
domenica 6 gennaio 2013

Nuova splendida partita con GCM\HITS ieri sera

Altra splendida partita ieri sera a Scourge of War con l'ibrido GCM\HITS; eravamo in 14 in battaglia, 25000 truppe per parte: 1 comandante di armata, due di corpo per parte, ogni corpo aveva una divisione AI di riserva alle dipendenze del comandante di corpo + 2\3 divisioni umane. Finita con vittoria yankee ma davvero di poco, ancora 20 secondi e avremmo vinto noi.

Qui i dati della battaglia:

e il video replay:

e il resoconto della mia parte (ero comandante di corpo, ma alla fine mi sono ritrovato a comandare l'intera armata perchè Lee è "deceduto") (è in inglese perchè l'ho messo sul sito kriegsspiel

Yes splendid battle, the flow changed three times and, at the end both, the armies are still full in fighting. The victory was a matter of 20-30 seconds. Sorry to my subordinates for my bad english during the battle.

at the start of battle I sent Abbercrombie to the left flank, behind Sharpe, because I know the corps right flank was covered by Palmer corps so I fear more for the left. But the first attack develop against our center, against Hood: first I asked him to defend around the hill south east of objective, I asked kgSoldier to move the right of Sharpe at place of left and I moved Abbercrombie to the right of KgSoldier. Sharpe confirm me that for the moment he didn't see enemy troops, so I feel confident to move troops to the center, but I asked Sharpe and KGSoldier to have defensive stance and fall back if necessary, leaving the objective.

Seeing more and more union troops to deploy before Abbercrombie (east of south objective) I asked Hood to move a little more north respect the hill for cover the gap between him and Abbercrombie, but I saw 10 minutes later he was already under a heavy attack on his right flank, so I risked and I sent one of Abbercrombie brigade to help Hood's left, asking kgSoldier to help eventually Abbercrombie remaining brigade and hoping the union attack to the center was no rapid. At the end both the attacks were repelled and I moved back in the forest the Abbercrombie brigade. At this point I realized our Lee was shoot again some time before and Sharpe warned me he must fall back because is under attack of superior union force.

Because Lee was no more between us, I asked Palmer corps to attack first possible the enemy flank in the center, because I saw from the losses counter is gaining the upper hand; I sent also to Grog a message asking to attack in north west of Langston direction because i saw here a gap in the enemy line and he's the nearest of Palmer's corps troops. I moved to the left I saw with orror Sharpe critical situation: he's under danger of encirclement also in the new position: so I asked him and KgSoldier to retreat SouthEast for negate the flank: a very difficult manouver but Sharpe did it very well. I sent to Palmer a message asking urgent attack to north-west and I sent order to Abbercrombie to move from the center to a wooden hill south of objective as extreme force for avoid encirclement on the left: later I asked to Kgsoldier to leave the last of objective for retreat on the same line also.

When Palmer confims me he's attacking the enemy flank on the right, I asked to Hood to probe from the center for help him (but I think is already doing this without order from what I saw) without full engage them. Kg repelled enemy center attack to the new line in the woods and to the left of the hill, but Sharpe warned me his division is no more a fighting force, so I feared to be attacked on the left in few minutes, but it didn't come, so I asked to Sharpe what is happening on the left: he confirmed me the enemy stopped the pursuit. So I asked Sharpe to regroup what he can and move north for join with Kg and Abbercrombie. I received message from Palmer they are pressing hard the enemy east of NE objective, so evaluating all the information I asked to KG to press north again with Abbercrombie against the S. objective, thinking that, under Palmer pressure they are regrouping, so a southern attack it would help Palmer. Our advance met less opposition than I though and Sharpe join us in the attack (he had more troops than I hoped), unluckily it was now Palmer corps under heavy pressure, but we recover the South objective and our troops are advancing to NW objective when the game stop. We was at -1400 at the 11:30 but at -680 at 12:00 for give a idea of recovered ground.

This is more or less the battle how i lived it, I don't know if all the messages are arrived and if they were sufficiently clear; probably my subordinates are already doing what I suggested with the messages, but better a message more than one less


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