessels.
Units on the map by default are represented by the figurines with information about the Strength, Action Points and nationality displayed. This allows to easy recognize own units which can still perform some action, and also to find a weak spots in the enemies lines.
Strength of the units depends on the many factors, such as basic strength, experience, war doctrine, commanders, HQs, adjacent units, terrain, weather, fortifications, entrenchments, but what is most important the supply. An unsupplied unit even with best support from all other factors and modifiers is doomed. Basic supply lines are provided by the cities and railroads network, can be also exchanged by the tactical bombers and fleets. Supplies delivered that way can only provide about 75% of the supplies needed by the units to be fully operational, both in battles and movement. The only way to deliver full level supply to the units is to deploy Supply Depots near them. Those are specialized types of units able to deliver 100% supplies even for units being couple of hexes from them.
As the number of Supply Depots is limited for each country and the whole map is almost 20000 hexes, it must be planned ahead where to deploy them, to provide support as efficient as possible.
In Fall Weiss many aspects of the gameplay can be set up to fulfill preferences of the player. Starting with hiding values of enemy units, through adjustable Fog of War radius, customizable battle reports, adjusting how fast the specific actions of the player and AI should be displayed to setting difficulty for each country separately. Also it is very easy to exchange the map and units graphic to make the game completely fit requirements of the player.
On September 1st 1939, German forces attacked Poland along the whole border. Thousands of tanks and planes, more than a million of soldiers marched into Poland. Polish army fought bravely and with tenacity, but on September 17th the Soviets stabbed Poland in the back, the allies withdrew and the country was left alone against two most powerful armies in the world.
Features List:
• Realistic presentation of the campaign’s events,
• Supply Depots which are crucial to execute successful offensives,
• HQ units and Chain of Command boosting the efficiency of units,
• Historical types of units, like Ulhans, Panzers, Stukas, etc.,
• Major rivers which can really slow down the offensive,
• Over 700 of historical units, with a unique photos,
• 20000 hexes map of Poland and surroundings.
When there are no guns, no tanks, no hope, honor is the only thing that’s left.
Company of Heroes 2 scontato su Gamersgate
Sempre su Gamersgate trovate scontato questo week-end Company of Heroes 2, sia nella versione base: , sia nella versione digital collector .
Costa sempre un botto e non so quanto ne valga la pena.
Costa sempre un botto e non so quanto ne valga la pena.
Graviteam Tactics: Shilovo 1942 rilasciato
Su Gamersgate trovate l'ultima DLC rilasciata per Graviteam Tactics, Shilovo 1942.
Ecco le features:
1) New Area near Voronezh, village Shilovo, 80 wide.
2) Two new operations at the beginning of July 1942, one for Red Army, one for the Wehrmacht (13 turns).
3) Troops:
- Wehrmacht - 24 Pz (one batallions from 21, 26 Inf Reg and 24 Pz Reg);
- Red Army - 2,3/498 Rifle Reg, 2 coys from practice battalion of 232 Rifle Div,
441 Tank Bn from 110 Tank Bde, 1/425 Arty Reg, parts of 16 Destr Bde and platoon from 180 Tank Bde,
1/687 Rifle Reg from 141 Rifle Div.
Ecco le features:
1) New Area near Voronezh, village Shilovo, 80 wide.
2) Two new operations at the beginning of July 1942, one for Red Army, one for the Wehrmacht (13 turns).
3) Troops:
- Wehrmacht - 24 Pz (one batallions from 21, 26 Inf Reg and 24 Pz Reg);
- Red Army - 2,3/498 Rifle Reg, 2 coys from practice battalion of 232 Rifle Div,
441 Tank Bn from 110 Tank Bde, 1/425 Arty Reg, parts of 16 Destr Bde and platoon from 180 Tank Bde,
1/687 Rifle Reg from 141 Rifle Div.
Questo sarebbe un gioco davvero perfetto se avesse anche il multiplayer. Queste dlc sono vitali per lo studio per sopravvivere, ma l'AI dopo un po' scoccia.
giovedì 19 settembre 2013
Intervista a Norbsoftdev, il team di Scourge of War
Su The Wargamer trovate un'intervista a Norb e Jim, il core team della Norbsoftdev e ideatori di Scourge of War:
mercoledì 18 settembre 2013
Strategic Command WWII Global Conflict – Assault on Democracy Patch 1.02
Rilasciata la patch 1.02 per Assault on Democracy, estensione di Strategic Command WWII. Qui il link dove scaricarla:
Silent Hunter Online - Open Beta Launch Trailer
Parte la beta di Silent Hunter Online, tentativo di Ubisoft di fare soldi facili con un brand famoso:
Qui per iscriversi:
Qui per iscriversi:
martedì 17 settembre 2013
Ageod American Civil War 2 rilasciato
E' stato dato l'annuncio del rilascio ufficiale di Ageod American Civil War 2:
- Setting: the game covers all of the USA, from the Eastern seaboard to the Rockies, from 1861 to 1865. Mexico and the Northern Caribbean are also in
- Game map is divided into more than 3,000 regions, with a variety of terrain, climates and development level.
- Scenarios: 2 tutorial and 5 main scenarios from Shiloh all the way up to the Grand Campaign.
- Historical leaders: Over 400 historical leaders each rated on their abilities and over 1,000 different types of units from sharpshooters to cavalry and artillery and even Ironclads!
- Production: Control your nations spending on the military without worrying about micro managing the economy.
- Regional Decision Cards: The game has an innovative card system that lets you trigger events such as Indian raids and partisans attacks, which used wisely can affect the flow of a campaign.
- Detailed game model includes features such as Weather, Attrition, Supply and Fog of War
- Historical Event are triggered throughout the game giving the player crucial decision points. These cover anything from local uprising to foreign intervention.
- Battlefield Tactics allow the player to make decisions that can turn the tide of battle.
- Sieges and Naval warfare are all covered in detail in the game.
- Chain of Command allows units to be organized in to brigades, division, corps and armies and leaders put in command of them.
- Navigable rivers which played a crucial role during the Civil War are represented.
- Scenario list
- Two Tutorials scenarios
- 1861 First Manassas (Battle of Bull Run)
- 1862 Shiloh
- 1862 Sibley (New Mexico Campaign)
- 1861-1865 Our Hearts were Touched with Fire April 1861 scenario (THE multi-theater Grand Campaign)
- 1861-1865 The Blue and the Gray July 1861 scenario (accelerated start campaign)
Patch 2.0 per Rome 2
E' stata rilasciata la nuova patch per Rome 2, chissà se riuscirà a rialzare un po' la fama del gioco?
Technical and Performance Issues
Campaign performance optimisations.
Campaign AI round time improvements (greatest effect during early game).
A new "Limited" option has been added to the "Show AI Player Moves" settings in Single Player an Multiplayer Campaign modes, this enables the player to see all movement of enemy factions, all movement within the players regions, and all movement within sea that the player has ports in during the AI turns.
Improved AI recruitment decisions in Campaign modes. Further improvements planned for subsequent patches.
Pathfinding optimisation on the Campaign Map.
Fix for "Level of Detail" distances scaling incorrectly when the "Field of View" is changed which reduces the chance of the "Intelligent Zoom" [N] key, causing "zombie like” low quality textures on unit faces in battles.
A new warning message has been added to loading screen to inform the player when graphics memory is running low, and the game is downgrading the players graphics settings. This can be overriden, allowing the game to use system memory for graphics (VRAM) by ticking the "Unlimited video memory" option in the graphics menu.
Increased the frame rate and reduced frame stuttering in battles on certain GPUs.
Improved compatibility for graphics cards with multiple GPUs.
Added earlier Multiplayer Campaign resyncronisation detection, upon loading save games which allows resyncronisation in more cases.
More conservative out-of-the-box graphics settings and resolution for DirectX 10 and 11 on Mobile GPUs
Improved the processing speed of the default deployment placement, reducing battle loading times on some battle maps.
Fixed battle crash bug caused by the default deployment placement.
Crash fix for when the player placed the mouse over a garrison force of a region in Campaign mode.
Fix for crash loading save games that were created on the "settlement captured" screen in Campaign modes.
Fix for a crash when holding the [SHIFT] and [CTRL] keys down, and selecting a unit card, when no unit cards where previously selected in Campaign and Battle modes.
Fix for crash caused by forming a Confederation in Campaign modes.
Some desyncronisations have been fixed in multiplayer city / port assault battles.
Crash fix for when multiple AI reinforcements arrive in a single player siege battle in Campaign mode.
Fix for crash when selecting Custom Battle mode after fighting several different Multiplayer battles.
Fix for a crash in 4v4 custom or multiplayer battles caused by the battle AI.
Fix for crash when cancelling a game request for a password protected game whilst in a Multiplayer battle lobby.
Fix some crashes in multiplayer campaign mode, when one player quit the game, it would cause the other player to crash.
Fixed a Multiplayer crash which happened when a client joined a lobby and was being allocated to the wrong slot.
Fix for a very rare crash when launching a new campaign.
Fixed rare battlefield loading lockup.
Fix for a rare crash caused by animal handlers in battles.
Fix for crash that happens when AI unit triggers raise banner special ability when no human units are selected in battles.
Gameplay Improvements
Reduced infantry run speed, charge speed and acceleration in battles.
The low level casualty moral penalties have been significantly reduced in battles.
Improved balancing for Food and Squalor in Campaign Mode.
Campaign AI is more likely to make a stand when defending its final settlement, but may still seek out another home, if they fear losing the final battle.
Encampments battles are no longer incorrectly merged with Coastal battles, which lead to forts floating in the air when a friendly navy reinforced an army in the Fortification stance.
Improved ship movement speeds in battles.
Shock cavalry run speed and charge speed have been increased in battles.
Increased flanking morale penalties.
Added icons to indicate activity in the Technology and Faction screens during a campaign.
Fix for the boarding/ramming button which showed the incorrect state in certain circumstances in battles.
Fix for a bug that sometimes made it impossible to exchange units between a transported land force and another land force on the Campaign map.
Fix for armies on the sea getting stuck in patrol stance in Campaign modes.
Fixed splitting an embedded army from a navy which sometimes caused the player to get stuck in the Prologue Campaign.
Some missions in single player and multiplayer Campaign have been fixed and now execute correctly.
When a settlement is captured via a siege battle, with a friendly naval fleet blockading its port, the ownership of the port is now changed correctly to the friendly navy fleet on capture.
Fix for AI taking inappropriate sized siege equipment into battle when the user changed the settlement wall height, via the map selection settings, in Custom Battle mode.
Fix for defending armies under AI control grouping together at the edge of their deployment zone, during Ambush battles when the player choses to wait before attacking them.
Improved AI and scripting in the Raphia Historical Battle.
Fixed a bug preventing the player from progressing in The Invasion of Samnium prologue chapter, if they had spent all of their funds before being instructed to recruit a General (and therefore having no funds to do so).
The Attribute increases for an agent accompanying an army now activate its associated effects on the general of that army in Campaign modes.
Improved AI collision detection with Deployables in battle.
In Multiplayer Campaign mode, one player can no longer cancel recruitment during the other players turn.
The order of events leading up to the Battle of Bovianum in the prologue have been re-scripted. The player now gets multiple turns to construct siege equipment.
Fixed issues with not enough time being given for certain advisor lines to play in different languages in the prologue.
Fix for units floating in the air while climbing siege towers in battle, when the tower is placed on a slope.
Attacking siege ladders will no longer clip through the gate house in the siege on Bovianum battle during The Invasion of Samnium chapter in Prologue Campaign.
The victory screen in Multiplayer Campaign mode now shows the correct title for both players.
The Basilica of Vulcan religious building now applies the correct bonus to recruitment cost reduction in Campaign Mode.
Added level indicators to the Sanctuary of Austro & Sanctuary of Fraujaz shrines in Campaign mode and the Encyclopaedia.
Fix for settlement expansion trapping / blocking units movement on the campaign map in very rare cases.
Improved the terrain in a small Barbarian city battle map.
Minor bug fixes for Roman and Barbarian siege battle maps.
During battles, players are no longer able to un-pause the game while in the options menus.
Usability improvements
In Campaign mode, exempting a province from tax will no longer incorrectly adjust the food number in the province info panel left side of the screen.
Improved multiplayer lobby discovery, reducing the chance of finding *multiplayer lobbies with the wrong battle type.
Removed the red tint from the sky in battles.
Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.
The "Quaestor" achievement should now unlock correctly, when completing the Prologue campaign
Fixed the inability to select the previous faction, when an army is automatically loaded due to a battle type change during battle setup.
Improved the clarity of stats displayed for Slaves Economic Effect when placing the mouse over "Slaves" in the Province Details panel on the Campaign map.
Fix for rare cases of broken save games in Campaign mode.
Fix for Campaign mode bug, where a hostile agent and the players' ship became stuck in the same position, with neither one able to move.
Fix for very rare agent pathfinding issue, which caused the game progression to become impossible in Campaign modes.
Removed the ability to loading the wrong type of units into a battle from a saved army pre-set in Custom Battle mode.
In Multiplayer battle setup, unit restrictions related to "Battle type" are no longer desynchronised between the host and client, so only the correct units can be chosen.
Defending armies in an Ambush Battle can no longer load an army containing *Fixed Artillery and other Siege Equipment.
Fixed the tooltip displayed when placing the mouse over the garrison in enemy settlements, while the settlement is under siege.
The Public Order "Change per turn" stat is now displayed as the sum of all of its "Contributing Factors" on the Province Info panel in Campaign mode.
Right-clicking on the Aggressive, Balanced and Protective stance buttons when Autoresolving a battle in campaign mode will now take the player to the Encyclopedia, where these stances are explained in more detail.
More detailed descriptions added to the tooltips for the "Occupy, Loot and Raze" buttons after successfully capturing a settlement on the Campaign map.
Improved icons for Province Effects in Campaign mode.
Fixed an error with uploading stats when a multiplayer battle was ended prematurely.
The "Force March" movement effect on the campaign map (looks like a whirlwind) are now correctly removed from the screen when the AI move their army.
Correction to the Assault Hexeres unit card in the Parthia faction during battles, which had no colour mask and appeared black.
The buttons to change pages in the Leaderboards menu have been fixed, so more players can be seen on the Leaderboards.
The Provinces list in Campaign mode can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
Units in a recruitment queue, in a province with its capital under siege, now have an "infinity sign" icon to indicate that the "turns to recruit" is infinite while the siege is maintained in Campaign mode.
In the "Controls" menu under the "Settings" option in the main menu, when the player modifies the keyboard controls, and saves them, the new name for these controls is now replaces the "Classic Total War" name.
Added a tooltip to say "Left-click to remove unit from recruitment queue" for units that are queued for hire in Campaign mode.
Added a tooltip to make ruined buildings more obvious in Campaign mode.
Added tooltips to "Weather" and "Time of Day" settings in the Custom Battle menu.
Fixes and corrections for text in the encyclopaedia have been made.
Minor text and grammar corrections in Campaign Modes.
Fix for some German text not fitting into the available text space in the campaign mode user interface.
Improved text formatting in the Objectives panel in Campaign mode.
Added some localisation text fixes for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish and Turkish.
Fixed some missing text on the Diplomacy screen in Campaign modes.
Added white outline to Armoured Legionaries unit cards in battle.
Technical and Performance Issues
Campaign performance optimisations.
Campaign AI round time improvements (greatest effect during early game).
A new "Limited" option has been added to the "Show AI Player Moves" settings in Single Player an Multiplayer Campaign modes, this enables the player to see all movement of enemy factions, all movement within the players regions, and all movement within sea that the player has ports in during the AI turns.
Improved AI recruitment decisions in Campaign modes. Further improvements planned for subsequent patches.
Pathfinding optimisation on the Campaign Map.
Fix for "Level of Detail" distances scaling incorrectly when the "Field of View" is changed which reduces the chance of the "Intelligent Zoom" [N] key, causing "zombie like” low quality textures on unit faces in battles.
A new warning message has been added to loading screen to inform the player when graphics memory is running low, and the game is downgrading the players graphics settings. This can be overriden, allowing the game to use system memory for graphics (VRAM) by ticking the "Unlimited video memory" option in the graphics menu.
Increased the frame rate and reduced frame stuttering in battles on certain GPUs.
Improved compatibility for graphics cards with multiple GPUs.
Added earlier Multiplayer Campaign resyncronisation detection, upon loading save games which allows resyncronisation in more cases.
More conservative out-of-the-box graphics settings and resolution for DirectX 10 and 11 on Mobile GPUs
Improved the processing speed of the default deployment placement, reducing battle loading times on some battle maps.
Fixed battle crash bug caused by the default deployment placement.
Crash fix for when the player placed the mouse over a garrison force of a region in Campaign mode.
Fix for crash loading save games that were created on the "settlement captured" screen in Campaign modes.
Fix for a crash when holding the [SHIFT] and [CTRL] keys down, and selecting a unit card, when no unit cards where previously selected in Campaign and Battle modes.
Fix for crash caused by forming a Confederation in Campaign modes.
Some desyncronisations have been fixed in multiplayer city / port assault battles.
Crash fix for when multiple AI reinforcements arrive in a single player siege battle in Campaign mode.
Fix for crash when selecting Custom Battle mode after fighting several different Multiplayer battles.
Fix for a crash in 4v4 custom or multiplayer battles caused by the battle AI.
Fix for crash when cancelling a game request for a password protected game whilst in a Multiplayer battle lobby.
Fix some crashes in multiplayer campaign mode, when one player quit the game, it would cause the other player to crash.
Fixed a Multiplayer crash which happened when a client joined a lobby and was being allocated to the wrong slot.
Fix for a very rare crash when launching a new campaign.
Fixed rare battlefield loading lockup.
Fix for a rare crash caused by animal handlers in battles.
Fix for crash that happens when AI unit triggers raise banner special ability when no human units are selected in battles.
Gameplay Improvements
Reduced infantry run speed, charge speed and acceleration in battles.
The low level casualty moral penalties have been significantly reduced in battles.
Improved balancing for Food and Squalor in Campaign Mode.
Campaign AI is more likely to make a stand when defending its final settlement, but may still seek out another home, if they fear losing the final battle.
Encampments battles are no longer incorrectly merged with Coastal battles, which lead to forts floating in the air when a friendly navy reinforced an army in the Fortification stance.
Improved ship movement speeds in battles.
Shock cavalry run speed and charge speed have been increased in battles.
Increased flanking morale penalties.
Added icons to indicate activity in the Technology and Faction screens during a campaign.
Fix for the boarding/ramming button which showed the incorrect state in certain circumstances in battles.
Fix for a bug that sometimes made it impossible to exchange units between a transported land force and another land force on the Campaign map.
Fix for armies on the sea getting stuck in patrol stance in Campaign modes.
Fixed splitting an embedded army from a navy which sometimes caused the player to get stuck in the Prologue Campaign.
Some missions in single player and multiplayer Campaign have been fixed and now execute correctly.
When a settlement is captured via a siege battle, with a friendly naval fleet blockading its port, the ownership of the port is now changed correctly to the friendly navy fleet on capture.
Fix for AI taking inappropriate sized siege equipment into battle when the user changed the settlement wall height, via the map selection settings, in Custom Battle mode.
Fix for defending armies under AI control grouping together at the edge of their deployment zone, during Ambush battles when the player choses to wait before attacking them.
Improved AI and scripting in the Raphia Historical Battle.
Fixed a bug preventing the player from progressing in The Invasion of Samnium prologue chapter, if they had spent all of their funds before being instructed to recruit a General (and therefore having no funds to do so).
The Attribute increases for an agent accompanying an army now activate its associated effects on the general of that army in Campaign modes.
Improved AI collision detection with Deployables in battle.
In Multiplayer Campaign mode, one player can no longer cancel recruitment during the other players turn.
The order of events leading up to the Battle of Bovianum in the prologue have been re-scripted. The player now gets multiple turns to construct siege equipment.
Fixed issues with not enough time being given for certain advisor lines to play in different languages in the prologue.
Fix for units floating in the air while climbing siege towers in battle, when the tower is placed on a slope.
Attacking siege ladders will no longer clip through the gate house in the siege on Bovianum battle during The Invasion of Samnium chapter in Prologue Campaign.
The victory screen in Multiplayer Campaign mode now shows the correct title for both players.
The Basilica of Vulcan religious building now applies the correct bonus to recruitment cost reduction in Campaign Mode.
Added level indicators to the Sanctuary of Austro & Sanctuary of Fraujaz shrines in Campaign mode and the Encyclopaedia.
Fix for settlement expansion trapping / blocking units movement on the campaign map in very rare cases.
Improved the terrain in a small Barbarian city battle map.
Minor bug fixes for Roman and Barbarian siege battle maps.
During battles, players are no longer able to un-pause the game while in the options menus.
Usability improvements
In Campaign mode, exempting a province from tax will no longer incorrectly adjust the food number in the province info panel left side of the screen.
Improved multiplayer lobby discovery, reducing the chance of finding *multiplayer lobbies with the wrong battle type.
Removed the red tint from the sky in battles.
Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.
The "Quaestor" achievement should now unlock correctly, when completing the Prologue campaign
Fixed the inability to select the previous faction, when an army is automatically loaded due to a battle type change during battle setup.
Improved the clarity of stats displayed for Slaves Economic Effect when placing the mouse over "Slaves" in the Province Details panel on the Campaign map.
Fix for rare cases of broken save games in Campaign mode.
Fix for Campaign mode bug, where a hostile agent and the players' ship became stuck in the same position, with neither one able to move.
Fix for very rare agent pathfinding issue, which caused the game progression to become impossible in Campaign modes.
Removed the ability to loading the wrong type of units into a battle from a saved army pre-set in Custom Battle mode.
In Multiplayer battle setup, unit restrictions related to "Battle type" are no longer desynchronised between the host and client, so only the correct units can be chosen.
Defending armies in an Ambush Battle can no longer load an army containing *Fixed Artillery and other Siege Equipment.
Fixed the tooltip displayed when placing the mouse over the garrison in enemy settlements, while the settlement is under siege.
The Public Order "Change per turn" stat is now displayed as the sum of all of its "Contributing Factors" on the Province Info panel in Campaign mode.
Right-clicking on the Aggressive, Balanced and Protective stance buttons when Autoresolving a battle in campaign mode will now take the player to the Encyclopedia, where these stances are explained in more detail.
More detailed descriptions added to the tooltips for the "Occupy, Loot and Raze" buttons after successfully capturing a settlement on the Campaign map.
Improved icons for Province Effects in Campaign mode.
Fixed an error with uploading stats when a multiplayer battle was ended prematurely.
The "Force March" movement effect on the campaign map (looks like a whirlwind) are now correctly removed from the screen when the AI move their army.
Correction to the Assault Hexeres unit card in the Parthia faction during battles, which had no colour mask and appeared black.
The buttons to change pages in the Leaderboards menu have been fixed, so more players can be seen on the Leaderboards.
The Provinces list in Campaign mode can now be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
Units in a recruitment queue, in a province with its capital under siege, now have an "infinity sign" icon to indicate that the "turns to recruit" is infinite while the siege is maintained in Campaign mode.
In the "Controls" menu under the "Settings" option in the main menu, when the player modifies the keyboard controls, and saves them, the new name for these controls is now replaces the "Classic Total War" name.
Added a tooltip to say "Left-click to remove unit from recruitment queue" for units that are queued for hire in Campaign mode.
Added a tooltip to make ruined buildings more obvious in Campaign mode.
Added tooltips to "Weather" and "Time of Day" settings in the Custom Battle menu.
Fixes and corrections for text in the encyclopaedia have been made.
Minor text and grammar corrections in Campaign Modes.
Fix for some German text not fitting into the available text space in the campaign mode user interface.
Improved text formatting in the Objectives panel in Campaign mode.
Added some localisation text fixes for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Polish and Turkish.
Fixed some missing text on the Diplomacy screen in Campaign modes.
Added white outline to Armoured Legionaries unit cards in battle.
lunedì 16 settembre 2013
Arma 3 rilasciato
Ormai la notizia è vecchia di qualche giorno e quindi molti lo sapranno già, ma Arma 3 è finalmente stato rilasciato assieme ad un launch trailer
Il nuovo lavoro di DarthMod - Ultimate General
Giusto l'anno scorso Darthmod, il famoso modder dei TW da diversi anni, aveva dato l'addio per sempre ad ogni futuro mod sulla serie, dopo la polemica con la CA, sia per la chiusura progressiva e controllata al modding della serie, sia per non essere stato nemmeno invitato alla session dei modders organizzata dalla CA.
Ebbene, non solo Darthmod, alias di Nick Thomadis, ha confermato che non ci sarà nessuno Darthmod per Rome 2 ma sta lavorando con un piccolo studio di appassionati ad un gioco nuovo (in realtà lo studio sta lavorando su due giochi), che riflette le loro idee e si propone come la versione intellingente dei TW.
(link al secondo gioco: )
Ultimate General: Gettysburg deve essere il primo titolo di una serie ad ambientazione storica; the feature principali del gioco saranno:
Take Command - Fight the Battle of Gettysburg as a Union or Confederate general and attempt to rewrite history through a chain of historical and “what if” battle scenarios.
Dynamic Progress - Your performance in battles affects future missions. Losing too many soldiers in your first encounter will drastically change the last days of your battle.
Easy controls - Deep tactical gameplay driven by simple controls. Give orders to hundreds of troops organised in brigades of infantry, cavalry and artillery.
Thinking Soldiers - Units can retaliate and defend themselves without player input and excessive micromanagement, giving you the freedom to focus on other more important strategic matters.
Realistic Morale - One of the most complex morale systems ever created makes your tactical decisions crucial on the battlefield – demoralised troops become irresponsive, devastating volleys cause havoc in your lines, flank attacks can rout your strongest units.
Terrain Advantage - High ground provides increased weapon ranges, accuracy and morale bonuses. He, who takes the hills, wins the battle.
Challenge - AI does not need traditional game cheats or hidden tricks to face off against humans. Innovative Ultimate General AI comes with different characters such as "Careless", "Indecisive", “Defensive”, “Cautious”, “Cunning”, “Aggressive” or “Dynamic”.
There were things that I could not deliver to players as a modder (Read about my mods). That is why I decided to develop my own strategy game and in this blog post I will write about its main aspects. Working with a group of very talented programmers I am now able to build the strategy game I always dreamed of that will satisfy the following four main principles:
Battle Realism: Rock/Papers/Scissors-style simplistic gameplay is in my opinion an obsolete way to provide battle balance and does not resemble reality. Would Alexander the Great win his battles if these examples always happened: cavalry beats archers, spearmen beats cavalry, infantry beats spearmen (the usual simple approach of an RTS game)? In our game soldiers will react using realistic physics and many important tactical aspects so that the player will feel that he commands real troops and not lifeless robots. Our current graphics technology may prohibit us from creating the perfect looking game, but from the start we will offer common sense to strategy. Factors like Morale, Fatigue, Flanking, High Ground are essential to strategic thought and must be simulated as accurately as possible.
Deep gameplay with less complexity: Striving too much for realism can make a game too complex, boring, difficult to handle and eventually a failure. On the other hand over simplicity and arcade gameplay is something I have never preferred as a gamer and I am certain many others feel the same, considering the success of smaller Indy games that outsell games with much bigger budgets. So in a few words I will try to make Ultimate General: Gettysburg as easy to handle as possible without many confusing buttons. You should not require a tutorial or a big manual to play the game but you will be able to understand progressively how the "inside" complex mechanics work. For example: terrain importance increasing unit's effectiveness or brigade's exhaustion making them rout more easily even when facing a smaller force.
Good AI: A strategy that is easy to beat offers only few gameplay hours and can be really frustrating, if AI is a complete fool. Now, I have the chance to design an AI that can make a proper firing line, that can flank, that can understand where and when to attack… in real time. That may sound trivial, but I think you will agree that very few games can offer these features in a whole working set. Most RTS games make the AI tough by providing better fighting statistics per higher difficulty rate or hide its incompetence by speeding up everything so the player cannot catch up with all simultaneous actions. This is a cheap cheat! My goal is to make the AI effective and able to win you without these tricks. And from first looks it seems we have succeeded in that (we will be able to show it to you in the near future).
Connection with players: It will be a game where strategy fans can participate very actively in its creation. As you did for DarthMod, providing valuable feedback, and requesting features, you can do it now again; using our forums where we will have active discussions with players, gather ideas and organize frequent gameplay tests. For me a game must have a strong “pre-connection” with all of its potential players during production, so that it gets as many features they want as possible.
Naval action sarà l'equivalente di Ultimate General ma sul mare
Ebbene, non solo Darthmod, alias di Nick Thomadis, ha confermato che non ci sarà nessuno Darthmod per Rome 2 ma sta lavorando con un piccolo studio di appassionati ad un gioco nuovo (in realtà lo studio sta lavorando su due giochi), che riflette le loro idee e si propone come la versione intellingente dei TW.
(link al secondo gioco: )
Ultimate General: Gettysburg deve essere il primo titolo di una serie ad ambientazione storica; the feature principali del gioco saranno:
Take Command - Fight the Battle of Gettysburg as a Union or Confederate general and attempt to rewrite history through a chain of historical and “what if” battle scenarios.
Dynamic Progress - Your performance in battles affects future missions. Losing too many soldiers in your first encounter will drastically change the last days of your battle.
Easy controls - Deep tactical gameplay driven by simple controls. Give orders to hundreds of troops organised in brigades of infantry, cavalry and artillery.
Thinking Soldiers - Units can retaliate and defend themselves without player input and excessive micromanagement, giving you the freedom to focus on other more important strategic matters.
Realistic Morale - One of the most complex morale systems ever created makes your tactical decisions crucial on the battlefield – demoralised troops become irresponsive, devastating volleys cause havoc in your lines, flank attacks can rout your strongest units.
Terrain Advantage - High ground provides increased weapon ranges, accuracy and morale bonuses. He, who takes the hills, wins the battle.
Challenge - AI does not need traditional game cheats or hidden tricks to face off against humans. Innovative Ultimate General AI comes with different characters such as "Careless", "Indecisive", “Defensive”, “Cautious”, “Cunning”, “Aggressive” or “Dynamic”.
Sul blog trovate linkato un forum dove potete interfacciarvi con Darth e gli altri.
Queste le parole di Darth:
There were things that I could not deliver to players as a modder (Read about my mods). That is why I decided to develop my own strategy game and in this blog post I will write about its main aspects. Working with a group of very talented programmers I am now able to build the strategy game I always dreamed of that will satisfy the following four main principles:
Battle Realism: Rock/Papers/Scissors-style simplistic gameplay is in my opinion an obsolete way to provide battle balance and does not resemble reality. Would Alexander the Great win his battles if these examples always happened: cavalry beats archers, spearmen beats cavalry, infantry beats spearmen (the usual simple approach of an RTS game)? In our game soldiers will react using realistic physics and many important tactical aspects so that the player will feel that he commands real troops and not lifeless robots. Our current graphics technology may prohibit us from creating the perfect looking game, but from the start we will offer common sense to strategy. Factors like Morale, Fatigue, Flanking, High Ground are essential to strategic thought and must be simulated as accurately as possible.
Deep gameplay with less complexity: Striving too much for realism can make a game too complex, boring, difficult to handle and eventually a failure. On the other hand over simplicity and arcade gameplay is something I have never preferred as a gamer and I am certain many others feel the same, considering the success of smaller Indy games that outsell games with much bigger budgets. So in a few words I will try to make Ultimate General: Gettysburg as easy to handle as possible without many confusing buttons. You should not require a tutorial or a big manual to play the game but you will be able to understand progressively how the "inside" complex mechanics work. For example: terrain importance increasing unit's effectiveness or brigade's exhaustion making them rout more easily even when facing a smaller force.
Good AI: A strategy that is easy to beat offers only few gameplay hours and can be really frustrating, if AI is a complete fool. Now, I have the chance to design an AI that can make a proper firing line, that can flank, that can understand where and when to attack… in real time. That may sound trivial, but I think you will agree that very few games can offer these features in a whole working set. Most RTS games make the AI tough by providing better fighting statistics per higher difficulty rate or hide its incompetence by speeding up everything so the player cannot catch up with all simultaneous actions. This is a cheap cheat! My goal is to make the AI effective and able to win you without these tricks. And from first looks it seems we have succeeded in that (we will be able to show it to you in the near future).
Connection with players: It will be a game where strategy fans can participate very actively in its creation. As you did for DarthMod, providing valuable feedback, and requesting features, you can do it now again; using our forums where we will have active discussions with players, gather ideas and organize frequent gameplay tests. For me a game must have a strong “pre-connection” with all of its potential players during production, so that it gets as many features they want as possible.
domenica 15 settembre 2013
Perchè il multiplayer è meglio del singleplayer?
Ovviamente è la mia opinione personale, ma nei giochi ma soprattutto negli strategici\wargames, preferisco giocare multiplayer\PBEM anzi a volte non tocco mai la parte single se non per imparare.
I motivi principali sono due e sono semplici:
I motivi principali sono due e sono semplici:
- La sfida: giocare contro un altro giocatore umano è sicuramente più appagante dal punto di vista della sfida, laddove anche la AI più complessa per essere più competitiva deve cheattare (appunto i TW ne sono un esempio).
- Si impara: giocare contro un giocatore più esperto è il modo più rapido per entrare nei segreti di un gioco; spesso è frustante essere stracciato, a tutti piace vincere, ma dai propri errori e dalle tecniche altrui si impara e si migliora ogni match.
Ovviamente non sempre (soprattutto sugli RTS\RTT, raramente con i wargames) si trovano pazzoidi fanatici infantili (comunemente detti bimbominkia) il cui unico scopo è vincere sfruttando ogni piega del gioco per vincere, ma con il tempo si scremano via perché passano ad altri lidi.
Il massimo si raggiunge in giochi dove è possibile giocare non solo 1vs1 ma in più giocatori, perché i motivi di cui sopra risultano amplificati, soprattutto se il gioco è organizzato come campagna multiplayer\PBEM. A dire il vero il sistema PBEM risulta molto più pratico in questi casi, dato che organizzare online partite ricorrenti non è sempre facile anzi con il tempo diventa più difficile.
Che ne pensate?
Armchair General Total War Rome 2 review
La review è molto positiva, ma se vedete i commenti sotto dei lettori, tendono a non essere per nulla d'accordo. In effetti c'è da chiedersi come'è possibile che i recensori non vedano quello che i giocatori hanno visto finora.
La patch 2.0 è stata rimandata, ma una beta è uscita per provare le prime modifiche.
Penso che questo sarà l'ultimo Total War, non tanto per la figura di merda fatta dalla CA (la gente ha la memoria corta, perchè alla fine in un modo o nell'altro risolveranno i bugs più vistosi anche se dubito riusciranno a rendere il gameplay più avvincente), ma perchè ormai con il marchio Warhammer tra le mani, e i due remakes più richiesti (Shogun e Rome) già fatti, c'è ben poco marketing appeal da sfruttare. Il motore del gioco ormai è al limite e può solo crescere lo spazio richiesto ogni gioco che passa, e non investiranno mai in un nuovo motore per una serie vecchia anche se famosa.
La patch 2.0 è stata rimandata, ma una beta è uscita per provare le prime modifiche.
Penso che questo sarà l'ultimo Total War, non tanto per la figura di merda fatta dalla CA (la gente ha la memoria corta, perchè alla fine in un modo o nell'altro risolveranno i bugs più vistosi anche se dubito riusciranno a rendere il gameplay più avvincente), ma perchè ormai con il marchio Warhammer tra le mani, e i due remakes più richiesti (Shogun e Rome) già fatti, c'è ben poco marketing appeal da sfruttare. Il motore del gioco ormai è al limite e può solo crescere lo spazio richiesto ogni gioco che passa, e non investiranno mai in un nuovo motore per una serie vecchia anche se famosa.
sabato 14 settembre 2013
Intervista con Philippe Thibaut e Philippe Malacher
Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate un'intervista con Philippe Thibaut e Philippe Malacher di Ageod che parlano dei loro giochi e del futuro:
War in the East PBEM aggiornamento
Negli ultimi turni ho sofferto molto la sua offensiva e il Caucaso è quasi perso. Sono al 17 settembre e mancano due turni al fango, ma questo turno rappresenta anche il mio ritorno offensivo in grande stile. Dato che gli attacchi al centro non si sono rilevati favorevoli, in parte perchè la sua linea difensiva è troppo forte in parte perchè le mie forze mobili erano troppo sparse, ho spostato massicce forze al fronte sud, creando una linea difensiva, che va da Stalingrado alla linea del Volga. Contestualmente sto ricreando riserve per l'offensiva invernale.
Ma non volevo limitarmi ad aspettare supinamente le sue mosse: il mio avversario troppo confidente per le recenti vittorie, non si è accorto che cumulavo forze a nord e lungo il suo fianco destro, mentre lui spostava le sue riserve corazzate ad ovest tra Stalingrado e Rostov. In effetti qui ha colpito duro ma l'avevo previsto e avevo preparato una linea arretrata ed infatti non è riuscito ad accerchiare nulla, e ora le sue riserve sono ingaggiate mentre io ad est con la semplice manovra di molti corpi corazzati e di cavalleria supportati da fanteria, ho accerchiato quattro sue divisioni e paralizzato sul post le altre nella ZOC delle mie forze, mentre a nord minaccio di accerchiare il suo cuneo che si è spinto troppo oltre. Il mio piano è cercare di tagliare il saliente a sud di Stalingrado e spingerlo più indietro possibile prima del fango. Di riserva a solo poche divisioni di fanteria, tra cui alcune romene, ma non sono abbastanza per salvare le truppe accerchiate e nel frattempo creare un fronte continuo. Può buttare indietro qualche mia divisione ma rischia solo di lasciare falle se non torna indietro e raggruppa le forze, ma non ho intenzione di farlo arretrare tranquillamente.
Sono curioso di vedere la sua prossima mossa
Ma non volevo limitarmi ad aspettare supinamente le sue mosse: il mio avversario troppo confidente per le recenti vittorie, non si è accorto che cumulavo forze a nord e lungo il suo fianco destro, mentre lui spostava le sue riserve corazzate ad ovest tra Stalingrado e Rostov. In effetti qui ha colpito duro ma l'avevo previsto e avevo preparato una linea arretrata ed infatti non è riuscito ad accerchiare nulla, e ora le sue riserve sono ingaggiate mentre io ad est con la semplice manovra di molti corpi corazzati e di cavalleria supportati da fanteria, ho accerchiato quattro sue divisioni e paralizzato sul post le altre nella ZOC delle mie forze, mentre a nord minaccio di accerchiare il suo cuneo che si è spinto troppo oltre. Il mio piano è cercare di tagliare il saliente a sud di Stalingrado e spingerlo più indietro possibile prima del fango. Di riserva a solo poche divisioni di fanteria, tra cui alcune romene, ma non sono abbastanza per salvare le truppe accerchiate e nel frattempo creare un fronte continuo. Può buttare indietro qualche mia divisione ma rischia solo di lasciare falle se non torna indietro e raggruppa le forze, ma non ho intenzione di farlo arretrare tranquillamente.
Sono curioso di vedere la sua prossima mossa
gary grigsby,
War in the East
venerdì 13 settembre 2013
Qualche immagine di Histwar Napoleon
Histwar II adesso è stato rinominato Histwar Napoleon e JMM ha messo qualche immagine online. Graficamente non c'è male, ma diventerò vecchio prima di vederlo realizzato, anche perchè sono più ansioso sul miglioramento del gameplay concept. Se gioco a massimo realismo, voglio che tutti gli ordini sia in ritardo, voglio l'AI di brigata e divisione, voglio una visuale 3d usabile e non solo di bellezza.
giovedì 12 settembre 2013
Total War: Rome II Angry Review
La recensione di Angry Joe a Rome 2 è davvero mitica, è davvero incazzato a bestia. Nel frattempo su Metacritic gli utenti danno una media di 3,8 ; peggiora di giorno in giorno.
Calendario uscite invernali Matrix Games
La Matrix ha rilasciato il calendario delle uscite ufficiali per questo inverno:
Ageod American Civil War II uscirà il 17 settembre
Questo prevedo di acquistarlo.
Command Modern Air/Naval Operations è previsto per il 24 settembre
España 1936 esce il 1mo ottobre.
Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm esce l'8 ottobre
Fantasy Kommander: Eukarion Wars esce il 15 Ottobre
Alea Jacta Est - Parthian Wars è previsto per il 24 ottobre.
Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager Early Access esce il 29 ottobre.
World in Flames esce il 7 Novembre
Pandora First Contact esce il 14 Novembre.
Ageod American Civil War II uscirà il 17 settembre
Questo prevedo di acquistarlo.
Command Modern Air/Naval Operations è previsto per il 24 settembre
Su questo non sono sicuro; sarà un gioco complesso da dedicarsi totalmente, aspetterò qualche review prima di decidere.
Per questo aspetterò un po' di più, magari qualche offerta.
Questo è sicuramente mio
No il genere non mi interessa, anche se fatto da italiani. Ho già Eador 2 che mi soddisfa più che ampiamente dal lato fantasy
Si anche questo lo prenderò. Lo sfondo storico è davvero interessante.
No di questo non me ne frega nulla
Finalmente era ora.
Manco di questo mi frega qualcosa.
Insomma un inverno ricco di uscite
martedì 10 settembre 2013
Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations beta AAR
Su SimHQ potete trovare un AAR fatto con la beta di Command: Modern Air / Naval Operations, di prossima uscita sul sito Matrix.
lunedì 9 settembre 2013
Alea Jacta Est Birth of Rome due video di gameplay
Nel week end ho fatto un po' di turni con Alea Jacta Est Birth of Rome, nello specifico con lo scenario della Prima Guerra Punica. Mi sono trovato parecchio in difficoltà nel primo anno. Un esercito consolare era bloccato in Etruria per una rivolta locale, mentre l'altro anche se sbarcato con successo a Messina in aiuto dei Mamertini, si è trovato presto a corto di uomini anche perchè lo stretto è spesso bloccato dalla flotta punica (le mie prime flotte improvvisate le hanno prese), e alla fine si è trovato cacciato nella piana di Catania. I cartaginesi sono sbarcati in Campania, ma grazie al cielo proprio in quel momento l'esercito consolare in Etruria si è liberato, anche perchè non avevo abbastanza engagement points per mobilitare un esercito dittatoriale. Alla fine sono riuscito sia a distruggere l'esercito nemico nella penisola che ha mobilitare un dittatore, ma ci è voluto tempo per sbarcare a Messina (assediata da Siracusani e Cartaginesi, 30000 uomini). Alla fine ce l'ho fatto ed ora ho forzato Siracusa ad allearsi con me e procedo a conquistare la Sicilia un pezzo alla volta.
Rome 2 review su RTS Guru
Su RTS Guru trovate una review di Rome 2:
Ha ricevuto un 6 uscito male ma promettente è la sintesi. Ma nel frattempo il giudizio dei players su Metacritic è impietoso: 4,1 in discesa da settimana scorsa.
Ha ricevuto un 6 uscito male ma promettente è la sintesi. Ma nel frattempo il giudizio dei players su Metacritic è impietoso: 4,1 in discesa da settimana scorsa.
domenica 8 settembre 2013
AGEOD's Civil War II preview
Preview di AGEOD's Civil War II su Real and Simulated Wars.
Review di Total War Rome 2 da Strategy Games Italia
Video review di Rome 2 fatta dal mitico Harald per Strategy Games Italia:
sabato 7 settembre 2013
War in the East - qualche regola random - morale delle unità parte 2
Il recupero del morale dei gruppi aerei per turni è dato dalla formula: 100 - morale attuale / 10. Se un'unità è rimandata nella riserva riguadagna 15 punti morali. Anche l'abbattimento di aerei nemici permette di recuperare morale.
Il morale nazionale è differente per ogni paese. Esso rappresenta il limite recuperato velocemente quando un'unità scende sotto questo livello per cui le unità di una certa nazione tendono ad avere questo livello.
v1.03 Beta 3 - February 7, 2011 Each turn there is a chance that a unit’s morale will be lowered by 1 or 2 points if its morale exceeds its national morale by 30 points or more.
v1.05.18 - September 6, 2011 Soviet National Morale has been changed to 50 in June 1941. One point is subtracted each month after this in 1941 (so it is 44 in Dec 41). In 1942 it is set to 40, with one point being added each month starting in September 1942 (so 44 in Dec 42). This continues in 1943 and 1944 until the Soviet National Morale reaches its maximum of 60 in April 1944.
Il morale nazionale è differente per ogni paese. Esso rappresenta il limite recuperato velocemente quando un'unità scende sotto questo livello per cui le unità di una certa nazione tendono ad avere questo livello.
v1.03 Beta 3 - February 7, 2011 Each turn there is a chance that a unit’s morale will be lowered by 1 or 2 points if its morale exceeds its national morale by 30 points or more.
v1.05.18 - September 6, 2011 Soviet National Morale has been changed to 50 in June 1941. One point is subtracted each month after this in 1941 (so it is 44 in Dec 41). In 1942 it is set to 40, with one point being added each month starting in September 1942 (so 44 in Dec 42). This continues in 1943 and 1944 until the Soviet National Morale reaches its maximum of 60 in April 1944.
v1.05.59 - January 31, 2012 National Morale of Soviets in 1942 is now 45. Starting with January 1943, the Soviet National Morale increases by 1 each month, until it reaches 60 in March 1944. All Soviet units of size Brigade or smaller have a minimum national morale of 50.
v1.07.10 - August 12, 2013 The Finnish National Morale is 70 for the entire war.
Ogni unità appena formata o riformata in gioco ha un morale di partenza che è dato da questa tabella (ma come vedete dall'aggiunta sotto, adesso questa tabella non è più valida, il morale di partenza coincide con quello nazionale):
v1.05.18 - September 6, 2011 Build morale now equals national morale in all cases (there is no separate build morale table anymore).
Ogni unità appena formata o riformata in gioco ha un morale di partenza che è dato da questa tabella (ma come vedete dall'aggiunta sotto, adesso questa tabella non è più valida, il morale di partenza coincide con quello nazionale):
v1.05.18 - September 6, 2011 Build morale now equals national morale in all cases (there is no separate build morale table anymore).
DCS WWII: Europe 1944 su Kickstarter
Una nuova simulazione di volo cerca fondi su Kickstarter, DCS WWII: Europe 1944
War in the West entra in beta testing
Gary Grigsby’s War in the West entra in beta testing sul sito Matrix, è possibile fare domanda di partecipazione a questo link:
venerdì 6 settembre 2013
Prima patch per Rome 2 change log
Ecco il changelog della prima patch per Rome 2:
Higher average frame rates with out-of-the-box settings (more conservative settings)
Fix for DirectX 10.0 Lighting issue reported - environment map wasn't being created leading to black reflections.
Fixed a sunken Samothrace temple complex world wonder on the Campaign map.
Fixed defender being able to create encampments when involved in a combined battle.
Added some localisation fixes to audio packs in French, Russian, Italian, German and Spanish.
Fixed lock up in Multiplayer Campaign battles when a desynchronisation occurs. Players are now notified of the desynchronisation, and the battle ends.
Fixed Multiplayer Campaign battle "overrun" prompt, which was not being shown to a player if they were a reinforcement and the other player was spectating.
Fixed corrupt loading screen when changing to fullscreen / windowed mode after a battle, and then going into another battle.
Fix for Multiplayer Campaign host being unable to move the camera in campaign, after reloading a save game on some rare occasions.
Safe guards added to prevent a very rare crash in coastal assault battles.
Fix for game lock up during end turn sequence / Celtic AI faction turn in single player campaign.
Improved AI use of walls on Athens large settlement battle map.
Improvements to Auto-resolve balancing in Single Player and Multiplayer Campaign modes.
Aligned ship unit upkeep costs with land units - made mercenary ships more expensive and non-mercenary ships cheaper.
Fixed slow turning rates for transport ships.
Improved civil war balancing in relation to campaign difficulty.
Fixed vehicle ground pipes, to prevent Siege Towers becoming immovable when they are left empty during the Deployment Phase of a Siege Battle, then units were moved into the Siege Tower when the battle has started.
Fixed bug when ramming sideways into moving ship, which caused the ramming ship stick to target and strafe along with it in battles.
Reduced the chance of Naval units sometimes clipping through the ground or harbours / ports during Port Assault battles when attempting to disembark.
Fixed issue where armies would be stuck in Muster stance and could not exit that stance in Campaign modes.
Fixed case where spies could get stuck on top of fleets in Campaign modes.
Fixed rare post battle lockup in Campaign modes.
Improved unit pathfinding in Barbarian village battle maps (fixed no go zones).
Fix for Multiplayer Campaign lock up when the player was reinforcing an AI ally who was victorious in battle, causing the player to become stuck with no victory / continue / exit battle user interface functionality.
Fix for cultural influence bonus from the Shrine of Neptune building
Fix for “Zone of Controls” of hidden armies being visible to both players in head to head Multiplayer Campaign mode on mouse-over.
Assorted minor fixes to city battle maps.
Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.
Higher average frame rates with out-of-the-box settings (more conservative settings)
Fix for DirectX 10.0 Lighting issue reported - environment map wasn't being created leading to black reflections.
Fixed a sunken Samothrace temple complex world wonder on the Campaign map.
Fixed defender being able to create encampments when involved in a combined battle.
Added some localisation fixes to audio packs in French, Russian, Italian, German and Spanish.
Fixed lock up in Multiplayer Campaign battles when a desynchronisation occurs. Players are now notified of the desynchronisation, and the battle ends.
Fixed Multiplayer Campaign battle "overrun" prompt, which was not being shown to a player if they were a reinforcement and the other player was spectating.
Fixed corrupt loading screen when changing to fullscreen / windowed mode after a battle, and then going into another battle.
Fix for Multiplayer Campaign host being unable to move the camera in campaign, after reloading a save game on some rare occasions.
Safe guards added to prevent a very rare crash in coastal assault battles.
Fix for game lock up during end turn sequence / Celtic AI faction turn in single player campaign.
Improved AI use of walls on Athens large settlement battle map.
Improvements to Auto-resolve balancing in Single Player and Multiplayer Campaign modes.
Aligned ship unit upkeep costs with land units - made mercenary ships more expensive and non-mercenary ships cheaper.
Fixed slow turning rates for transport ships.
Improved civil war balancing in relation to campaign difficulty.
Fixed vehicle ground pipes, to prevent Siege Towers becoming immovable when they are left empty during the Deployment Phase of a Siege Battle, then units were moved into the Siege Tower when the battle has started.
Fixed bug when ramming sideways into moving ship, which caused the ramming ship stick to target and strafe along with it in battles.
Reduced the chance of Naval units sometimes clipping through the ground or harbours / ports during Port Assault battles when attempting to disembark.
Fixed issue where armies would be stuck in Muster stance and could not exit that stance in Campaign modes.
Fixed case where spies could get stuck on top of fleets in Campaign modes.
Fixed rare post battle lockup in Campaign modes.
Improved unit pathfinding in Barbarian village battle maps (fixed no go zones).
Fix for Multiplayer Campaign lock up when the player was reinforcing an AI ally who was victorious in battle, causing the player to become stuck with no victory / continue / exit battle user interface functionality.
Fix for cultural influence bonus from the Shrine of Neptune building
Fix for “Zone of Controls” of hidden armies being visible to both players in head to head Multiplayer Campaign mode on mouse-over.
Assorted minor fixes to city battle maps.
Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.
giovedì 5 settembre 2013
Questo venerdì prima patch per Rome 2
Questo venerdì dovrebbe uscire la prima patch per Rome 2, non è chiaro cosa sistemerà dei numerosi bugs del gioco. Non sembrano bugs strutturali quindi è probabile che siano risulti tutti con il tempo (come dicevo giusto in tempo per prenderlo con lo sconto).
creative assembly,
Total War Rome 2,
Ageod's Espana 1936
Questo mi era scappato: l'Ageod ha annunciato un suo gioco (ovviamente con il suo classico motore) sulla guerra civile spagnola del 1936-1939. Ambientazione decisamente interessante per una guerra devastante per il paese iberico. Ecco alcuni screenshots:
Ecco la descrizione:
Game Data:
Complexity: Medium to High
Field of Play: Strategic
Historical Period: Interwar period, Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Theatre: Spain
Unit Scale: Battalion and Regiments
Turn Play: Turn-Based WEGO
Players: 1-2
AI: Yes
Game Editor: No
Manual: Printed manual & PDF
Resolution: Minimum 1024x768
With España 1936 you could recreate the famous battles of Jarama, Guadalajara and Ebro, command the International Brigades or the Army of Africa. Could you conquer Madrid and force the Republic to surrender, or will you lead to victory the Anarchist units of Durruti?
With a high level of rich historical detail and historical accuracy, it is the first computer strategy game covering the whole conflict. The player must face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Republicans and Nationalists during the war. Not only must you build and train armies, manoeuvre them and engage the enemy, but you must also have to manage your nation resources in order to get the best from them.
Using the successful and famous AGE engine, España: 1936 covers the complete Spanish Civil War conflict from the beginning to the end in the summer of 1939. With more than 200 regions, complete with cities, roads, weapons factories, weather types, factions and sub-factions. Featuring the complete war scenario and the “Fall of the North” scenario, hundreds of historical leaders, units and events, España: 1936 is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.
Ecco la descrizione:
Game Data:
Complexity: Medium to High
Field of Play: Strategic
Historical Period: Interwar period, Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Theatre: Spain
Unit Scale: Battalion and Regiments
Turn Play: Turn-Based WEGO
Players: 1-2
AI: Yes
Game Editor: No
Manual: Printed manual & PDF
Resolution: Minimum 1024x768
With España 1936 you could recreate the famous battles of Jarama, Guadalajara and Ebro, command the International Brigades or the Army of Africa. Could you conquer Madrid and force the Republic to surrender, or will you lead to victory the Anarchist units of Durruti?
With a high level of rich historical detail and historical accuracy, it is the first computer strategy game covering the whole conflict. The player must face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Republicans and Nationalists during the war. Not only must you build and train armies, manoeuvre them and engage the enemy, but you must also have to manage your nation resources in order to get the best from them.
Using the successful and famous AGE engine, España: 1936 covers the complete Spanish Civil War conflict from the beginning to the end in the summer of 1939. With more than 200 regions, complete with cities, roads, weapons factories, weather types, factions and sub-factions. Featuring the complete war scenario and the “Fall of the North” scenario, hundreds of historical leaders, units and events, España: 1936 is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.
mercoledì 4 settembre 2013
Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: Market Garden in pre-ordine
E' possibile pre-ordine adesso Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: Market Garden sul sito Battlefront con anche la possibilità del bundle MG + upgrade alla 2.0 per il gioco base. Ricordo che il pre-ordine non prevede solo il download digitale ma è obbligatorio download+spedizione e ricordo che la maledetta dogana italiana in barba ad ogni regolamento europeo vi applicherà sopra l'iva 20% + 4% di tasse doganali, quindi vi suggerisco di non pre-ordinare.
Rome 2 un gioco uscito incompleto?
Il gioco è uscito da un giorno e i commenti degli utenti sono devastanti. Chiariamoci nessun gioco esce perfetto e c'è sempre un'aliquota di scontenti per problemi relativi alle configurazioni delle loro macchine. Ma su metacritic il 50% esatto dei giocatori ha dato voti da 0 a 5, per un gioco da 60 euro (non di nicchia) è incredibile. Problemi grafici, di AI, di pesantezza sembrano comuni. Chiaramente è probabile che con il tempo i problemi saranno risolti, ma per allora il gioco uscirà scontato a 25 euro, e quindi chi ha pagato prezzo pieno, se ha avuto la sfortuna di incappare in questi problemi, sarà rimasto fregato.
Total War Rome 2
lunedì 2 settembre 2013
Arma 3 - Community Guide: Snipers & Launchers
Video guida ad Arma 3 (che è ancora in beta a pagamento)
Matrix Games Deal of the Weak
Tornato gli sconti Matrix, stavolta si tratta di due giochi Close Combat:
Cross of Iron e Watch of the Rhein.!
Cross of Iron e Watch of the Rhein.!
domenica 1 settembre 2013
Air Conflicts: Vietnam Preview
Sempre du Armchair General trovate una preview di Air Conflicts: Vietnam, l'arcade di volo terzo della serie Air Conflicts. Trovate anche qualche immagine.
Qui un video di gameplay:
Qui un video di gameplay:
Brandy Station review su Armchair General
Su Armchair general trovate una review di Scourge of War Brandy Station:
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