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Visualizzazione post con etichetta terza dlc. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 25 settembre 2012

Rilasciata terza free DLC per Wargame European Escalation

E' stata rilasciata oggi la terza dlc free di Wargame European Escalation

Il link si trova qui:

Named ‘COMMANDER’, this new, entirely free DLC first offers a new game mode, ‘Economy’, available in both single and multiplayer. To earn victory in this mode, you will have to make hard choices: continue your march toward victory by saving up command points, or spend them to replace your losses and defend your territory!
In addition to the Economy mode, two new maps are now available for Destruction, Conquest and Economy modes. On these rugged maps, hilly regions provide a serious height advantage with many ambush opportunities. For even more varied battles, the map ‘Storm Eye’ is now playable in Alamo mode, while the maps Fulda Gap and River of Blood are available for Conquest mode.

In più il gioco sarà in offerta su Steam al  66% fino al 27 settembre

venerdì 14 settembre 2012

Change log della prossima patch di Wargame European Escalation

Con la prossima e terza DLC uscirà anche una nuova patch per WEE; è già stato annunciato il changelog di questa patch:


AP shots missing their target closely will now deal some stress.
Big groupings of vehicules in a small space (aka “blob”) will therefore now be more quickly stressed, or even routed by the volume of fire aimed at them, even if they don’t hit.
The amount of stress dealt depends of the AP power of the shooter.


=> Price of the M114A1 decreased from $240 to $220
=> Availability of the M114A1 increased from 2 to 4
=> Price of the UH-1A (command helo) decreased from $300 to $240

=> Availability of the M114A2 increased from 4 to 8

=> Price of the SpPz Luchs increased from $40 to $50
=> Price of the SpPz Luchs A1 increased from $50 to $60

=> Range of the Buhsmaster autocannon (Bradley series) increased from 1575m to 1925m.
=> Accuracy of the Buhsmaster autocannon (Bradley series) increased from 4 to 6.

=> Price of the AMX-32 decreased from 100$ to 80$.
=> Price of the AMX-30B Valorisé increased from 45$ to 50$.

=> Price of the M60A3 decreased from 65$ to 60$.
=> Price of the M60 Super AX decreased from 90$ to 85$.

=> Price of the Leopard 1A4 increased from 50$ to 55$.
=> Price of the Leopard 1A5 increased from 55$ to 60$.

=> Speed of the Chieftain Mk.2 increased from 35km/h to 40km/h.
=> Range of the 105mm gun from the Chieftain Mk.5 increased from 1925m to 2100m.
=> Front armor of the Chieftain Mk.10 increased from 6 to 7. (representing the Stillbrew armor)

=> Price of the M113GA1 (German variant) decreased from 10$ to 5$.

=> Accuracy of the FV433 Abbott increased from 4 to 5 (howitzer mode only).
=> RoF of the FV433 Abbott increased from 2 to 4/min (howitzer mode only).

=> Price of the M48 Chaparral decreased from 30$ to 25$.


=> Price of the MI-2D (command helo) decreased from $300 to $240
=> Price of the BRM-1K decreased from $260 to $250

=> Range of the 2A70 gun from the BMP-3 increased from 1925m to 2541m. (representing its true design as an ATGM teams suppressor)
=> Accuracy of the 2A70 gun from the BMP-3 increased from 9 to 10.

=> Price of the PT-85 decreased from $55 to $45
=> Price of the PT-90 decreased from $60 to $55

=> Price of the BM-27 Uragan decreased from $150 to $130
=> Price of the BM-30 Smerch decreased from $175 to $160

=> Price of the MI-2 Salamandra decreased from $50 to $40
=> Price of the MI-2 Gniewosz decreased from $60 to $55

=> HE power of the SU-122-54 increased from 4 to 5.

Better simulation of the MI-24D & Mi-24V’s Yak-B gatling:
=> RoF increased from 454 to 736/min.
=> Ammunitions increased from 1200 to 1400 rounds.

In aggiunta ecco un'altra delle nuove mappe presenti nella DLC:

domenica 9 settembre 2012

Video di scontro lungo con Wargame European Escalation

Settimana scorsa ho fatto un paio di partite a Wargame European Escalation con amici di Strategy Games Italia; abbiamo provato la modalità conquest con mappa media lasciando il numero di obbiettivi da conquistare al massimo. Ne è scaturito uno scontro lunghissimo (42 minuti) dove abbiamo guadagnato la superiorità con una lenta risalita. Ecco il video del match.

Nel frattempo è apparsa una schermata della nuova dlc prevista, con una modalità di battaglia chiamata "economy" dove presumibilmente si vincerà in termini di risorse o sulla base del rapporto perdite inflitte\subite.

C'è stato anche un aggiornamento qualche giorno fa, ecco il change log:

- Ridotto il tempo di attesa tra la fine del tempo di preparazione e l'inizio del gioco.
- Sistemato un bug dell' M270 MLRS, quando la raffica viene interrotta, i colpi mancanti vengono ricaricati e viene sparata un'altra raffica.
- Sistemato un bug che permetteva alle artiglierie che hanno la possibilità di fare fuoco diretto (con colpi AP o HEAT) di spararsi addosso con colpi HE.
- Ottimizzazioni delle prestazioni del motore IRISZoom per le configurazioni meno performanti.
- E' possibile nascondere l'HUD (interfaccia) nei replay.

martedì 7 agosto 2012

Nuova patch per Wargame European Escalation e annunciata una nuova DLC

E' stata rilasciata una nuova patch per Wargame European Escalation ecco il change log

- Fixing a rare bug preventing to complete the penultimate solo campaign's mission "Breakthrough". IMPORTANT: in order for the fix to be taken into account, you have to restart the mission from the start, not using a mid-game save.
- Fixing a bug that could freeze the game at the start of the last mission "WMD".
- Fixing a bug that ignored the changes in the audio settings after you restarted the game.
- Fixing a bug giving the French supply SA.330L Puma the ability to transport infantry.
- M151A2 MUTT disponibility increased from 4 to 8.
- M151A2 FAV disponibility decreased from 8 to 4.
- Graphic upgrades. Game engine's graphic performances improved on small configurations.
- Auto-setting improvements.

Nel frattempo è stata annunciata l'uscita di una terza DLC per il gioco sulla cui natura però non si sa ancora nulla.

Eugene ha anche affermato che alla Gamescom di quest'anno a Colonia ci sarà un grande annuncio su Wargame.