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Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
mercoledì 12 giugno 2013
martedì 11 giugno 2013
News su Combat Mission Market Garden
Qualche news sul prossimo modulo per Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: Market Garden.
"Now that Gustav Line is out it's time to start the process of informing you about Combat Mission: Market Garden. But it will take a little while before we start putting out screenshots and other bits.
Portraying the battles of Market Garden posed unique challenges to us on the development end. Specifically that Market Garden requires British and Waffen SS units, which are part of the Commonwealth module. And yet our philosophy is to never require players to purchase Module A to play Module B. Likewise, our philosophy is to not duplicate content in Modules because we don't want to double charge those who want both.
Interesting dilema we got ourselves into, eh?
Instead of canceling Market Garden (CM:MG), which we did contemplate, we decided to pack Market Garden so full of new stuff that people will find value in it and minimize the overlap with Commonwealth that people won't feel like they are buying stuff they might already have. So here's an overview of what's being included:
1. Basic Waffen SS and British units which represent those units that fought directly in the Market Garden battles. Which means the majority of units found in Commonwealth are not present in CM:MG.
2. New German Heer, Waffen SS, and Luftwaffe units have been added which aren't present in Commonwealth. These better portray the scratch formations which made up the bulk of the early German resistance to the landings. Training, security, school, admin personnel, etc. are available.
3. We've added German Navy units. These poor saps were base and ex-ship personnel thrown into battle without much consideration about their fighting capabilities (which were next to none). In fact, this is the first time we've ever had Navy ground units in a CM game. Though to be honest, it's mostly for flavor as organizationally they weren't that much different from horribly stripped down and under equipped Heer units. Still, it's better to give you explicitly tweaked units than to say "imagine those Heer guys are Navy".
4. AAA units are present for the first time on the Western Front. Not only the sorts of AAA stuff found in Gustav Line, but some new fun things like Wirbelwind and Crusader AA.
5. The Germans also now have access to Panzer Brigades. These armor heavy units are uniquely organized and contain the ever fun SPW 251/21 in large numbers.
6. Fallschirmjäger are now present, all the way from June through September.
7. Some new vehicle variants for all forces just to keep things interesting.
8. New terrain features to create the feeling you're battling in The Netherlands and not France. Yes, we have even included a windmill.
9. Bridges. Lots of 'em. We are including 5 custom made historically accurate bridges, a canal bridge, and 3 new generic long bridges. Some, like the Arnhem road bridge, are massive. For the larger ones we include "stubs" which map makers can use to simulate fights around the entrance to a bridge without having the other 500+ meters stuck in there.
And before the questions start flying about what new game features are to be added... a reminder that as a rule Modules do not add new game elements unless they are directly necessary for that particular Module. Besides the new bridges and some other terrain related stuff, we don't see the need for new features and therefore there won't be many directly related to Market Garden. However, anything new that was added for Gustav Line will be automatically carried over to the entire Normandy Family of games. Such as new shaders, "movie" lighting, bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, AAA support, etc. No worries there."
"Now that Gustav Line is out it's time to start the process of informing you about Combat Mission: Market Garden. But it will take a little while before we start putting out screenshots and other bits.
Portraying the battles of Market Garden posed unique challenges to us on the development end. Specifically that Market Garden requires British and Waffen SS units, which are part of the Commonwealth module. And yet our philosophy is to never require players to purchase Module A to play Module B. Likewise, our philosophy is to not duplicate content in Modules because we don't want to double charge those who want both.
Interesting dilema we got ourselves into, eh?
Instead of canceling Market Garden (CM:MG), which we did contemplate, we decided to pack Market Garden so full of new stuff that people will find value in it and minimize the overlap with Commonwealth that people won't feel like they are buying stuff they might already have. So here's an overview of what's being included:
1. Basic Waffen SS and British units which represent those units that fought directly in the Market Garden battles. Which means the majority of units found in Commonwealth are not present in CM:MG.
2. New German Heer, Waffen SS, and Luftwaffe units have been added which aren't present in Commonwealth. These better portray the scratch formations which made up the bulk of the early German resistance to the landings. Training, security, school, admin personnel, etc. are available.
3. We've added German Navy units. These poor saps were base and ex-ship personnel thrown into battle without much consideration about their fighting capabilities (which were next to none). In fact, this is the first time we've ever had Navy ground units in a CM game. Though to be honest, it's mostly for flavor as organizationally they weren't that much different from horribly stripped down and under equipped Heer units. Still, it's better to give you explicitly tweaked units than to say "imagine those Heer guys are Navy".
4. AAA units are present for the first time on the Western Front. Not only the sorts of AAA stuff found in Gustav Line, but some new fun things like Wirbelwind and Crusader AA.
5. The Germans also now have access to Panzer Brigades. These armor heavy units are uniquely organized and contain the ever fun SPW 251/21 in large numbers.
6. Fallschirmjäger are now present, all the way from June through September.
7. Some new vehicle variants for all forces just to keep things interesting.
8. New terrain features to create the feeling you're battling in The Netherlands and not France. Yes, we have even included a windmill.
9. Bridges. Lots of 'em. We are including 5 custom made historically accurate bridges, a canal bridge, and 3 new generic long bridges. Some, like the Arnhem road bridge, are massive. For the larger ones we include "stubs" which map makers can use to simulate fights around the entrance to a bridge without having the other 500+ meters stuck in there.
And before the questions start flying about what new game features are to be added... a reminder that as a rule Modules do not add new game elements unless they are directly necessary for that particular Module. Besides the new bridges and some other terrain related stuff, we don't see the need for new features and therefore there won't be many directly related to Market Garden. However, anything new that was added for Gustav Line will be automatically carried over to the entire Normandy Family of games. Such as new shaders, "movie" lighting, bug fixes, gameplay tweaks, AAA support, etc. No worries there."
Nuovo video con Graviteam Tactics Shield of Prophet
Giocata nuova partita con Shield of Prophet, nel video vedete carri, mitragliatrici e mortai in azione. Dopo un inizio di successo, mi sono trovato distrutto, anche se non ho ancora capito perchè i miei carri non abbiano risposto al fuoco durante lo scontro ravvicinato.
lunedì 10 giugno 2013
Annunciato Brandy Station per Scourge of War
Annunciato l'ultimo modulo per Scourge of War: Brandy Station. La battaglia è stata il più grande scontro di cavalleria della guerra civile. Il modulo contiene una nuova mappa, 10 scenari single e 5 multi. Ecco la notiiza ufficiale:!
Nuovi sconti Matrix Games
Altri sconti Matrix Games; questa settimana trovate in sconto due giochi sulla prima guerra mondiale: World War One La Grande Guerre e Guns of August. Ho entrambi ed entrambi sono giochi notevoli.
Qui la notizia ufficiale:!
Qui la notizia ufficiale:!
domenica 9 giugno 2013
Combat Mission Fortress Italy The Gustav Line AAR
Non ho ancora preso l'espansione ma ho trovato il video AAR fatto da un altro. Davvero ben fatto direi.
Intervista allo sviluppatore di Strategic Command
Su La Gazette du Wargamer c'è un'intervista agli sviluppatori di Strategic Command, la serie strategica (perchè ormai le versioni e sottoversioni si perdono) distribuita dalla Battlefront. In particolare l'intervista è incentrata sull'AI.
sabato 8 giugno 2013
Review di Wargame AirLand Battle su RTS Guru
Su RTS Guru trovate una review di Wargame AirLand Battle, molto positiva. Davvero sembra che il gioco sia venuto fuori bene; nonostante ne sia tentato, penso che passerò almeno finchè il gioco non va in ultra sconto, primo perchè so già che come il predecessore dopo 1 o 2 mesi mi verrà a noia, due perchè appunto far uscire un gioco nuovo dopo un anno dal lancio del primo che è stato abbandonato, mi puzza di presa in giro. Dato che ho pagato il primo mi sarebbe piaciuto che la sua vita utile fosse stata un po' più lunga.
Dragon Commander
E' un gioco che avevo visto annunciato l'anno scorso, un RTS ad ambientazione fantasy con elementi RPG. Da quello che si vede dal video non mi sembra ci siano grossi elementi di rottura, nulla che Carrier Command non abbia già introdotto qualche mese fa ma a qualcuno può sempre piacere.
dragon commander,
venerdì 7 giugno 2013
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