
lunedì 27 gennaio 2014

Stronghold Crusader 2 sarà rilasciato questa estate

Releasing in the summer is a little later than we had initially hoped, but once again our intention is to release a game that lives up to the Crusader name. Whenever we meet someone who played and enjoyed the original they always have a story to tell about the time they finally beat that hard as nails Crusader Trail mission or when they took on seven AI opponents at once! When people have such fond memories you can’t rush a sequel out the door, which is why we have chosen to take our time when it comes to feature implementation and play testing. We’re at a point now where we can dip into skirmish mode or a multiplayer game during lunch and have fun, which is a fantastic feeling for the team.

With the game in its current state we can spend extra time tuning and tweaking the various new units and siege equipment that will soon be storming other players online. It will also mean we have enough time to reduce the number of bugs and crashes right down before launch and refine the core gameplay loops that make it fun. We know players are eager to get their hands on the game, but Crusader 2 must be fun, stable and complete at launch.

Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations

Annunciata la nuova DLC per EU IV, Wealth of Nations.

La nuova DLC dovrebbe avere le seguenti features:
  • The Invisible Hand of the Market: You can act covertly to instigate trade conflicts among the competition, stifling income and leaving yourself atop the economic heap.
  • Seize the Seas: Hiring privateers can damage enemy shipments and cripple their trade, but risks retaliation in the form of open warfare if you are caught.
  • Capitalize: Empires can designate a specific port as their trade capital, separate from their national capital, and strengthen local trade routes through the use of inland trade nodes.
  • Monopolize and Mobilize: Form an East India Company and reach faraway trade partners with an unstoppable shipping concern.
La data di rilascio è prevista per la seconda metà dell'anno.

venerdì 24 gennaio 2014

domenica 19 gennaio 2014

Hegemony - Rome : screenshots e trailer

Finalmente dopo tanto tempo notizie su Hegemony - Rome, seguito di Hegemony - Wars of Ancient Greece con screenshots e un trailer.

Qui potete trovare gli screenshots:

Battaglia con Scourge Napoleonic ieri sera

Altra bella battaglia ieri sera con Scourge of War con il napoleonic mod. Lo scenario era un attacco difesa con gli austriaci all'attacco. Le forze erano all'incirca della stessa dimensione.

Berthier e Io ci organizziamo per un attacco scaglionato: Berto fa una lunga marcia da ovest verso est per poi muovere verso nord con il fianco lungo il fiume, io partirò appena ricevuta conferma da lui si essere pronto ad attaccare, con una marcia diretta verso nord est.

La marcia e il collegamento riescono bene e sulla destra sembriamo anche prevalere per qualche tempo con un attacco congiunto, mentre sulla sinistra mi accontento di resistere. Ma la spinta non basta e alla fine veniamo ricacciati.

Qui allego il video dal mio punto di vista: