
sabato 20 ottobre 2012

Frontline Tactics Preview

Annunciato nuovo gioco sulle stile di Jagged Alliance, quindi un tattico a turni. Non mi sembra offrire un gran che di innovativo.

Ultimo turno con il PBEM di Fortress Italy

Abbiamo deciso di dare il cease fire con la partita di CMFI, dato che non avevo più le forze per avanzare oltre, ma lui non aveva quelle per contrattaccare. La partita si è concluso con una vittoria minore tedesca. Nell'ultima parte del video potete vedere come la postazione tedesca fosse davvero ben messa.

Work in Progress di Frank Hunter

Sul forum della Matrix è stato postato un messaggio di Frank Hunter, grande designer di wargames, circa il suo work in progress attuale; ecco il testo:

I spent time trying to familiarize myself with the GoA code [last time I chatted with him he'd removed the environment he used to write GOA from his machine so couldn't do anything at all with it - so this is definitely good news :)] and I'd like to replace the interface as well as add some things. However, the main reason I wanted to update it, as I mentioned in the forum, was to use the Slitherine PBEM system. But having looked at that and the need for me to do HTML programming which I've never done is a little daunting. I don't want to introduce code that would be my first time with the system and probably have bugs.

The WW2 game (covering the Italian campaign 1943-45) has the interface I'd like to put into GoA and its been handed in and I'm just waiting for playtesting to start. If people prefer that interface over the GoA one then I will use it for GoA, if not, I won't.

The Napoleonic game, called Campaigns on the Elbe (1806 and both 1813), is also done and awaiting playtesting but that won't start until the WW2 game wraps up. Matrix/Slitherine feels its best to do one after the other.

While waiting for the above games to be playtested I've also been working on two solitaire games. I'll have more info on those once these other games are finally out of the queue.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Call of Duty Elite Trailer

Nuovo trailer per il nuovo Black Ops

Nuovo video di Eador 2 Masters of the Broken World

Rilasciato un nuovo video esplicativo di Eador 2: questa volta è descritto il livello strategico, vale a dire la gestione della conquista della singola shard.

mercoledì 17 ottobre 2012

Video di multi gameplay con Empire Total War

Lo scorso week-end ho fatto un match multi ad Empire; il livello dello scontro è stato piuttosto basso nel senso che mi sono trovato di fronte i soliti razzettari folli che le hanno prese di santa ragione, proprio perchè per proteggere i razzi si sono fatti massacrare separatamente, a fronte di un nostro assalto deciso. Forse pensavano che saremmo rimasti fermi a subire?

Rilasciata prima beta patch per Alea Jacta Est

E' stata rilasciata oggi la prima beta patch per Alea Jacta Est; ecco il link:

ed ecco il change log:

Patch content

- Corrected bug on RGD constraint MustNoBeOwnedRegion
- Correction of bug found on entering enemy territory (pirates)
- New generic weather resitance attributes

- changed the terrains, models and units to improve a bit the 'chances' of non-Romans vs Romans.
Movement will be overall slower, and deployment of light/irregular units more favored in difficult terrains.

UI :
- Fixed a display issue in Social Mode for 1024 screen resolution
- New localized buttons in MainMenu/Options

Events/Setups :
- Fixed wrong CP penalty applied to absorbed factions and to recruited generic generals (YFE and SEV scenarios)
- Corrected some mismatches between tooltip and map regarding Roman Roads (YFE and SEV scenarios)
- Legions no longer recruitable in islands
- Fixed some MTB allocation issues in Severius and Marius vs Sulla Scenarios
- Fixed the DID no FOW issue in Severus scenario
- Fixed some stack fixing issue in Severus Scenario
- Fixed End of Faction Chain of Events in Year of 4 Emperors and Severus scenarios
- Fixed some loyalty issues in Marius vs Sylla Scenario
- Fixed some stack fixing issue in Marius vs Sylla Scenario

- Lusitanians made a bit weaker
- Fixed blocked naval leaders in Lucullus odyssey
- Fixed High Priest suicide event

- Sertorius experience reduced a bit, as well as the Iberian allies power, should balance the Hispanian situation

- Tweak to Hispania Surrender event
- Caesar and Pompeius are more on par as overall commanders now

- Fixed double message Varinius arrival event

- Fixed Otho death and Hispania governor rally events

- Fixed erroneous "new political options" messages
- Full message broadcasted when Albinus is proclaimed public enemy

martedì 16 ottobre 2012

Crusader Kings II scontatissimo su Steam

Su Steam trovate l'intera serie di Crusader Kings II scontatissima, compreso l'ultima uscita: Legacy of Rome.

Rilasciata beta patch di Agosto per Steel Armor Blaze of War

Due giorni dopo il rilascio della beta patch per APOS, ecco la beta patch di agosto per SABOW che da una bella spinta al gioco, soprattutto come grafica e interfaccia:

Come per APOS, il primo link è l'aggiornamento dell'updater, il secondo l'estensione vera e propria.

Ecco il change log che avevo già postato:

--- Update August 2012 beta 3---
1) Completely changed the tactical interface.
2) Added additional options for the platoons structure and parameters management in the operational phase.
3) Changed some animations for infantry.
4) All game operations is adjusted and remaked.
5) Added support for scripting in the operational phase.
6) Some changes in the operation editor.
7) Changed some of the special effects.
8) Added new vehicles and weapons: F5E, M2HB, G3 rifle.
9) Adjusted environments, and cockpits visualization.
10) Refined cockpits for the T-62 and M60A1: rounded some elements and reconfigured lighting.
11) Completely redesigned interface in tank mode.
12) The algorithm for shadows rendering and lighting calculation is changed.
13) New commands for platoon, tank and crew control is added.
14) Reconfigured some tracked vehicles.
15) Added tracks in grass from tanks and vehicles.
16) Added ability to perform some tasks in the tank cocpit without the interface.
17) Added new animations in M60A1 tank cockpit.
18) Added a hint what button need to press to cancel a pause mode in the battle.
19) Mini-map is removed in the battle.
20) In realism mode does not display the flags and markers for enemies (in 3D mode).
21) Removed rangefinder lock when the commander's turret on the M60A1 tank is turned.
22) Fixed a bug with the canceling of a short stop command and this command is available from the commanders site.
23) Adjusted algorithm for subtitles and narration issuing.
24) Platoon control options on the gunners site is removed.
25) Added a visual indicator for targets and goals.
26) The ability to request a priority target from the AI commander is now available.
27) Added the button to send permission to open fire on the specified target.
28) Added support for automatic setup gun direction from the AI commander on requested target (for T-62 tank).
29) Added lock for measuring range for the AI commander, if target is out of rangefinder view (for M60 tank).
30) Added feedback and indication for obstacles in the path of the tank, for AI driver.
31) Added indication that the range measurement process continues, as well as the inability to range measure.
32) The targeting algorithm is changed.
33) The ability to switch the tempo of fire for machine guns.
34) Added to the sight reticles for the T-62 from Vadifon.
35) The ability to control the mode of target selection (one or different targets) for the tank platoon or users tank.
36) Added a command to align the gun on the hull of the tank.
37) Added the ability to specify the range for the gunner in binoculars mode.
38) Fixed a number of glitches and bugs.

Ed infine due belle immagini:

Uscito Panzer Corps Grand Campaign '42 - 43 West

E' uscita la nuova espansione per Panzer Corps: Gran Campaign '42-'43 West, che amplia la precedente Gran Campaign West. Qui il link al sito ufficiale: