Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate una review di Fallen Enchantress – Legendary Heroes, espansione stand-alone di Fallen Enchantress.
Il giudizio è che nel complesso è piacevole ma non aggiunge nulla, e se ne può fare a meno.
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
lunedì 17 giugno 2013
Austerlitz 1805
Annunciato nuovo documentario di battaglia realizzato con Histwar Les Grognards; stavolta si tratta di Austerlitz e l'uscita dovrebbe essere questa estate. Stavolta sembrerebbe aver usato l'engine grafico più recente.
sabato 15 giugno 2013
GTOS Zhalanashkol 1969
E' in corso di lavorazione una nuova dlc per Graviteam tactics, stavolta con ambientazione un piccolo scontro di pochissimi uomini tra una cinese e guardie di frontiera sovietiche nel 1969. Lo scontro fu molto piccolo quindi non so quanto questa dlc possa essere appetibile.
Nuovi turni a War in the East
Continua il mio PBEM con War in the East; la battaglia nel Caucaso si fa dura, ma il mio avversario sembra aver raggiunto un punto di overstretch delle sue forze in una zona dove ho molte truppe mobili. Infatti nell'ultimo turno le sue forze panzer nonostante abbiamo sfondato sono state isolate a causa della mancanza di fanteria e presumibilmente sarà costretto ad arretrare il prossimo turno. La forte pressione in altri punti del fronte lo costringe a non muovere grosse forze a sud anche se la mia ricognizione mi fa vedere forze italiane e rumene molto più indietro.
gary grigsby,
War in the East
venerdì 14 giugno 2013
RID - Rivista Italiana Difesa
Oggi voglio introdurre questa rivista, che in modo non uniforme ormai seguo da più di 20 anni (o ancora numeri da prima della fine della Guerra Fredda); è sicuramente la migliore rivista in lingua italiana sulle tematiche militari moderne, con articoli di alto livello tecnico (spesso anche troppo per il lettore medio) e argomenti di geopolitica. Posso dire che quello che so sugli armamenti moderni l'ho imparato da RID. L'uscita è mensile e il costo 5 euro.
Nuove uscite: Ghost Divisions e Assault on Democracy
Sono stati rilasciati Ghost Divisions e Assault on Democracy, rispettive espansioni di Conflict of Heroes e Strategic Command WW II Global Conflict, il primo un gioco Matrix Games e il secondo della Battlefront.
giovedì 13 giugno 2013
National Geographic Battle Of Arnhem in Color
Bellissimo documentario a colori sulla battaglia di Arnhem del 1944 (Market Garden). Questa è la campagna che fa da background a Command Ops Highway to the Reich. Sarà anche il background del prossimo modulo per Combat Mission Battle for Normandy
Videos di gameplay di Pandora: First Contact
Spaziale sempre targato Matrix, ecco i primi video di gameplay dalla beta:
Annunciato Germany at War: Barbarossa 1941
Sul sito Matrix è stato annunciato un nuovo gioco: Germany at War: Barbarossa 1941 simile come stile a Panzer Corps ma probabilmente un po' più profondo.
On June 22, 1941, the largest land campaign in history began, as three German Army Groups advanced into the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa was underway and the German war machine was now locked in a struggle which would change the course of World War II.
Germany At War: Operation Barbarossa 1941 is an elegant turn-based design, inspired by classics such as Panzer General, but with more of a historical focus. You command the German forces through a branching historical campaign covering the entire 1941 campaign as well as part of the 1942 campaign. Dozens of scenarios stretch from the Soviet border all the way to Archangel and towards Astrakhan, the original military goals of Operation Barbarossa. Step into a wargame where your performance will rewrite history, through an addictive combination of compelling gameplay, realistic events and challenging battles.
Additional stand-alone scenarios cover other famous battles and are ideal for head to head play through the integrated PBEM++ system. Your forces follow you through the campaign, earning historical upgrades as you progress and new equipment becomes available on a historical schedule. Units and maps are represented at realistic scales and the combat, movement and terrain systems are all based on real capabilities.
Aimed at all levels, from those who have never played a wargame before to those who know the history of World War II in detail, this is an entertaining and challenging game of combined arms strategy.
Easy-to-use but realistic combat, movement and logistics system
Realistic map and time scales
Ground and Air units as well as specialized unit types such as Engineer and Reconnaissance battalions
Different unit sizes fully modelled and viable, from Tiger Battalions to Infantry Divisions
Wide variety of support units and realistic historical upgrades for each unit type as units earn experience
Historical equipment base on historical availability
Dynamic branching campaign system with player decisions, choose the main German axis of attack after the battle of Smolensk.
Interesting and innovative mission objectives make each scenario unique
In-Game scenario events like bridge destruction, reinforcements based on player actions, news from other fronts, etc.
PBEM++ play via server
Balanced Stand-alone scenarios suitable for head to head play and as either side
Scenario Editor
4 Campaigns:
o Main branching Archangel to Astrakhan Campaign (37 Scenarios)
o Army Group North (3 Scenarios)
o Case Blue (4 Scenarios)
o Operation Barbarossa Short (9 Scenarios)
14 Stand-alone Scenarios
o Drive on Stalingrad
o Dubno-Brody
o Minsk
o Riga
o Road to Demyansk
o Saving Berlin (1945)
o Storming Leningrad
o Tallinn
o Third Kharkov (1943)
o Tikhvin
o Typhoon over Moscow
o Vyazma
o Zhitomir (1943)
o Zitadelle (1943)"
On June 22, 1941, the largest land campaign in history began, as three German Army Groups advanced into the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa was underway and the German war machine was now locked in a struggle which would change the course of World War II.
Germany At War: Operation Barbarossa 1941 is an elegant turn-based design, inspired by classics such as Panzer General, but with more of a historical focus. You command the German forces through a branching historical campaign covering the entire 1941 campaign as well as part of the 1942 campaign. Dozens of scenarios stretch from the Soviet border all the way to Archangel and towards Astrakhan, the original military goals of Operation Barbarossa. Step into a wargame where your performance will rewrite history, through an addictive combination of compelling gameplay, realistic events and challenging battles.
Additional stand-alone scenarios cover other famous battles and are ideal for head to head play through the integrated PBEM++ system. Your forces follow you through the campaign, earning historical upgrades as you progress and new equipment becomes available on a historical schedule. Units and maps are represented at realistic scales and the combat, movement and terrain systems are all based on real capabilities.
Aimed at all levels, from those who have never played a wargame before to those who know the history of World War II in detail, this is an entertaining and challenging game of combined arms strategy.
Easy-to-use but realistic combat, movement and logistics system
Realistic map and time scales
Ground and Air units as well as specialized unit types such as Engineer and Reconnaissance battalions
Different unit sizes fully modelled and viable, from Tiger Battalions to Infantry Divisions
Wide variety of support units and realistic historical upgrades for each unit type as units earn experience
Historical equipment base on historical availability
Dynamic branching campaign system with player decisions, choose the main German axis of attack after the battle of Smolensk.
Interesting and innovative mission objectives make each scenario unique
In-Game scenario events like bridge destruction, reinforcements based on player actions, news from other fronts, etc.
PBEM++ play via server
Balanced Stand-alone scenarios suitable for head to head play and as either side
Scenario Editor
4 Campaigns:
o Main branching Archangel to Astrakhan Campaign (37 Scenarios)
o Army Group North (3 Scenarios)
o Case Blue (4 Scenarios)
o Operation Barbarossa Short (9 Scenarios)
14 Stand-alone Scenarios
o Drive on Stalingrad
o Dubno-Brody
o Minsk
o Riga
o Road to Demyansk
o Saving Berlin (1945)
o Storming Leningrad
o Tallinn
o Third Kharkov (1943)
o Tikhvin
o Typhoon over Moscow
o Vyazma
o Zhitomir (1943)
o Zitadelle (1943)"
mercoledì 12 giugno 2013
Nuovi screenshots per Rome 2
Rilasciati nuovi screenshots per Total War Rome 2.
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Total War Rome 2
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