
giovedì 31 maggio 2012

mitra-mod per Real Warfare 2 Northern Crusades

Real Warfare 2 non è solo un bel gioco ma è anche il massimo della moddabilità ha al suo interno un editor potentissimo ed il gioco è fatto tutto con un linguaggio interpretato quindi è possibile modificarne la stragrande maggioranza del codice. Io mi sono dato da fare e ho creato il mio mod per aumentarne il realismo.

Qui il link al mod:

 Qua sotto la changelog

- Is not possible to do circle if more than the 25% of soldiers is in combat, for avoid too easy circle use for avoid encirclement
- retreat zones: if a not routed grup move on the map angle, it will retreat from the battle like a routed unit; for campaign battle at place of retreat button
- no more displayed the red bases on the enemy units
- now if a group is not visibile on the minimap will be invisible also on the battle map
- the fire on enemy units is stopped if they are in melee with friendly units; the only exception is in the case of short range fire (aimed shoot) if no friendly soldier is in the fire arc)
- implementation of wood zones density: effect on FOW range and visibility, effect on arrows precision, effect on movement velocity
- indirect fire penalty: if between the shooter and the target a friend unit is present the shoot is considered indirect and has precision penalty, with the exception in the case target friendly an shooter are at different height level.
- change of arrows precision on the base or arc and target rank numbers: if the shot is parabolic a bigger number of ranks increase the hits number, a low number decrease it; if the shot arc is low it works at contrary.
- Displayed the influence range of commander: Press X for display it
- Displayed the range of maximum influence of horn sound: Press CTRL+X for display it
- Routines for AI group actions:
Groups form Circle with attacked by Cavalry or a Cavalry unit is very near
Groups go in sparse formations if under fire and not enemy unit is very near
Groups enter in dense formation during the melee
Groups return in normal formation in the ohter situations
- added new routine for AI cavalry groups
        Groups form Wedge for attack heavy infantry or heavy cavalry
               form line for attack light troops
        They try to avoid infantry troops in circle formation
        if between the target enemy and the attacker there is a heavy infantry unit the attacker is fall back.
- added new routine for crosswbowmen
        now they move with loaded weapon and recharge it also when there is not enemy in range (lock and load)
-  various corrections to previous change
- corrected bug for use the mode in multiplayer
- improved auto-reaction of AI cavalry units (they don't avoid to attack low moral units or thin ranks units)
- AI employ different army formations on the basis of army composition

campaign changes

- possible to play campaign and custom battles with more than 20 units
- when a castle or cities is taken is possible a reconquest army is generated in one of enemy cities, this army will try or to reconquest the town\castle or to defeat the conquerors army
- when a village is burned, if in the town\castle of reference for the village is present a lord\warband\patrol army this will try to defeat the ravagers army (can be the army which attack is less strong than the ravagers).
- added a file config for generate bigger random map (for custom battles and campaign battles); the possible dimensione are 256x256 (the default of game),320x320,384x384,512x512). Enter in the file modsettings.cfg in the gui directory and change the parameters width and height according to your choice. Please note to use the 512x512 only if you have a good memory amount becuase can be heavy to load.

addition after the merge

- reduced the effect of stone weapons on the walls, for increase the value of ladders,towers and rams, and for be more historically realistic.
- added the deploy phase also to field battle during the campaign (no siege battles)

Per applicare il mod basta fare overwrite dei files\cartelle originali nella cartella del gioco, funziona anche con il JSGME

mercoledì 30 maggio 2012

Altre info su Iron Front Liberation 1944

Prima di tutto il mio primo video di gameplay

Poi ieri ho fatto la prima partita in multi con due amici: il gioco, simile come impostazione ad Arma anche qui, ha tuttavia delle belle missioni, ed è piacevole con delle belle mappe.

Poi le patch: la versione base che dovete avere è la 1.01, le varie versioni le trovate qui:

C'è anche una beta patch qui ; mi raccomando vi dicono di backuppare dei files prima di installarla

Infine su Rock Paper Shotgun c'è una review, non proprio positiva, ma comunque è bene sentire anche i difetti:

Altro screenshot di Alea Jacta est

Nuovo screenshot dall'alpha di AJE; stavoltra vediamo Mitridate Eupatore detto il Grande con l'esercito del Ponto.

Magna Mundi 10 minuti di gameplay

Ho trovato questo video che mostra 10 minuti di gameplay di Magna Mundi nuovo gioco Paradox in uscita

Il gioco dovrebbe uscire il terzo quadrimestre di quest'anno.

Ancora Masters of the Broken World....

Ecco qui il trailer da youtube

martedì 29 maggio 2012

Aperto sito ufficiale di Masters of the Broken World

E' stato aperto il sito ufficiale di Masters of the Broken World qui: ; c'è anche un trailer con immagini di gameplay davvero bellissime:

Ecco alcune delle features elencate

Eador is a universe made of countless shards of land drifting in the Great Nothing. Each of the shards is a little world unto itself, with geography and denizens of its own. The power over the shards is bitterly contested by Masters, the immortal beings mortals believe to be gods.

Take the role of the mighty Master and shape the destiny of Eador! It is in your power to deliver the world from ultimate destruction – or to choke it with an iron fist of tyranny. Eador: Masters of the Broken World is a turn-based fantasy strategy game, where the decisions you make affect the world even deeper than the battles you win.

Key features:

- Balanced fusion of grand strategy, turn-based tactics and RPG elements;

- Boundless roleplaying opportunities;

- Massive selection of stratagems and ways to wage war;

- An intriguing, non-linear story;

- An original fantasy world, living a life of its own.

Armored Brigade un freeware tactical wargame

Segnalo questo interessante wargame freeware che ho appena visto, Armored Brigade:

Sembra un simulatore di scontri tattici in ambiente moderno; un misto di grafica 3d per gli oggetti e mappe stile satellitare.

Qui le features elencate:

Main features:

  • Real-time engine
  • Time period: 1987
  • Nationalities: Finland, FRG, USA, USSR
  • Lowest level unit is a single team/vehicle
  • Dynamic AI
  • Large maps, based on real terrain. The maximum battle size is about 15x15 kilometers
  • Artillery with several munition types
  • Close air support, air defences. Air-to-air engagements are possible
  • Fortifications, obstacles and breaching
  • Dynamic time of day and variable visibility, wind and ground conditions
  • Night vision equipment, smoke generators, illumination flares
  • Unit morale, experience level and fatigue, command delay
  • External XML database for the armies, units, weapons etc.
  • Battle and map generator
  • 3D sound engine


  • Wider time-frame: 1939-1945, 1965-1991
  • More nationalities
  • Scenarios and editors
  • Linux support

Achtung Panzer change log finale patch di Maggio

Su SimHQ hanno pubblicato il changelog finale della patch di Maggio (che deve ancora uscire); qui sotot le modifiche:

1) Added shielding for AI view from dust, shots, explosions and vehicle movement tails.
2) Accuracy of fire added to statistics.
3) Added setting for thinning of dust and smoke (2.24).
4) Added a detailed grass cover.
5) Display time when an important event is occurred (during battle).
6) Fixed a bug with the absence of arrows in the briefngs description.
7) Heavy infantry weapons abandoned automatically if enemy is approaching and lack of ammunition.
8) Added new uniforms and states for the 1st Czech battalion in a quick battle.
9) Algorithm for selecting a weapon type and ammunition according to the target is corrected.
10) Fixed ammunition for machine guns in M3A1 "Stuart" tank.
11) When the quick movement modifier is set - infantry left a vehicles only at a higher level of fire.
12) Changed trenches for the MGs.
13) Manual for operation editor is improved.
14) Changed the default operation layout which is created by an editor.
15) Operation editor interface is adjusted.
16) The descriprion format of the operations and platoons is changed.
17) Small changes in the operational phase graphics.
18) Improved output format for afterbattle statistics.
19) Reconfigure some parameters of the vehicles.
20) Improved algorithm for airstrikes.
21) Improved algorithm of the heavy infantry weapon actions.
22) Fixed bug with the initial location of the projectile when it is leaving the barrel.
23) Fixed bug with incorrect point for the LOS during the transfer a heavy infantry guns.
24) Adjusted visualization of smoke grenades shooting.
25) Some SFXs are changed.
26) Added soil alignment during the installation of infantry weapons.
27) Introduced heavy ATRs PzB.41 in two mods.
28) Reconfigured water and ice rendering.
29) Changed the look and logic of the work for orders and modifiers tab in tactical combat.
30) Added a separate button for vehicle rotation order and new movement modifier.
31) Changed the look and logic of the work for some cursors.
32) Added new commands to the interface of the initial squad placement.
33) Added a new snowy season for Taranovka district and future DLC's.
34) Added ability to set the fire arc so that the vehicle is not rotated by hull.
Right click at the fire arc button when the fire arc is not set.
35) Changed the display of certain parameters in the squad panel.
36) Changed shadows rendering method in enciclopedia.
37) Added blasting charges for field engineers.
38) Some small improvements and changes.
39) Added a side observation device for the T-26 tank driver.
40) Adjusted operation selection menu.
41) Changed helper in the operational and tactical phases.
42) Added a separate savegame (tactical) for a quick battle.
43) Apply the settings button is highlighted in red if the apply will delete the tactical savegames.

Arma 3 nuovo video sulla grafica della luce

E' stato rilasciato un nuovo video di Arma 3 sulla grafica; sto gioco è sempre più spettacolare peccato che probabilmente ciuccerà risorse in modo incredibile.

C'è anche un articolo Q and A con il lead artist di Arma

lunedì 28 maggio 2012

Les Grognards: OOB per prossima partita

Ho deciso di ricalibrare l'OOB per la prossima partita a Histwar Les Grognards: ho deciso di fare 11 corpi:

  • Uno della guarda di circa 15000/16000 uomini (cavalleria,fanteria e artiglieria assieme)
  • 4 corpi di fanteria ognuno di 23000/24000 uomini e 28 cannoni su quattro batterie
  • 4 corpi di cavalleria di 5000/6000 uomini
  • 2 corpi di artiglieria di una 30 pezzi ciascuno
La cosa particolare è che nei corpi di fanteria l'artiglieria sarà solo di pezzi da 3 o 4 libbre: la potenza di fuoco è minore ma la mobilità maggiore e il numero e la suddivisione in più batterie dovrebbe garantire un tiro multiplo. Il fuoco devastatore dovranno garantirlo i due corpi di artiglieria. Ogni corpo di fanteria avrà il supporto di uno di cavalleria: ho notato che la coordinazione tra i due funziona bene, piuttosto che usare un mega corpo di cavalleria. La mappa della battaglia sarà quello di Ligny