Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
lunedì 10 dicembre 2012
Ottima notizia
Come potete leggere, stanno finalmente facendo i test per rendere compatibili in multi i files che fino ad adesso impedivano di giocare online con i mods napoleonici. Grandiosa notizia, sicuramente ci saranno moltissimi appassionati che compreranno il gioco adesso.
Come potete leggere, stanno finalmente facendo i test per rendere compatibili in multi i files che fino ad adesso impedivano di giocare online con i mods napoleonici. Grandiosa notizia, sicuramente ci saranno moltissimi appassionati che compreranno il gioco adesso.
domenica 9 dicembre 2012
Scourge of War: Battaglia GCM con le regole HITS: 14 giocatori in battaglia
Ieri sera abbiamo fatto una battaglia con il mod GCM applicando però le regole HITS. Si è trattato di un esperimento, ma ne è venuta fuori una battaglia straordinaria, con 14 giocatori presenti, 7 per parte. Dato la natura random del piazzamento iniziale con il GCM e la presenza di obbiettivi, tutti i giocatori i movimenti erano nella piena nebbia di guerra. Alla fine noi confederati siamo riusciti ad accerchiare e distruggere il fianco sinistro nemico, mentre alla nostra sinistra due brigate resistevano eroicamente. E' difficile con un replay descrivere la sensazione che il gioco ti da dal terreno, ma ti senti davvero un comandante sul campo.
Nel replay trovate due parti, la prima vi fa vedere l'azione sulla mappa 2d, la seconda sulla 3d.
Nel replay trovate due parti, la prima vi fa vedere l'azione sulla mappa 2d, la seconda sulla 3d.
garnier mod,
Scourge of War
sabato 8 dicembre 2012
Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy rilasciata patch 1.11
E' stata rilasciata una nuova patch per Combat Mission Battle for Normandy, la 1.11. Ecco il change log:
Corrected crashes related to barbed wire units.
Corrected a rare crash/hang problem in WeGo "blue bar" calculation.
Corrected the occasional failure of "buddy aid" to retrieve useful ammo from fallen comrades, and accidentally to adopt their targeting orders.
Corrected a problem that sometimes made fortifications too hard or too easy to spot.
Panther "shot trap" on the lower turret mantlet (potentially) deflects shots downward into the hull as expected.
British 95mm HEAT shell has correct amount of internal explosive (reduced from before).
Corrected a problem in WeGo mode that sometimes caused vehicle passengers to rotate forward when they should not.
TCP/IP "chat" text is easier to see clearly.
Teams that are part of a squad properly retain their setup positions from the editor.
SPW 250/10 and 251/9 halftrack loaders perform correctly when vehicle is buttoned.
Wood bunkers are a bit tougher to knock out.
Corrected a problem that sometimes gave on-map artillery the ability to shoot through intervening terrain.
Corrected a problem that sometimes incorrectly restricted on-map artillery from firing smoke missions.
Targeting a TRP directly using the mouse works correctly.
Corrected a problem that occasionally caused a destroyed building to have "floating" rubble.
Prone soldiers on a slope angle their bodies correctly.
Bolt-action rifles properly show the spent casing ejected when the bolt is operated.
Corrected an issue with command & control values being promptly updated when splitting a squad.
Tiny explosions don't damage tank tracks so much.
Corrected some AI issues that caused soldiers to move away from their teams, or caused the team to be "stuck" and not move when they should.
In the editor, hedges allow co-placement of trees like bocage does.
Light wounds to crew are slightly more likely to cause AFV bailout.
Corrections made to Luftwaffe and Waffen SS camouflage helmets.
Updated graphical shaders.
Updated vehicle models (Commonwealth module): Wespe, PzII Lynx, Marder I, King Tiger, Jagdpanther, Cromwell, Churchill.
Corrected crashes related to barbed wire units.
Corrected a rare crash/hang problem in WeGo "blue bar" calculation.
Corrected the occasional failure of "buddy aid" to retrieve useful ammo from fallen comrades, and accidentally to adopt their targeting orders.
Corrected a problem that sometimes made fortifications too hard or too easy to spot.
Panther "shot trap" on the lower turret mantlet (potentially) deflects shots downward into the hull as expected.
British 95mm HEAT shell has correct amount of internal explosive (reduced from before).
Corrected a problem in WeGo mode that sometimes caused vehicle passengers to rotate forward when they should not.
TCP/IP "chat" text is easier to see clearly.
Teams that are part of a squad properly retain their setup positions from the editor.
SPW 250/10 and 251/9 halftrack loaders perform correctly when vehicle is buttoned.
Wood bunkers are a bit tougher to knock out.
Corrected a problem that sometimes gave on-map artillery the ability to shoot through intervening terrain.
Corrected a problem that sometimes incorrectly restricted on-map artillery from firing smoke missions.
Targeting a TRP directly using the mouse works correctly.
Corrected a problem that occasionally caused a destroyed building to have "floating" rubble.
Prone soldiers on a slope angle their bodies correctly.
Bolt-action rifles properly show the spent casing ejected when the bolt is operated.
Corrected an issue with command & control values being promptly updated when splitting a squad.
Tiny explosions don't damage tank tracks so much.
Corrected some AI issues that caused soldiers to move away from their teams, or caused the team to be "stuck" and not move when they should.
In the editor, hedges allow co-placement of trees like bocage does.
Light wounds to crew are slightly more likely to cause AFV bailout.
Corrections made to Luftwaffe and Waffen SS camouflage helmets.
Updated graphical shaders.
Updated vehicle models (Commonwealth module): Wespe, PzII Lynx, Marder I, King Tiger, Jagdpanther, Cromwell, Churchill.
venerdì 7 dicembre 2012
Review di CMFI su la Gazette du Wargamer
Trovate una review\test del gioco sulla Gazette du Wargamer:
Patch ufficiale Alea Jacta Est
E' stata rilasciata la versione ufficiale della patch 1.01 di Alea Jacta Est.
-Corrected bug on RGD constraint MustNoBeOwnedRegion
-Correction bug on entering enemy territory
-New generic weather resistance attributes
-changed the terrains, models and units to improve a bit the 'chances' of non-Romans vs Romans.
Movement will be overall slower, and deployment of light/irregular units more favored in difficult terrains.
-Fixed DB Issues with Python Scripts (Thank you Lafrite) and Berto's report (on Matrix Forum)
UI :
-Fixed a display issue in Social Mode for 1024 screen resolution
-New localized buttons in MainMenu/Options
Events/Setups :
-Fixed wrong CP penalty applied to absorbed factions and to recruited generic generals (Year of Four Emperors and Severus scenarios)
-Corrected some mismatches between tooltip and map regarding Roman Roads (Year of Four Emperors and Severus scenarios)
-Legions not recruitable in small islands
-Fixed some MTB allocation issues in Severus and Marius vs Sulla Scenarios
-Fixed End of Faction Chain of Events in Year of 4 Emperors and Severus scenarios
-Fixed regeneration of Iberian Archers recruitment option
-Rome not controlled event now will give -20 VP malus
-Merchant sunk events corrected and now will give a -10 money malus
Marius vs Sulla scenario
-Lusitanians made a bit weaker
-Fixed blocked naval leaders in Lucullus odyssey
-Fixed some loyalty issues
-Fixed some stack fixing issues
-Fixed High Priest suicide event
-Fixed Peace of Dardanos issues.
Great Mithridatic War scenario
- Sertorius experience reduced a bit, as well as the Iberian power, should balance the Hispanian situation
- Added Pontic Catapultae to the force pool
Caesar vs Pompeius scenario
-Tweak to Hispania Surrender event
-Caesar and Pompeius are more on par as overall commanders now
Spartacus scenario
-Fixed double message Varinius arrival event
Year of Four Emperors scenario
-Fixed Otho death and Hispania governor rally events
Severus scenario
-Fixed the DID no FOW issue
-Fixed some stack fixing issues
-Fixed erroneous "new political options" messages
-Full message broadcasted when Albinus is proclaimed public enemy
-Corrected bug on RGD constraint MustNoBeOwnedRegion
-Correction bug on entering enemy territory
-New generic weather resistance attributes
-changed the terrains, models and units to improve a bit the 'chances' of non-Romans vs Romans.
Movement will be overall slower, and deployment of light/irregular units more favored in difficult terrains.
-Fixed DB Issues with Python Scripts (Thank you Lafrite) and Berto's report (on Matrix Forum)
UI :
-Fixed a display issue in Social Mode for 1024 screen resolution
-New localized buttons in MainMenu/Options
Events/Setups :
-Fixed wrong CP penalty applied to absorbed factions and to recruited generic generals (Year of Four Emperors and Severus scenarios)
-Corrected some mismatches between tooltip and map regarding Roman Roads (Year of Four Emperors and Severus scenarios)
-Legions not recruitable in small islands
-Fixed some MTB allocation issues in Severus and Marius vs Sulla Scenarios
-Fixed End of Faction Chain of Events in Year of 4 Emperors and Severus scenarios
-Fixed regeneration of Iberian Archers recruitment option
-Rome not controlled event now will give -20 VP malus
-Merchant sunk events corrected and now will give a -10 money malus
Marius vs Sulla scenario
-Lusitanians made a bit weaker
-Fixed blocked naval leaders in Lucullus odyssey
-Fixed some loyalty issues
-Fixed some stack fixing issues
-Fixed High Priest suicide event
-Fixed Peace of Dardanos issues.
Great Mithridatic War scenario
- Sertorius experience reduced a bit, as well as the Iberian power, should balance the Hispanian situation
- Added Pontic Catapultae to the force pool
Caesar vs Pompeius scenario
-Tweak to Hispania Surrender event
-Caesar and Pompeius are more on par as overall commanders now
Spartacus scenario
-Fixed double message Varinius arrival event
Year of Four Emperors scenario
-Fixed Otho death and Hispania governor rally events
Severus scenario
-Fixed the DID no FOW issue
-Fixed some stack fixing issues
-Fixed erroneous "new political options" messages
-Full message broadcasted when Albinus is proclaimed public enemy
Inoltre ho visto che a parte Birth of Rome è prevista una DLC più piccola: Cantabrian Wars, appunto ambientata durante la campagne di Augusto nel nord della Spagna agli inizi del suo regno.
giovedì 6 dicembre 2012
Aperta pagina Wiki su Rome2 Total War
Aperta una pagina Wiki dedicata ai TW ed in particolare a Rome 2.
La pagina delle fazioni mostra per adesso solo Roma, ma mano mano si amplierà con le altre fazioni.
La pagina delle fazioni mostra per adesso solo Roma, ma mano mano si amplierà con le altre fazioni.
Creative Assembly produrrà gioco su Warhammer Fantasy Battle?
Si vocifera che SEGA abbia comprato i diritti per i giochi elettronici sulla famosa serie di miniature. E visto la natura del gioco, e possibile che lo sviluppo sia affidato proprio alla Creative Assembly. Vista la natura sempre più fantasy dei TW non mi stupirei.
Rilasciata Hotfix per Close Combat Panthers in the Fog
Rilasciata una prima hotfix per il gioco che corregge un errore interno:
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