Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
martedì 4 giugno 2013
Company of Heroes 2 - Trailer "More Than Tanks"
Nuovissimo trailer per Company of Heroes 2; il gioco sarà disponibile dal 25 Giugno.
lunedì 3 giugno 2013
Chi ha giocato ad Harpoon non può non conoscere la Kirov, la caposerie dell'omonima classe di incrociatori da battaglia sovietici. Il termine incrociatore da battaglia all'inizio secolo si riferiva a navi con le stesso armamento della corazzate ma con meno protezione e più velocità (ad esempio la famosa Hood, affondata dalla Bismarck). Il termine venne usato per questa classe in quanto nonostante fossero incrociatori, avevano un armamento impressionante, anche nucleare, e quindi erano considerate della capital ship. In realtà non era ben chiaro che compito dovessero avere in un'ipotetica guerra. Hackett nel sua libro di fantasia sulla terza guerra mondiale ipotizza un loro ruolo come navi corsare, ma sembra un po' forzoso.
The battlecruiser Kirov, is the most powerful surface combatant that ever put to sea. Built from the bones of all four prior Kirov Class battlecruisers, she is updated with Russia’s most lethal weapons, given back her old name, and commissioned in the year 2020. A year later, with tensions rising to the breaking point between Russia and the West, Kirov is completing her final missile trials in the Arctic Sea when a strange accident transports her to another time. With power no ship in the world can match, much less comprehend, she must decide the fate of nations in the most titanic conflict the world has ever seen—WWII.
The novel is an intensely focused naval saga, where the crew of the lost Russian battlecruiser must struggle to understand what has happened to them, and then make a choice that could be decisive in the outcome of the war—who’s side are they on? A conflict between senior officers on the ship heightens the tension, and the course of all future history rides in the balance!
At this crucial time, Kirov finds herself just days and miles away from a secret summit at sea between Churchill and Roosevelt. On August 9, 1941, the two great leaders meet to plan cooperation in the war and lay down the Atlantic Charter, which decides the framework of post war power in the world and becomes the basis for the new United Nations and NATO.
With the hindsight of history as their guide, Kirov races south toward the secret meeting place at Argentia Bay in Newfoundland. Even as she cruises for the Denmark strait, both Roosevelt and Churchill prepare to embark for the sea journey as well. The Royal Navy soon discovers what they believe to be a fearsome new German raider in the Norwegian Sea, and they join with America’s Atlantic Fleet to bar the way and hunt down the most formidable surface action ship in the world.
Kirov is a compelling and deeply satisfying read by a master story teller. naval battles rage throughout the novel, and If you are a fan of naval fiction you will not be disappointed by this book. Written in a style that rivals some of the very best authors in the genre, C. S. Forester could not have done it any better!
Vedo che su Amazon ci sono parecchi romanzi nella serie, purtroppo ora non ho tempo per leggerli, ma magari più avanti ci farò un pensiero.
Tutto 'sto popo di introduzione per segnalare questa serie di romanzi (purtroppo solo in inglese) fantastorici. La serie si chiama appunto Kirov ed è sulla falsa riga del film anni '70 "The Final Countdown" dove la portaerei Nimitz torna indietro nel tempo giusto poco tempo prima dell'attacco a Pearl Harbor, con il potenziale per cambiare la storia. Ebbene in questa serie è la Kirov ha tornare indietro; ecco la intro su Amazon:
The novel is an intensely focused naval saga, where the crew of the lost Russian battlecruiser must struggle to understand what has happened to them, and then make a choice that could be decisive in the outcome of the war—who’s side are they on? A conflict between senior officers on the ship heightens the tension, and the course of all future history rides in the balance!
At this crucial time, Kirov finds herself just days and miles away from a secret summit at sea between Churchill and Roosevelt. On August 9, 1941, the two great leaders meet to plan cooperation in the war and lay down the Atlantic Charter, which decides the framework of post war power in the world and becomes the basis for the new United Nations and NATO.
With the hindsight of history as their guide, Kirov races south toward the secret meeting place at Argentia Bay in Newfoundland. Even as she cruises for the Denmark strait, both Roosevelt and Churchill prepare to embark for the sea journey as well. The Royal Navy soon discovers what they believe to be a fearsome new German raider in the Norwegian Sea, and they join with America’s Atlantic Fleet to bar the way and hunt down the most formidable surface action ship in the world.
Kirov is a compelling and deeply satisfying read by a master story teller. naval battles rage throughout the novel, and If you are a fan of naval fiction you will not be disappointed by this book. Written in a style that rivals some of the very best authors in the genre, C. S. Forester could not have done it any better!
domenica 2 giugno 2013
Civilization V: Brave New World nuovo video
Nuovo video dimostrativo per Civilization V: Brave New World.
Due DLC per Alea Jacta Est
Sul sito matrix sono state rilasciate le due mini dlc per Alea Jacta Est:
The Cantabrian Wars, che parla delle campagne di Augusto nel nord della Spagna alla fine del I secolo avanti Cristo.
The Spartacus Revolt che appunto tratta della guerra servile contro Spartaco.
The Cantabrian Wars, che parla delle campagne di Augusto nel nord della Spagna alla fine del I secolo avanti Cristo.
The Spartacus Revolt che appunto tratta della guerra servile contro Spartaco.
venerdì 31 maggio 2013
Victoria II: Heart of Darkness review
Su The Wargamer trovate una review di Victoria II: Heart of Darkness, la DLC per VICII sul periodo coloniale.
giovedì 30 maggio 2013
Due nuove releases
Tra ieri e oggi sono stati rilasciati:
Wargame Airland Battle (ma che era in beta già da un po')
Rising Storm, l'espansione della guerra del Pacifico per Red Orchestra 2
A proposito di quest'ultimo, queste sono le features:
2 New Factions - The United States of America and Japanese
6 New Maps
Guadal Canal
Iwo Jima
19 New Weapons
Allied Weapons
Springfield M1903A1
M1 Carbine
M12 Trench Gun
M1 Garand
M1903 Sniper
Thompson M1928A1
M2-2 Flamethrower
M1919A6 LMG
M1918A2 BAR
M1917 HMG
Axis Weapons
Arisaka Type 38
Arisaka Type 99
Nambu Type 14
Nambu Type 100
Type 99 Sniper
Type 96 LMG
Type 99 LMG
Type 92 HMG
Type 89 Grenade Discharger
New Features such as:
Booby Traps - Japanese players can plant grenades as booby traps into loose soil or gravel. Americans can defuse booby traps
Banzai Charges - Increased damage mitigation for the player who is Banzai charging and increased suppression for Americans who are within close proximity
Suicide Kills - Players using grenades to suicide attack the Americans now get credit when their grenade explodes after they die
Added ability for Server Admins to set how or if players can spawn with enemy weapons (Off, Hero Only [default], and Hero and Veteran)
Added points to Squad Leaders who have their artillery markers used
Added points to Squad Leaders who have players spawn on them
Added point restore for TK's that are forgiven
Foliage can no longer be completely disabled
Added Auto Select option to the spawn menu which will first try and spawn the player on their squad leader, and if that is not possible randomly choose between open spawn areas
Fixed issue where player view would would sometimes shift when diving to prone in a trench
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck between crouched and prone stances
Fixed an issue where server balance could be set incorrectly which resulted in bad player or bot spawns
Fixed issue where all players on your team would yell spawn message. Now only the player will yell the spawn message. Also added several messages that were in game but never being played (Roughly a 60% increase. We were amazed to find a hidden gem here...)
Fixed spectators taking up a player slot. As a result unlocking additional roles.
Fixed several additional spectator bugs (such as free roam not being properly enabled)
Fixed mouse sensitivity being too high on ultra wide aspect ratios
Fixed a texture stretching issue with explosive weapons
Altered bandage animation which should cause less head clipping (with walls)
Various crash and stability fixes
Closed several settings that were being used as exploits
Fixed bugs with map voting that would sometimes cause the wrong map to win
Fixed players not getting momentum from being shot in multiplayer
Improved map loading times
Disabled ability to turn foliage off in settings
Fixed players that were killed when prone popping up in the air
Fixed the Lockdown text showing as Overtime if the Overtime had been active at any point during the match
Fixed tank crewmen not spawning, also resolved several related issues that kicked crew out of the tank
Added ability for tank crew to spawn into an active tank with a bot role available to take over
Tank commanders now spawn in the commander cuppola position with the hatch open on the initial spawn
The kill message now shows the distance you were killed from (configurable by server admins)
Added interruptible single bullet reloads
Fixed several infinite ammo exploits
Fixed pistol full message error for not "+1" reloads
Fixed several conditions that would cause a melee strike to fail to register as a hit
Fixed an issue where players could not pick up weapons over low collision
Fixed grenades being auto thrown if the user pulled the pin and tried to crawl
Fixed players being able to pick up grenades and ammo even when they had reached the max limit
Fixed a condition where picking up grenades could cause the ammo count to display incorrectly in the HUD
Fixed weapons sticking around in between rounds in Countdown
Fixed machine gun barrel change animation not playing correctly on chest high cover
Fixed accuracy displaying as over 100% in stats menu
Fixed penetrating shots that hit boosting accuracy stat
Fixed an issue where scrolling the mouse wheel while deploying would cause the change weapon widget to show up (forcing a weapon swap when attempting to fire)
Fixed player "leveling up" binocs
Fixed command menu being stuck open if the player died on a fixed MG
Fixed an issue where the game was not properly giving players sway when the sway amount was small
Melee attacks (or any indirect attacks) should no longer boost or take away from accuracy
Weapons (like binocs) that do not use ammo no longer show an ammo counter
Fixed timing of shell eject on bolt-action rifles
Fixed “speed bolting” rifles
Fixed a case where machine guns could fail to reload in classic
Fixed issue where players firing full auto weapons would cause the game to stutter
Weapons no longer drop when the player has been TK’d
Weapons now play sounds when they hit the ground
Increased bullet impact and suppression sounds
Fixed several bad machine gun emplacements in RO 2 maps
Fixed a case of meshes not resetting between rounds
Added Satchel Charge pickups to: Fallen Fighters, Commissars House, Red October Factory, Pavlov’s House, Mamayev Kurgan
RO2 maps have been optimized to have less relevancy checks against static meshes on servers
Added sounds to destructibles on all RO2 maps
Added 30% more reinforcements to all RO2 maps
All RO2 maps have had Classic Mode reinforcements and respawn times changed from the defaults and vary between levels
Added greater situational awareness (and choices) for AI
Added ability for AI to use grenades
AI will now make better tactical decision
Fixed many cases of AI getting stuck
Fixed AI not playing aggressively as attackers
Single Player
Split Red Orchestra 2 Single Player into its own install and launcher
Fixed several issues which would stop players from properly progressing in Single Player
Fixed several single player achievements which were not being properly awarded
Added new hint system with player controlled settings (All, New, and Off)
Fixed issue where the players weapon selection was not remembered as new players join the server
Fixed issue where the players selected role was not remembered as new players joined the server
Fixed artillery markers not properly clearing between rounds
Fixed Artillery marker moving
Removed ability for players to “auto run” by using chat
Fixed issue where "space bar" would count as an “enter” stroke in some menus
Fixed bug where admin chat would display in the center of the screen and not properly clear away
Fixed issue where scoreboard would disappear at the end of the round
Fixed player spawn selection menu instantly closing
Fixed a dialog box only saying “OK” when the player had been kicked from a server
Fixed a cause of the "This role is taken" message being displayed incorrectly
Fixed Commanders Tactical View showing the wrong order he gave
Fixed Commander’s minimap icons such a enemy spotted appearing in HUD once minimap closed
Fixed several minor UI bug
Fixed a case where both teams could be awarded victory
Fixed Web Admin Map cycle issue (when the same map was in the cycle twice)
Wargame Airland Battle (ma che era in beta già da un po')
Rising Storm, l'espansione della guerra del Pacifico per Red Orchestra 2
A proposito di quest'ultimo, queste sono le features:
2 New Factions - The United States of America and Japanese
6 New Maps
Guadal Canal
Iwo Jima
19 New Weapons
Allied Weapons
Springfield M1903A1
M1 Carbine
M12 Trench Gun
M1 Garand
M1903 Sniper
Thompson M1928A1
M2-2 Flamethrower
M1919A6 LMG
M1918A2 BAR
M1917 HMG
Axis Weapons
Arisaka Type 38
Arisaka Type 99
Nambu Type 14
Nambu Type 100
Type 99 Sniper
Type 96 LMG
Type 99 LMG
Type 92 HMG
Type 89 Grenade Discharger
New Features such as:
Booby Traps - Japanese players can plant grenades as booby traps into loose soil or gravel. Americans can defuse booby traps
Banzai Charges - Increased damage mitigation for the player who is Banzai charging and increased suppression for Americans who are within close proximity
Suicide Kills - Players using grenades to suicide attack the Americans now get credit when their grenade explodes after they die
Added ability for Server Admins to set how or if players can spawn with enemy weapons (Off, Hero Only [default], and Hero and Veteran)
Added points to Squad Leaders who have their artillery markers used
Added points to Squad Leaders who have players spawn on them
Added point restore for TK's that are forgiven
Foliage can no longer be completely disabled
Added Auto Select option to the spawn menu which will first try and spawn the player on their squad leader, and if that is not possible randomly choose between open spawn areas
Fixed issue where player view would would sometimes shift when diving to prone in a trench
Fixed an issue where players could get stuck between crouched and prone stances
Fixed an issue where server balance could be set incorrectly which resulted in bad player or bot spawns
Fixed issue where all players on your team would yell spawn message. Now only the player will yell the spawn message. Also added several messages that were in game but never being played (Roughly a 60% increase. We were amazed to find a hidden gem here...)
Fixed spectators taking up a player slot. As a result unlocking additional roles.
Fixed several additional spectator bugs (such as free roam not being properly enabled)
Fixed mouse sensitivity being too high on ultra wide aspect ratios
Fixed a texture stretching issue with explosive weapons
Altered bandage animation which should cause less head clipping (with walls)
Various crash and stability fixes
Closed several settings that were being used as exploits
Fixed bugs with map voting that would sometimes cause the wrong map to win
Fixed players not getting momentum from being shot in multiplayer
Improved map loading times
Disabled ability to turn foliage off in settings
Fixed players that were killed when prone popping up in the air
Fixed the Lockdown text showing as Overtime if the Overtime had been active at any point during the match
Fixed tank crewmen not spawning, also resolved several related issues that kicked crew out of the tank
Added ability for tank crew to spawn into an active tank with a bot role available to take over
Tank commanders now spawn in the commander cuppola position with the hatch open on the initial spawn
The kill message now shows the distance you were killed from (configurable by server admins)
Added interruptible single bullet reloads
Fixed several infinite ammo exploits
Fixed pistol full message error for not "+1" reloads
Fixed several conditions that would cause a melee strike to fail to register as a hit
Fixed an issue where players could not pick up weapons over low collision
Fixed grenades being auto thrown if the user pulled the pin and tried to crawl
Fixed players being able to pick up grenades and ammo even when they had reached the max limit
Fixed a condition where picking up grenades could cause the ammo count to display incorrectly in the HUD
Fixed weapons sticking around in between rounds in Countdown
Fixed machine gun barrel change animation not playing correctly on chest high cover
Fixed accuracy displaying as over 100% in stats menu
Fixed penetrating shots that hit boosting accuracy stat
Fixed an issue where scrolling the mouse wheel while deploying would cause the change weapon widget to show up (forcing a weapon swap when attempting to fire)
Fixed player "leveling up" binocs
Fixed command menu being stuck open if the player died on a fixed MG
Fixed an issue where the game was not properly giving players sway when the sway amount was small
Melee attacks (or any indirect attacks) should no longer boost or take away from accuracy
Weapons (like binocs) that do not use ammo no longer show an ammo counter
Fixed timing of shell eject on bolt-action rifles
Fixed “speed bolting” rifles
Fixed a case where machine guns could fail to reload in classic
Fixed issue where players firing full auto weapons would cause the game to stutter
Weapons no longer drop when the player has been TK’d
Weapons now play sounds when they hit the ground
Increased bullet impact and suppression sounds
Fixed several bad machine gun emplacements in RO 2 maps
Fixed a case of meshes not resetting between rounds
Added Satchel Charge pickups to: Fallen Fighters, Commissars House, Red October Factory, Pavlov’s House, Mamayev Kurgan
RO2 maps have been optimized to have less relevancy checks against static meshes on servers
Added sounds to destructibles on all RO2 maps
Added 30% more reinforcements to all RO2 maps
All RO2 maps have had Classic Mode reinforcements and respawn times changed from the defaults and vary between levels
Added greater situational awareness (and choices) for AI
Added ability for AI to use grenades
AI will now make better tactical decision
Fixed many cases of AI getting stuck
Fixed AI not playing aggressively as attackers
Single Player
Split Red Orchestra 2 Single Player into its own install and launcher
Fixed several issues which would stop players from properly progressing in Single Player
Fixed several single player achievements which were not being properly awarded
Added new hint system with player controlled settings (All, New, and Off)
Fixed issue where the players weapon selection was not remembered as new players join the server
Fixed issue where the players selected role was not remembered as new players joined the server
Fixed artillery markers not properly clearing between rounds
Fixed Artillery marker moving
Removed ability for players to “auto run” by using chat
Fixed issue where "space bar" would count as an “enter” stroke in some menus
Fixed bug where admin chat would display in the center of the screen and not properly clear away
Fixed issue where scoreboard would disappear at the end of the round
Fixed player spawn selection menu instantly closing
Fixed a dialog box only saying “OK” when the player had been kicked from a server
Fixed a cause of the "This role is taken" message being displayed incorrectly
Fixed Commanders Tactical View showing the wrong order he gave
Fixed Commander’s minimap icons such a enemy spotted appearing in HUD once minimap closed
Fixed several minor UI bug
Fixed a case where both teams could be awarded victory
Fixed Web Admin Map cycle issue (when the same map was in the cycle twice)
mercoledì 29 maggio 2013
Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods EXTREME Release Trailer
Crusader Kings 2 The Old Gods è stato rilasciato e con esso un video pacchiano
Crusader Kings 2,
the old gods,
Terzo video PBEM Flashpoint Germany
Le cose non mi stanno andando bene a FPG, purtroppo quei BMD2 sono davvero troppo per delle truppe da ricognizione. Ho adottato la tattica del bombardamento a tappeto con l'artiglieria anche con armi chimiche, ma l'effetto non sembra straordinario.
martedì 28 maggio 2013
Uragano Rosso
Parlando di Larry Bond, oltre ad essere un famoso creatore di Wargame, negli anni '80 scrisse con Tom Clancy questo libro: Uragano Rosso. Lo lessi da ragazzo e devo dire che è molto bello: un'ipotetica terza guerra mondiale convenzionale scatenata da una crisi petrolifera in URSS. A farla da padrone sono le ipotesi strategiche (tipo la conquista a sorpresa dell'Islanda da parte dei Russi). Vale la pena leggerlo. Purtroppo i suoi libri successivi, come quelli più recenti di Tom Clancy, sono delle macchiette dove ci si inventa dei nemici che no ne azzeccano mai una, al contrario degli eroi.
larry bond,
Tom Clancy,
uragano rosso
Sconti Matrix quinta settimana
Questa settimana trovate in saldo questi due giochi:
Carriers at War
Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate edition's.Harpoon.-.Ultimate.Edition
Carriers at War
Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate edition's.Harpoon.-.Ultimate.Edition
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