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Visualizzazione post con etichetta snowbirds. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 26 gennaio 2013

Eador 2 beta comunicato dal sito della Snowbirds

Hello everyone!

The first beta stage of Eador is coming to a close. And while we’re still giving out keys to those who wish to continiue playing the current beta, let’s see where we’re at the moment:

1) First of all, a big thanks to everybody who spent their time writing bug reports. We’ve got a ton of useful feedback that we’re looking into right now.

2) We’ve taken into account general feedback concerning the interface. We’ll try to reduce the ammount of unnecessary actions.

3) Animation will be sped up once again, now including attack and heroes movement animation. We’ll also make an option with no animation at all for instant actions.

4) Hotkey system will be added.

5) We’ll probably add sound in the game and a new system of special effects for spells and rituals for the next version.

6) A big part of bugs will be fixed including crashes during shard’s size changes.

7) We’ll add some astral quests for the next version.

The second beta stage will be held in February and the final one is planned for March when we hope to test multilplayer.

The release date for Eador is the end of March – the beginning of April.

domenica 7 ottobre 2012

Eador 2 immagine della mappa tattica

Ecco l'ultimissima versione della mappa tattica in Eador 2 Masters of the Broken World. Ricordo che Eador 2 ha tre livelli di giochi ben distinti: quello astrale, usato che la diplomazia e la strategia di conquista delle Shards, quello strategico dove gestisci la conquista della singola Shard e quello tattico, dove combatti le tue battaglie.