
giovedì 20 settembre 2012

Rilasciata la patch 1.5 per Scourge of War

Notizia ufficiale sul sito Matrix:

Fight some of the toughest and most famous battles of the American Civil War

Matrix Games (, Slitherine (, and NorbSoftDev ( are proud to announce the release of the American Civil War strategy game Scourge of War: Gettysburg and its two expansions Pipe Creek and Antietam. The release of Scourge of War comes days after the wonderful news of NorbSoftDev signing an exclusive distributing deal with Slitherine and Matrix Games, bringing the popular American Civil War game series to a larger audience.

Scourge of War: Gettysburg and its expansions are getting outstanding support from Matrix Games and Slitherine in the form of a new routing server to make multiplayer a seamless experience. A release day update is also available for all previous owners of Scourge of War: Gettysburg (and expansions) to bring their version up to date with the new Matrix/Slitherine release. This new version includes a multitude of improvements and fixes, such as the new replay system, enhanced water detail, and more. The update also removes the existing DRM, with players no longer needing an active internet connection to activate the game. The update is comprehensive and will bring all versions of Scourge of War: Gettysburg and its expansions to version 1.50. Download the update by going to the Scourge of War: Gettysburg download page.

In Scourge of War: Gettysburg, you are in command as Union and Confederate forces meet in a rendezvous with history at the town of Gettysburg in July of 1863. Every engagement at Gettysburg has been meticulously researched and recreated, along with multiple “what if” scenarios to keep players on their toes.

Scourge of War: Pipe Creek puts the player in charge of the Union or Confederate forces in an alternate history version of the Gettysburg campaign. The Pipe Creek Line was a selected battle position for the Union’s Army of the Potomac as part of a circular assignment of the army’s corps. Historically, this plan was superseded by events during the Gettysburg Campaign, but now players will be able to experience what would have happened if the Pipe Creek Line plan was executed.

In Scourge of War: Antietam, players will take command of the Union or Confederate forces during the battles of Antietam and South Mountain in September of 1862. Antietam became known as the first major battle to take place on Union soil and the single bloodiest day of battle in American history. Incredible heroism and sacrifice on both sides made this one of the hardest fought battles in the entire American Civil War and also gave President Abraham Lincoln the opportunity he sought for the Emancipation Proclamation.

Scourge of War: Gettysburg and its expansions feature incredibly detailed maps and authentic maps, with accurately modeled weapons, units, artillery, historical orders of battle, realistic weather and more to create a genuine experience of commanding either Union or Confederate troops on the battlefield. Players can take the fight online in cooperative play against the AI or against other human opponents, including fog and friction of war elements such as courier orders, with the possibility of supporting up to 32 players in one battle!

For more information on Scourge of War: Gettysburg and its expansions, visit the official product page on the Matrix Games or Slitherine website.

Full Changelog of v1.50 Below:

New Features

GFX_Obj_Stealth has been added to the gfx.csv to make possible invisible objectives in
scenario design.

Water has been enhanced in the game maps.

A new Replay system is now available. Players have the option to save Replay after ending
each battle. The Replays are available from the Single Player menu.

Couriers in MultiPlayer now find the quickest route to their destination, as they do in Single
Player. In the past, couriers in MultiPlayer would always use roads.

Saved games now include all mods in use instead of forcing to player to have to manually
enable each mod that was used.

In MultiPlayer, the enemy side is now hidden on the "Player Status" screen. This is the screen
invoked by clicking on the the player's star in the upper right of the MultiPlayer gamescreen.

Cavalry can now charge unlimbered artillery automatically when they get within a certain

Bug fixes

A bug that made the in-game Options Help screen inaccessible has been fixed.

Fatigue bonuses now work correctly when they are awarded by objectives.

A bug that caused Sandbox battles to end extremely early because a Fail grade was reached has
been fixed. The game will no longer check for a Fail grade until after a half hour, and the
default Fail grades have been greatly increased.

Clicking the Charge button repeatedly no longer causes unrealistic casualties.

A bug that caused players to see courier messages sent by teammates in MP has been fixed.

A bug that caused an incorrect order of animation for artillery guns has been fixed.

A bug in GB22 which prevented players who earned a Major Victory from being promoted has
been fixed.

The portrait graphics files are now square, since rectangle graphics can cause problems for
some graphics cards.

A bug that caused regiments to engage in melee even after being ordered to retreat has been

A bug that prevented objectives in the map CSV files with coordinates below 16394 and above
245661 from showing up in Sandbox games has been fixed.

A bug that caused all forces to start on top of each other in Sandbox when a new patch was
installed and a default Battle Type was not selected has been fixed.

Strategic Command WWI Breakthrough! pre-release trailer

Nuovo trailer pre-release per l'espansione Breakthrough di Strategic Command WWI

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission - Fundamentals of Warfare

Nuovo video di Carrier Command: Gaea Mission, che mostra rapidamente ed in serie le features del gioco.

Non lo so, il gioco non sembra essere proprio il genere che preferisco, almeno non quelli per cui sono disposto a spendere quasi 40 sacchi.

Matrix Games si aggiudica anche la distribuzione di Alea Jacta Est

Matrix\Slitherine distribuiranno anche Alea Jacta Est, anche se non in esclusiva. Il gioco è già disponibile per chi ha fatto il pre-ordine sul sito Ageod e sabato lo sarà per tutti.!

Uprising44: The Silent Shadows

E' appena uscito questo ibrido sparatutto-tattico in tempo reale ambientato durante la rivolta di Varsavia nell'Agosto 1944. Il gioco dovrebbe permettere di giocare sia in prima persona come soldato sia pianificando le azioni tattiche delle truppe con la visuale dall'alto. Posso giudicare solo dal video, ma la grafica mi sembra troppo scarsina per la parte prima persona e l'ambientazione poco accattivante per la parte RTS (se non siete polacchi ovviamente). Se qualcuno ha occasione di provarlo, lasci un commento.

mercoledì 19 settembre 2012

Nuovo developer diary per CKII Legacy of Rome

Nuovo developer diary per la prossima DLC di Crusader Kings II a questo link:

Si parla di arruolamenti e seguiti.

Tattiche da non usare ad Achtung Panzer

Ecco due video di cose da non fare ad Achtung Panzer Operation Star

Primo evitare di mettere gli spotters di artiglieria lontano dal punto di attacco probabile con il buio; finisce che la vostra artiglieria non serve a nulla nel momento del bisogno.

Due stare attenti a non usare i razzi per colpire obbiettivi troppo vicini alle vostre truppe, sono imprecisi da paura e vi colpiscono senza pietà.

Altro turno con Pride of Nations, che noia..

Davvero la gran campagna è una noia abissale, troppo lunga, troppo tempo per un turno, troppa poca interazione. Penso che con Pride of Nations solo le mini campagne abbiano un senso (ne sono uscite tre aggiuntive con DLC da 2 euro, guerra ispano americana, guerra civile americana e guerra franco prussiana; deve uscirne una quarta tra poco).


Norbsoftdev e Slitherine\Matrix Games hanno raggiunto un accordo per la commercializzazione esclusiva di Scourge of War da parte di Slitherine, compresi i map pack attuali e futuri. Scourge of War avrà accesso al sistema seriale di Slitherine (basta DRM ad attivazione) e al sistema di lobby server di Matrix (nella sua versione attuale usato sia per PBEM che per il tempo reale) PBEM++.

Questa è un'ottima notizia, uno perchè finalmente risolverà due degli annosi problemi di Scourge (DRM e problemi di host) due perchè sicuramente attirerà più giocatori europei rispetto agli attuali.

La nuova patch 1.5 applicherà queste modifiche (sarà necessario inserire il seriale del gioco per installare la patch), oltre ad introdurre il famoso replay. Dovrebbe ormai essere davvero prossima da quello che si dice sul forum di Scourge.

martedì 18 settembre 2012

Altri due video con WITP AE Guadalcanal

Continua la prova con lo scenario di Guadalcanal a War in the Pacifi Admiral edition; sono sbarcato a Guadalcanal e Tulagi, adesso sono sbarcando i seabees per ampliare l'aeroporto e fortificarmi meglio; ho già 4 squadrons di Wildcat sull'isola per proteggere i miei trasporti.