Libro interessantissimo per chi è interessato alla teoria militare.
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
venerdì 2 novembre 2012
Recensione: Architect of Soviet Victory in World War II: The Life and Theories of G.S. Isserson
Ho appena finito di leggere questo libro: tratta della vita e delle opere di uno dei maggiori e meno conosciuti teorici sovietici dell'arte operativa delle guerra (operazioni in profondità come venivano chiamate): G.S. Isserson. Molti associano le teorie dell'arte operativa al solo Tuchačevskij e a Trjandafilov, ma Isserson fu uno dei più prolifici teorici ante-WWII in URSS. Il libro traccia sia la sua vita sia le sue teorie: ne esce il quadro di un uomo di genio, teorico ma non pratico, dal carattere di merda e dalla pochissima empatia per il prossimo. Il periodo di Gulag di 15 anni, gli impedì di combattere la Grande Guerra Patriottica e lo relegò nel quasi anonimato dopo la morte, avvenuta nel 1976.
Libro interessantissimo per chi è interessato alla teoria militare.
Libro interessantissimo per chi è interessato alla teoria militare.
Architect of Soviet Victory in World War II,
arte operativa della guerra,
operational art of war,
The Life and Theories of G.S. Isserson
Sito di Calvinus
Calvinus è l'autore della versione elettronica di Ageod World War One La Grande Guerre, ma è anche l'autore di molti boardgame strategici. Ecco il link al suo sito: .
Uno dei suoi ultimi lavori è Democracy under Siege, uno gioco strategico con gestione a carte che simula gli eventi che portarono alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale:
Uno dei suoi ultimi lavori è Democracy under Siege, uno gioco strategico con gestione a carte che simula gli eventi che portarono alla Seconda Guerra Mondiale:
Nuova partita multi a Command Ops
Ieri sera nuova splendida partita multiplayer a Command Ops; sempre uno scenario di Highway to the Reich, Terror on the Tyne Tees. Stavolta facevo il tedesco. Scenario su tre giorni, devo difendere il fianco sinistro dello schieramento tedesco, fino a che i rinforzi non arrivino a colpire gli Inglesi sul fianco sinistro. Una cosa importante del gioco è l'uso dell'artiglieria: il mio avversario in questo scenario ne ha in abbondanza e l'ha impiega in modo massiccio, bombarda le truppe, i centri di rifornimento, le strade da cui passano i rinforzi, insomma un vero inferno. Sono riuscito ad arrivare alla fine del primo giorno, ma il mio fronte è pesantemente compromesso, nella notte dovrebbero arrivare i rinforzi e dovrei essere meno vulnerabile all'artiglieria, spero di poter ricostituire la linea di difesa.
Nuovo video di gameplay con Steel Armor Blaze of War
Per fare un po' di pratica con la nuova interfaccia, ho fatto un tutorial di tiro al bersaglio con il T62. Ho dovuto riprenderci la mano perchè era parecchio che non ci giocavo, ma è davvero un buon simulatore e la nuova interfaccia rende parecchio. Peccato non ci sia ancora il multiplayer. Tempo fa si diceva che Graviteam stesse lavorando ad una versione di APOS con i mezzi di SABOW, il che sarebbe davvero fantastico.
giovedì 1 novembre 2012
Nuovo video tutorial per Combat Mission Battle for Normandy
Nuovo video tutorial per CMBN fatto dal Colonnello Paulding per Armchair General. Stavolta il tema è la difesa.
Aperta pagina per SOW Chancellorsville sul sito Matrix
Sul sito Matrix è finalmente apparsa la pagina dedicata a Scourge of War Chancellorsville, la prossima espansione per Scourge. La pagina elenca tutti i dettagli di questa nuova espansione (che sarà sia stand-alone che agganciabile a Gettysburg). Dovrebbe uscire prima di Natale.
Covers the Battle of Chancellorsville
Stand-alone release, can also be installed as an expansion for Scourge of War: Gettysburg
Twenty single player scenarios set around the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1-May 4, 1863, including night action.
Six Multiplayer scenarios.
Three highly detailed and historically accurate overlapping 5 mile x 5 mile maps to cover all areas of combat in the Chancellorsville area
One 5 mile x 5 mile map for the Second Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battles of Salem Church and Scotts Ford.
Complete Order of Battle with extensively researched unit and leader ratings as well as unit strengths correct for each day of combat.
Use the versatile Sandbox Battle feature to find endless variations of battles on these map.
New Replay function to allow you to save, review and share your battles. Available in both single player and multiplayer.
Realistic weather
Courier system for dispatches
Extensively researched historical order of battle for each day of the battle.
Real time combat command of a brigade, division, or corps in one of the most intense battles of the Civil War.
New Routing server for flawless multiplayer play
Multiplayer online combat in several modes, including: Standard opposite sides, cooperative play versus the AI, and play embedded within historical battle scenarios.
Random play mode to generate battles of brigade, division, or corps size on any of the included maps.
Extensive option set to tailor the game experience to the players preference and to allow good game performance on a wide range of systems.
Carefully modeled rifles, carbines, and muskets as well as smoothbore and rifled artillery.
A full set of infantry and artillery tutorials to get you started.
Sandbox mode with at least 2 maps to create your own battles
Full modding support with new friendlier interface
Each weapon of every regiment painstakingly researched and implemented
Sounds and Smoke effects to bring the battles to life
Covers the Battle of Chancellorsville
Stand-alone release, can also be installed as an expansion for Scourge of War: Gettysburg
Twenty single player scenarios set around the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 1-May 4, 1863, including night action.
Six Multiplayer scenarios.
Three highly detailed and historically accurate overlapping 5 mile x 5 mile maps to cover all areas of combat in the Chancellorsville area
One 5 mile x 5 mile map for the Second Battle of Fredericksburg and the Battles of Salem Church and Scotts Ford.
Complete Order of Battle with extensively researched unit and leader ratings as well as unit strengths correct for each day of combat.
Use the versatile Sandbox Battle feature to find endless variations of battles on these map.
New Replay function to allow you to save, review and share your battles. Available in both single player and multiplayer.
Realistic weather
Courier system for dispatches
Extensively researched historical order of battle for each day of the battle.
Real time combat command of a brigade, division, or corps in one of the most intense battles of the Civil War.
New Routing server for flawless multiplayer play
Multiplayer online combat in several modes, including: Standard opposite sides, cooperative play versus the AI, and play embedded within historical battle scenarios.
Random play mode to generate battles of brigade, division, or corps size on any of the included maps.
Extensive option set to tailor the game experience to the players preference and to allow good game performance on a wide range of systems.
Carefully modeled rifles, carbines, and muskets as well as smoothbore and rifled artillery.
A full set of infantry and artillery tutorials to get you started.
Sandbox mode with at least 2 maps to create your own battles
Full modding support with new friendlier interface
Each weapon of every regiment painstakingly researched and implemented
Sounds and Smoke effects to bring the battles to life
mercoledì 31 ottobre 2012
Histwar Les Grognards, JMM elenca cambiamenti nell'ultima patch 03
JMM ha specificato in un post sul forum quali saranno i cambiamenti nell'ultima patch livello 03 (versione attuale):
a) more messages from corps/units
b) now, HW requests player action for some AI orders:
b1) support order to help a friend unit,
b2) charge opponent unit running away
b3) artillery unit : unlimber cannon or retreat when threat...
c) graphic : almost all procedures for HW2 are implemented in this new patch
d) PBEM : 2 sequences for each turn (instead 3 ones)
a) more messages from corps/units
b) now, HW requests player action for some AI orders:
b1) support order to help a friend unit,
b2) charge opponent unit running away
b3) artillery unit : unlimber cannon or retreat when threat...
c) graphic : almost all procedures for HW2 are implemented in this new patch
d) PBEM : 2 sequences for each turn (instead 3 ones)
Sicuramente tutti cambiamenti graditissimi, specialmente la maggiore interazione con l'AI. Ma quando? Ormai è parecchio che si aspetta questa patch. Capisco le difficoltà ma un maggiore e costante aggiornamento sarebbe gradito da parte di JMM.
histwar II,
Les Grognards,
Video da DCS:MiG-21Bis
Video da uno dei prossimi simulatori DCS, MiG-21Bis; si vede l'aereo lanciare razzi dai suoi pod.
Intervista agli sviluppatori di Close Combat Panthers in the Fog
Sul forum Matrix è disponibile un'intervista agli sviluppatori del prossimo capitolo (e ultimo con il vecchio engine) di Close Combat, Panther in the Fog.
Ecco il link:
Ecco il link:
Quarto video con War in the East e rilasciata nuova patch
Ecco il quarto video del mio PBEM a War in the East; manca un turno al fango ormai, ma il nemico è alle porte di Mosca, quindi il freddo di Novembre potrebbe dargli ancora chances di attaccare la città.
Nel frattempo è uscita la patch 1.06.19 del gioco che dovrebbe essere l'ultima, in attesa di War in the West; ecco il change log:
New Features and Rule Changes
Rule change - All Italian units will be removed from the map by August 1, 1943 and Italian production will cease on August 1, 1943. It is assumed that all Italian production is thereafter focused on the Western Front.
Formula change - Changed the amount of Hiwis generated each turn from captured Manpower centers from 10 to 3. This was done to counteract the impact of a bug fix involving Hiwi generation. Also, it should be noted that manpower generation from cities is reduced by the percentage of German production that is being sent to the Western Front.
Interface Change – The CV values shown on counters of units that include ski units will now reflect the modified CV value of the ski units, when they are in snow or blizzard hexes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where Hiwi generation was being inversely impacted by damage to manpower centers (i.e. the more damage to manpower centers, the more Hiwis generated).
Fixed a bug where off-map cities could be destroyed by movement along the edge of the map.
Fixed a bug where the AI was changing the status of some human controlled from refit to ready.
Data and Scenario Changes
OBs 42a Guards Rifle Corps (OB 395) and the 42b Guards Rifle Corps (OB 199) have been expanded to consist of five (5) rather than four (4) Guards rifle brigades. This corresponds to the expansion that was previously done to the regular early war Rifle Corps.
Previous changes:
New Features and Rule Changes
New Interface - Added an extra confirmation dialog when setting the support level in the commander’s report screen.
Rule Correction (Section 14.1.1) – The minimum MPs for non-motorized units is eight, not six as originally detailed in the manual.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented support units from receiving support help from HQs within range.
Data and Scenario Changes
Made changes to the 900th Lehr Brigade in the Road to Smolensk, Road to Moscow, Road to Minsk and Operation Barbarossa scenarios.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the AI was changing formation attachments of some human player controlled armies between Army Groups A and B in 1942.
Fixed a discrepancy between the in-game victory screen and the one displayed in the Multiplayer lobby (the Multiplayer lobby was wrong).
Fixed a bug where units that were not intended to arrive in a limited map scenario were arriving as reinforcements. Now, any unit set in the editor to arrive on a hex outside the playable map area will not enter the scenario.
Fixed a bug where non-isolated empty units could get disbanded (and would created looping disband messages).
Data and Scenario Changes
Corrected the build limit of the SdKfz-251/2 Mortar Carrier (64) to agree with the initial factory size.
Cleaned up the device file by removing many duplicate weapons.
New Features and Rule Changes
Rule Change (Section 18.1.1) – Reinforcements that do not have a specific entry hex set and do not have a valid city/town of their nationality to appear at may appear at a city/town of a different nationality as long as it is friendly controlled and connected to a supply source.
Rule Change (Section 20.4.4) – Excess supplies will be sent back to friendly cities instead of to HQs.
Rule Change (Section 20.1.1) - In limited map scenarios, rail hexes outside of the limited area can provide supply. This may prevent some units along the map edge from being isolated, and will also allow OKH and other HQs positioned outside the play area to be considered in supply. This should allow arriving reinforcements that are attached to out of play HQ’s to receive supplies on the turn of arrival.
Code Optimization - Optimized game memory usage, reducing memory usage by map art.
Code Optimization – Optimized HHQ selection code.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where inactive air groups could appear on the air transfer screen.
Data and Scenario Changes
OBs 42a Rifle Corps (OB 394) and the 42b Rifle Corps (OB 195) have been expanded to consist of five (5) rather than four (4) rifle brigades. Soviet players can now create these corps by first combining 4 rifle brigades into two rifle divisions then combining those divisions with another rifle brigade to form a corps based primarily on rifle brigade TOEs (although this is not necessary).
New Features and Rule Changes
Rule Change (Section 20.6) – Several changes have been made to the HQ Build up rules as follows:
The amount of supplies and fuel delivered to a HQ conducting HQ Buildup is now equal to the total needs of all of the on map units attached to the HQ (supplies/fuel already on hand do not alter this calculation). This replaces the old method of basing supplies/fuel delivered on the AP cost of the buildup. These will then be distributed to bring the units up to 100% of their need with the unused remainder remaining in the HQ.
For each 2 tons of supplies or fuel sent to the HQ, 1 vehicle will be damaged and 1 vehicle will be sent to the HQ. The number of vehicles destroyed remains unchanged.
Rule Change (Sections 14.1.4 and – Axis Brigade and Regiment sized units must pay the standard 2 additional movement points when entering enemy controlled hexes on 22 June 1941 (in addition to the special +1 cost).
Rule Change (Section 17.2.1) - A Soviet player with FOW on will no longer be able to see the garrison percentage in Axis held cities.
Rule Change (Section 16.3.6) – Airborne units may only be dropped within 8 hexes of a supplied friendly unit. See the next item for the interface change that has been made for airborne drops.
Interface Change (Section – To airdrop a unit, now you must go to air transport mode and then left click on the hex containing the airbase and airborne unit. Make sure the airborne unit(s) you wish to drop are selected in the unit bar. Next, shift-left click on a hex near the airfield. This will cause the pick air units mission window to be displayed. Close this window and you will now see the hexes where you may conduct an airdrop lit up, while those that are not possible will be displayed in. Shift-left click on the hex you wish to drop the airborne unit and the pick air units mission window will appear. Due to some issues with the interface, the only way to indicate the valid hexes to airdrop in is to click on a valid hex. If you click on an invalid hex it will not bring up the air window nor will it indicate the valid hexes. This is why we suggest you click somewhere near the airbase. Whenever the air window appears, you can execute the air drop. It is important that you select the airborne unit after you have entered air transport mode (previously the airborne unit was supposed to be selected while still in movement mode).
Formula change (Sections 15.5.3 and 15.9) – The limitation that a unit will not be eligible to rout if it passes a check where it’s morale is greater than 40+Die(15) is now 40+Die(30) for any brigade or regiment sized unit that is defending alone in a battle (no other units in the hex or committed from reserve are participating in the battle). Thus, a regiment or brigade defending alone with morale between 41 and 55 will be more likely to rout, and between 56 and 70 will now have a chance to rout.
Formula change (Section 15.9.2) – The chance of men in shattering units being captured has been increased (by at least double).
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that caused partisan units to disappear from the map when in show battle sites mode.
Fixed a bug in the AI that were the AI was moving fortified region (most obviously moving them north of the Svir River line).
Fixed a bug where HQs arriving as reinforcements could arriver without a valid leader.
Fixed a bug that was causing brigades from broken down Soviet Mech and Tank Corps were counting as 4 command points instead of 1.
Fixed a bug in the AP cost of HQ buildup where sub units of broken down divisions and corps were each being counted as a division or corps instead of as regiments or brigades.
Fixed a bug where the broken down brigades from Soviet Mech and Tank Corps were being treated in the CR screen as if they were corps size instead of brigade size.
Data and Scenario Changes
Changes in Device and OB files
Renamed 41 Hungarian Security Brigade (23) to 41a Hungarian Security Brigade.
Renamed 41 Rumanian Mountain Brigade (39) to 41a Rumanian Mountain Brigade.
Added 41b Hungarian Security Brigade (363).
Added 41b Rumanian Mountain Brigade (372).
Changed IS-2 model in TOE 247 to the IS-2 M1943.
Changed the GAZ-AAMG (772) from SPAAMG to SP Flak to relieve SP Flak shortage issues.
Revised the ROF modifiers to be consistent across all ground elements. The actual changes amount to an increase or decrease of the ROF modifier for an element (where applicable) by 1 or 2 at most so these changes are primarily to standardize the methodology of the ROF modifier and will have only a minor game effect.
Don to the Danube Scenario Changes
Drama on the Danube
Rebuilt Rumanian Construction Battalions with the proper OB
Rumanian Mountain Brigades now use a new OB that does not automatically upgrade to divisions
Decision in the Ukraine
Removed German aircraft from the Rumanian equipment pool
Hungarian Security Brigades changed to Hungarian Border Guard Brigades
14th Panzer Division now has a proper arrival location
Red Army Resurgent
1st Rum. Armored Division rebuilt to use the latest OB
Operation Kutuzov-Rumyantsev
113th Infantry Division and 8th Army now have proper arrival locations
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash bug that occurred when scrolling the screen to the south edge of the map.
New Features and Rule Changes
Improved the map redrawing routines which should speed up game play on slower systems.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where all units with a new TOE available would upgrade immediately, instead of it being a 20% chance per turn. We think this bug was introduced at some point in the past three months but we’re not sure exactly when.
Fixed a rare crash bug in the AI that could occur in a small map scenario when the lines were pushed to the edge of the map.
Fixed a bug in the AI causing it to warp units into a pocket near Leningrad.
Fixed a bug in the airborne drop loss function which was causing excessive losses to the airborne units.
Nel frattempo è uscita la patch 1.06.19 del gioco che dovrebbe essere l'ultima, in attesa di War in the West; ecco il change log:
New Features and Rule Changes
Rule change - All Italian units will be removed from the map by August 1, 1943 and Italian production will cease on August 1, 1943. It is assumed that all Italian production is thereafter focused on the Western Front.
Formula change - Changed the amount of Hiwis generated each turn from captured Manpower centers from 10 to 3. This was done to counteract the impact of a bug fix involving Hiwi generation. Also, it should be noted that manpower generation from cities is reduced by the percentage of German production that is being sent to the Western Front.
Interface Change – The CV values shown on counters of units that include ski units will now reflect the modified CV value of the ski units, when they are in snow or blizzard hexes.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where Hiwi generation was being inversely impacted by damage to manpower centers (i.e. the more damage to manpower centers, the more Hiwis generated).
Fixed a bug where off-map cities could be destroyed by movement along the edge of the map.
Fixed a bug where the AI was changing the status of some human controlled from refit to ready.
Data and Scenario Changes
OBs 42a Guards Rifle Corps (OB 395) and the 42b Guards Rifle Corps (OB 199) have been expanded to consist of five (5) rather than four (4) Guards rifle brigades. This corresponds to the expansion that was previously done to the regular early war Rifle Corps.
Previous changes:
New Features and Rule Changes
New Interface - Added an extra confirmation dialog when setting the support level in the commander’s report screen.
Rule Correction (Section 14.1.1) – The minimum MPs for non-motorized units is eight, not six as originally detailed in the manual.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that prevented support units from receiving support help from HQs within range.
Data and Scenario Changes
Made changes to the 900th Lehr Brigade in the Road to Smolensk, Road to Moscow, Road to Minsk and Operation Barbarossa scenarios.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where the AI was changing formation attachments of some human player controlled armies between Army Groups A and B in 1942.
Fixed a discrepancy between the in-game victory screen and the one displayed in the Multiplayer lobby (the Multiplayer lobby was wrong).
Fixed a bug where units that were not intended to arrive in a limited map scenario were arriving as reinforcements. Now, any unit set in the editor to arrive on a hex outside the playable map area will not enter the scenario.
Fixed a bug where non-isolated empty units could get disbanded (and would created looping disband messages).
Data and Scenario Changes
Corrected the build limit of the SdKfz-251/2 Mortar Carrier (64) to agree with the initial factory size.
Cleaned up the device file by removing many duplicate weapons.
New Features and Rule Changes
Rule Change (Section 18.1.1) – Reinforcements that do not have a specific entry hex set and do not have a valid city/town of their nationality to appear at may appear at a city/town of a different nationality as long as it is friendly controlled and connected to a supply source.
Rule Change (Section 20.4.4) – Excess supplies will be sent back to friendly cities instead of to HQs.
Rule Change (Section 20.1.1) - In limited map scenarios, rail hexes outside of the limited area can provide supply. This may prevent some units along the map edge from being isolated, and will also allow OKH and other HQs positioned outside the play area to be considered in supply. This should allow arriving reinforcements that are attached to out of play HQ’s to receive supplies on the turn of arrival.
Code Optimization - Optimized game memory usage, reducing memory usage by map art.
Code Optimization – Optimized HHQ selection code.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where inactive air groups could appear on the air transfer screen.
Data and Scenario Changes
OBs 42a Rifle Corps (OB 394) and the 42b Rifle Corps (OB 195) have been expanded to consist of five (5) rather than four (4) rifle brigades. Soviet players can now create these corps by first combining 4 rifle brigades into two rifle divisions then combining those divisions with another rifle brigade to form a corps based primarily on rifle brigade TOEs (although this is not necessary).
New Features and Rule Changes
Rule Change (Section 20.6) – Several changes have been made to the HQ Build up rules as follows:
The amount of supplies and fuel delivered to a HQ conducting HQ Buildup is now equal to the total needs of all of the on map units attached to the HQ (supplies/fuel already on hand do not alter this calculation). This replaces the old method of basing supplies/fuel delivered on the AP cost of the buildup. These will then be distributed to bring the units up to 100% of their need with the unused remainder remaining in the HQ.
For each 2 tons of supplies or fuel sent to the HQ, 1 vehicle will be damaged and 1 vehicle will be sent to the HQ. The number of vehicles destroyed remains unchanged.
Rule Change (Sections 14.1.4 and – Axis Brigade and Regiment sized units must pay the standard 2 additional movement points when entering enemy controlled hexes on 22 June 1941 (in addition to the special +1 cost).
Rule Change (Section 17.2.1) - A Soviet player with FOW on will no longer be able to see the garrison percentage in Axis held cities.
Rule Change (Section 16.3.6) – Airborne units may only be dropped within 8 hexes of a supplied friendly unit. See the next item for the interface change that has been made for airborne drops.
Interface Change (Section – To airdrop a unit, now you must go to air transport mode and then left click on the hex containing the airbase and airborne unit. Make sure the airborne unit(s) you wish to drop are selected in the unit bar. Next, shift-left click on a hex near the airfield. This will cause the pick air units mission window to be displayed. Close this window and you will now see the hexes where you may conduct an airdrop lit up, while those that are not possible will be displayed in. Shift-left click on the hex you wish to drop the airborne unit and the pick air units mission window will appear. Due to some issues with the interface, the only way to indicate the valid hexes to airdrop in is to click on a valid hex. If you click on an invalid hex it will not bring up the air window nor will it indicate the valid hexes. This is why we suggest you click somewhere near the airbase. Whenever the air window appears, you can execute the air drop. It is important that you select the airborne unit after you have entered air transport mode (previously the airborne unit was supposed to be selected while still in movement mode).
Formula change (Sections 15.5.3 and 15.9) – The limitation that a unit will not be eligible to rout if it passes a check where it’s morale is greater than 40+Die(15) is now 40+Die(30) for any brigade or regiment sized unit that is defending alone in a battle (no other units in the hex or committed from reserve are participating in the battle). Thus, a regiment or brigade defending alone with morale between 41 and 55 will be more likely to rout, and between 56 and 70 will now have a chance to rout.
Formula change (Section 15.9.2) – The chance of men in shattering units being captured has been increased (by at least double).
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that caused partisan units to disappear from the map when in show battle sites mode.
Fixed a bug in the AI that were the AI was moving fortified region (most obviously moving them north of the Svir River line).
Fixed a bug where HQs arriving as reinforcements could arriver without a valid leader.
Fixed a bug that was causing brigades from broken down Soviet Mech and Tank Corps were counting as 4 command points instead of 1.
Fixed a bug in the AP cost of HQ buildup where sub units of broken down divisions and corps were each being counted as a division or corps instead of as regiments or brigades.
Fixed a bug where the broken down brigades from Soviet Mech and Tank Corps were being treated in the CR screen as if they were corps size instead of brigade size.
Data and Scenario Changes
Changes in Device and OB files
Renamed 41 Hungarian Security Brigade (23) to 41a Hungarian Security Brigade.
Renamed 41 Rumanian Mountain Brigade (39) to 41a Rumanian Mountain Brigade.
Added 41b Hungarian Security Brigade (363).
Added 41b Rumanian Mountain Brigade (372).
Changed IS-2 model in TOE 247 to the IS-2 M1943.
Changed the GAZ-AAMG (772) from SPAAMG to SP Flak to relieve SP Flak shortage issues.
Revised the ROF modifiers to be consistent across all ground elements. The actual changes amount to an increase or decrease of the ROF modifier for an element (where applicable) by 1 or 2 at most so these changes are primarily to standardize the methodology of the ROF modifier and will have only a minor game effect.
Don to the Danube Scenario Changes
Drama on the Danube
Rebuilt Rumanian Construction Battalions with the proper OB
Rumanian Mountain Brigades now use a new OB that does not automatically upgrade to divisions
Decision in the Ukraine
Removed German aircraft from the Rumanian equipment pool
Hungarian Security Brigades changed to Hungarian Border Guard Brigades
14th Panzer Division now has a proper arrival location
Red Army Resurgent
1st Rum. Armored Division rebuilt to use the latest OB
Operation Kutuzov-Rumyantsev
113th Infantry Division and 8th Army now have proper arrival locations
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash bug that occurred when scrolling the screen to the south edge of the map.
New Features and Rule Changes
Improved the map redrawing routines which should speed up game play on slower systems.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where all units with a new TOE available would upgrade immediately, instead of it being a 20% chance per turn. We think this bug was introduced at some point in the past three months but we’re not sure exactly when.
Fixed a rare crash bug in the AI that could occur in a small map scenario when the lines were pushed to the edge of the map.
Fixed a bug in the AI causing it to warp units into a pocket near Leningrad.
Fixed a bug in the airborne drop loss function which was causing excessive losses to the airborne units.
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