
mercoledì 28 novembre 2012

Nuovo aggiornamento per Decisive Campaigns Case Blue

Nuova patch per Case Blue, ecco il change log:

Sevastopol extra auto-repair is now working as it should in all rounds (as opposed to only in round 1). Also raised the extra auto-repair from 250 points to 350 points. If you keep some red fighter units on intercept it should be possible to keep Sevastopol in supply now.
German minor orders will no longer be issued outside the historical area scope of the Case Blue plan. Roughly following the Don River – Stalingrad – Wolga – Astrakhan line. Everything north of that line will not be used for minor orders.
Trappjagd will now not let Soviets have major orders initially because Soviets now only get major orders at level 6 or higher (used to be level 5 or higher).
U-2 acts as bomber now; no more kamikaze intercepts by this bi-plane bomber.
Make High Command actually tell you "it agrees to not give you the order again, but that you still have to fulfill your current order" if you play an avoid card but already received the order before playing it. Also adjusted the text on the avoid cards to mention “again” so it is clear it will not cancel your current order.
Fixed a bug with the avoid Krasnodar, Grozny and Baku cards not working as intended.
Supply is no longer already consumed in setup turn when playing with free setup variant on.
Made sure all TC are attached to OKH in all scenarios
Changed OOB: One infantry regiment with half trucks and one infantry regiment with halftrack complement for Panzer Divisions and PzG Divisions.
Changed mouse over for add subunits to be correct
Increased highlighting of divisional parts and HQ subordinates and made hex highlight a bit more visible on snow hexes (have to start new scenario to see this)
Prestige targets of AI no longer show up on map while you are looking at its moves
Uranus scenario now has correct new transport ship settings as well (from v1.02)
Ships passengers no longer lose AP when taking a shortcut and moving through a port hex without stopping there.
Hungarian message for own army control fixed
Italian Air Corps and other Axis Minor air corps can get reinforcements delivered now (also in running games)
Artemovsk double town bug fixed -> Woroshilowsk replaces most eastern Artermovsk.
Auto-Recover from strange negative AP bug
Recon does no longer destroy any completely empty units in the target hex.
Remove the avoid card if Stalingrad or other town is already held.
Changed Tiflis -> Tiblissi on map and Charkow ->Kharkov
Game now ignores case sensitivity in pbem++ username tests within the game (since the PBEM++ server isn’t case sensitive either)
Fixed a bug with crash on enemy sea unit in FOW
Fixed a bug with a crash if you cancelled move by clicking outside highlighted area and then would follow up with clicking hq link. Fixed a bug with the AI in final stages of defeat taking really long to process engineering moves.


Give major order avoid actioncards back (since they have been taken away after capturing the objective) to player if not played yet and you lose a key city.
Added variant for FOW on statistics for players who don’t want to be able to see the Soviet force size and composition. All statistics will become visible after the game has been won however.
Oil more strained. 2k less oil for Germany at start. Even 1k less in August. Even 1k less in Sept.
Make sea 2 instead of 3 AP points for soviet sea supply to avoid too much damage to the west of Caucasus if rail link is cut.
Soviet reinforcements Extra infantry 700 per round in July&Aug [10K per month extra] and 1400 extra per round in Sep&Oct [20K per month extra]. This means that by November the Soviets will have received 60K extra troops.
Max command points saved up for any officer is 20.
Made the offensive corps and army cards slightly less effective. Also fixed a calculation mistake in Gamble, it will now actually misfire sometimes, making it a real gamble. Also adjusted the cost of a number of cards upwards and one (Supervise defense) downwards.
4 Coastal Garissons added for Germans in Odessa, Nikolaya and 2 in Crimea: Trappenjagd, Case Blue and Uranus
Volume control added for background music and for sound effects in the preferences tab
Artillery and Flak are more vulnerable in combat with infantry now. Staff is more vulnerable in combat with infantry and tanks now.
Mentioned in mouse over that combat and morale mod bonus for officer is not active if not at the lowest HQ level.
Change wording of high command orders so it’s clear you have to hold a target also at the start of your turn.
Set instace_challenge to filesize check (server & client) as well to avoid corrupt files sizes in the instance of issueing the challenge.
Changed the algorithm for axis minor reinforcements so there will be some reinforcements always. But less if spirits are lower. This should ensure enough staff is actually coming in to build armies for your axis minor armies in the early campaign starts.

martedì 27 novembre 2012

Review di Across the Dnepr 2

Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate la recensione di questo classic wargame

Primo video developer diary per East vs West

Prima introduzione al gioco:

Video documentario sul 325th Fighter Group "The Checkertail Clan"

Davvero interessante:

Checkertails Part 1 - a Documentary by Neil "Mysticpuma" Pugh from Decisive Imaging on Vimeo.

Checkertails Part 2 - The Legend of the 325th Fighter Group from Decisive Imaging on Vimeo.

Aggiornamento per Iron Front patch 1.04

Rilasciata nuova patch per Iron Front, la 1.04.

Ecco il change log:

New: Engine version for a more stable game. Enhanced AI, enhanced performance.
New: PPsh accept both drums and magazines (for players only). To change from drum to magazine, press Shift + R

Fixed: Several multiplayer related crashes.
Fixed: Several errors in the multiplayer missions.
Fixed: Various bugs in the German and Soviet campaign.
Fixed: Pumpkin glowing faces of the soviet army.
Fixed: Broken axis of the soviet 61-k AA gun.
Fixed: Some problematical hiddens of the German infantry.
Fixed: Some errors of the tank damage system, both in multiplayer and single player
Fixed: Several bugs of the single player campaigns.
Fixed: Tank binoculars position (when looking with binoculars, the commanders seat was empty).
Fixed: "Broken" sounds of MP-40, K-98 and DP-28 weapons.
Fixed: Errors with the broken parts from the vehicles, reduced their weight for the performance.
Fixed: Several errors with mines.
Fixed: King Tiger gun sight, which was missing on distances larger then 800 meters.
Fixed: Animation errors, the dead bodies were sometims moving a bit.

Review di Commander - The Great War

Su The Wargamer trovate una recensione di Commander - The Great War, titolo strategico della Matrix\Slitherine, appena uscito:

Cominciato nuovo scenario multi a Command Ops

Abbiamo spostato a Lunedì l'incontro settimanale, stavolta lo scenario vede me nei panni dell'americano, precisamente l'82ma aviotrasportata (il terzo giorno arriveranno gli inglesi) e dovrò cercare di prendere Nimega e i suoi ponti. GIà mi sono fottuto un ponte ma per fortuna c'è una via alternativa. Per il momento  ho preso una serie di zone di attraversamento secondario e preso una serie di punti strategici. Vedremo cosa ci aspetta nel giorno due della battaglia.

Real Warfare Northern Crusades a 7,5 euro su Gamersgate

Nuova offerta su Gamersgate:

lunedì 26 novembre 2012

WITP Guadalcanal

Continua la lotta per Guadalcanal, tra schermaglie e combattimenti per serrati per mantenere la linea di rifornimenti e rinforzi sulle isole.

Video 10 e 11 con CMFI

Siamo quasi alla fine della mia partita PBEM a Fortress Italy. Ormai è caccia all'uomo ed i Tiger sono scatenati. Devo cercare di macellare più truppe nemiche possibili ed abbassare le perdite delle mie.