
giovedì 10 ottobre 2013

Se avete perso l'installante di uno dei giochi Matrix

Innanzitutto cercate di backuppare su dvd o su altri HD i vostri installanti, sempre! Ma nel malaugurato caso l'aveste perso, non contattate il rivenditore Bluesnap or Plimus perchè non sono in grado di aiutarvi, scrivete direttamente a per avere il backup. Ovviamente dovete fornire le prove che avete l'originale.

Rise of Venice - Feature Clip: The Art of War

Video trailer sul combattimento in Rise of Venice, gioco strategico di prossima uscita. Direi proprio che è meglio risparmiare i soldi.

martedì 8 ottobre 2013

Command: Modern AirNaval Operations gets Updated

La patch 1.00 per CMANO è stato rilasciata nella sua versione ufficiale. Fate il check update dall'interfaccia di lancio per scaricarla.

Ecco il change log:

V1.00 – October 8, 2013

Bug Fixes:

0005443: [420] Crash on Zoom
0005533: Game just stops, get error message when trying to save scenario
0005546: [430] No Nav Zones not working properly
0005528: [427] Edit Exclusion zoneDialog bug
0005543: [430] Freeze in basic air ops
0005496: Sensor dialog Crash
0005503: [426] Maria & Victoria
0005605: Crash: Stanavforlant crashes with a NullReferenceException
0005646: [432] Can still clog a carrier or airbase by readying aircraft on elevators
0005592: Aircraft should accept ready/rearm command _only_ when parked
0005260: Zooming on mouse scroll wheel
0004409: Sonobouys clutter the display. Possibly to fade the or have an on/off view.
0005650: Deselect all RPs hotkey
0005667: OOM Exception, Red-X-of-doom
0005652: Loading a scenario while another scenario runs causes sim to freeze up
0005617: SOSUS not working
0005013: Add Unit dialog should remember the country from the previous inserted platform
0005676: [434] Can't manually deploy active sonobouy from TU-142 bear
0005488: KDX update
0004857: Chinese OTH-B and OTH-SW radars
0005562: Swiss radars
0003319: DB3K: Swiss BL-64
0005570: Swiss radar ER-220
0005569: Swiss radar LGR-1
0005610: Load out mispelling
0005576: Swiss radar TPS-1E
0005571: Swiss radar ZW9/ZW10
0003320: DB3K: Swiss "FLORIDA" EW radar
0005577: Photos and text placed incorrectly in DB viewer
0005596: Zumwalt Needs Helo Magazine
0005598: DB3k Minor Text Edits
0005714: [438] Slow down after assigning Backfire groups to ASuw Mission
0005511: Possible for a Player to set a 0 speed.
0005718: Get rid of NUM LOCK requirement
0005675: Repetative BDA Reports
0005734: Assorted tutorials issues
0005556: [427] SEAD patrol kirks
0005121: It should not be possible to arm/take off aircraft with maintenance/unavailable loadouts
0005698: Kilter misses by stupid amount
0005730: [438] Weird Shrike Behavior
0005069: Shrike ARM misses by several kilometers
0005699: Maria and Victoria Again
0005672: Mixed Shrike and CBU Issue
0005750: A-7 CBU-59 and Shrike Loadout a bad match
005735: Excessive dive rates for subs & aircraft
0004279: IRIAF F-14 update
0005560: DB3k Update: Combat Aircraft Mag Article on Iranian F-14's
0005771: ARM's not firing at Search Radar
0005770: F-4G Wild Weasel w/ AGM-78 Standard ARM not working at all (Build 440)
0005693: [434] BCGN Shooting SA-N-6 at Tico with no hits.

New Features and Improvements

Significant performance improvements both on UI map operations (zoom/pan) and sim execution.
Enhanced stability.
Added button "Abort Launch" on Air Ops menu. When clicked, any of the selected aircraft which is preparing to launch will abort the sequence and attempt to return to an available parking facility.
Only aircraft that are in a parking facility can be armed (solves problem of airbase traffic jams due to aircraft being readied while on transit points).
Added game option: Zoom map to mouse cursor location (instead of camera center).
Added new game option: Sonobuoy Visibility. Available settings are: Normal, Ghosted and Do Not Show (not reccomended).
Added new reference-point menu command: De-select all reference points.
Command's hitherto mandatory high-fidelity mode (0.1-sec pulse length) at 1:1 time setting, is now optional: New game option, "High Fidelity Mode", enabled by default. To switch to 1-sec pulse length at 1:1 (aka coarse mode, similar to how Harpoon 3 runs at 1:1), disable this option. This has the effect of dramatically speeding up gameplay at 1:1 setting.
DB viewer addition: Dedicated weapon page. Search, filtering etc. work just like any other unit type (except that country-level filtering is not available for weapons). File naming conventions for images & text
descriptions are Weapon_XXX.jpg and Weapon_XXX.txt respectively.
While having a weapon selected on the map, clicking on the weapon-class button on the unit status window will bring up the weapon's relevant page in the DB viewer.
Hold-fire can now be issued on multi-selected units, in addition to single units and groups.
DB viewer improvements: Valid Targets on weapon page, per-engine maximum speed displayed on powerplant section for all platforms (particularly useful for diesel-electric submarines).
The "Add Unit" window now remembers all selection filters used on the last unit addition and re-applies them whenever called up.
Aircraft now drop their ordnance much more reliably without manual control (we'd love to boast "100% reliably" but that's just an invitation for an edge case to pop up and throw egg on our face).
Helmet-mounted sights (HMS) are now taken into account when deciding how much off-boresight an aircraft can shoot an AAM.
Aircraft & submarines have more realistic dive rates.
Ships can now effectively use semi-active SAMs in anti-surface mode, as they are taking terminal illumination concerns into account during pre-fire checks.

Data Changes

Includes updated versions of DB3000 and CWDB. Some of the changes include:
CH-47F Chinook -- Australia (Army), 2015, 7x
LHD 01 Canberra [Juan Carlos Class] -- Australia (Navy), 2017, 4x LCM-1E
LCM-1E -- Australia (Navy), 2015, 12x
LCM-8 -- Australia (Navy), 1967, 11x
L 100 Choules [Bay Class] -- Australia (Navy), 2013, Ex-Largs Bay, 1x LCM-8, 2x LCVP, No LCM-1E
Combined ARM/CBU loadouts have new mission profiles, using Hi-Lo-Hi instead of Hi-Med-Hi.
SUU-23 gun pods in A/G loadouts on F-4C/D
SUU-23 loadouts on RAF Phantoms


Bo-105CBS -- Canada (Coast Guard), 1984, 16x
AC-130J Ghostrider -- United States (Air Force), 2015, Upgr MC-130J Commando II
MC-130J Commando II -- United States (Air Force), 2013, 4x + Xx, Ex-Combat Shadow II
Camcopter S-100 -- China (Navy), 2012, 18x
Camcopter S-100 -- Libya (Army), 2010, 4x, Khamis Brigade


CCGS Cape Roger -- Canada (Coast Guard), 1978
CCGS Cape Roger -- Canada (Coast Guard), 1997, Refit
Civilian RHIB [11m] -- Civilian (Civilian)
Civilian RHIB [7m, Armed] -- Civilian (Civilian), Pirate
Civilian RHIB [7m] -- Civilian (Civilian)
DDG 991 Sejong the Great [KDX-3] -- South Korea (Navy), 2014, K-ASROC, Hyunmoo-3C
DDH 971 Gwanggaeto the Great [KDX-1] -- South Korea (Navy), 2003
DDH 978 Wang Geon [KDX-2 Mod] -- South Korea (Navy), 2014, K-ASROC, Hyunmoo-3C
F 230 Norfolk [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2013, Type 997
F 230 Norfolk [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2017, CAMM(M)
F 236 Montrose [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2014, Type 997
F 236 Montrose [Type 23 Duke] -- United Kingdom (Royal Navy), 2017, CAMM(M)
P 71 Serviola -- Spain (Navy), 1993

Ground Stuff:

Radar (9ZW/10ZW HF) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1966-1998, 2x, Assoc w AN/FPS-20A
Radar (AN/FPS-20A) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1966-1998, 1x, Assoc w 9ZW/10ZW HF
Radar (AN/TPS-1E) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1958-1989, 24x, AAA Support
Radar (Big Bird C [64N6]) -- Algeria (Air Force), 2009, SA-20
Radar (China OTH-B Receiver) -- China (Air Force)
Radar (China OTH-B Transmitter) -- China (Air Force)
Radar (China OTH-SW Receiver) -- China (Air Force), 2003
Radar (China OTH-SW Transmitter) -- China (Air Force), 2003
Radar (H(R)-500) -- Switzerland (Air Force), 1970-2003, 3x, Florida System
Radar (Jindalee JORN Receiver) -- Australia (Air Force), 1983
Radar (PS-47/F) -- Sweden (Air Force), 1965-1993, 9x
Radar (PS-68/F) -- Sweden (Air Force), 1964-1980, 1x
SAM Bn (SA-20b Gargoyle [S-300PMU-2]) -- Algeria (Air Force), 2009, 4x TEL, 2x Bn + 96L6E, 8x Bn
SAM Bn (SA-21a/b Growler [S-400 Triumph]) -- Russia [1992-] (Air Force), 2013, 12x TEL
SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2 [BL-64]) -- Switzerland (Royal Air Force), 1965-1999, 1x Training Site, 1x Sec, 4x lnchr
SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2 [BL-64]) -- Switzerland (Royal Air Force), 1965-1999, 2x Sites, 1x Sec, 8x lnchr
SAM Sqn (Bloodhound 2 [BL-64]) -- Switzerland (Royal Air Force), 1965-1999, 3x Sites, 2x Sec, 16x lnchr


AIM-54A Phoenix [Fakour-90] -- 2012, SARH
Sea Ceptor [CAMM(M)] -- 2017
Hyunmoo-3C -- South Korea, 2013, Xuanwu 3

lunedì 7 ottobre 2013

Command Modern Air/Naval Operations AAR

Su Real and Simulated Wars trovate un AAR fatto con Command Modern Air/Naval Operations sulla guerra delle Malvinas\Falklands.

Ne sto leggendo anche uno su con lo stesso scenario su NetWargaming:

Il gioco sembrerebbe interessante anche con le pecche evidenziate finora, anche se sembra essere stato patchato parecchio, quindi forse si sono risolte.

Fantasy Kommander: Eukarion Wars intervista

Su The Wargamer trovate un'intervista agli sviluppatori di Fantasy Kommander: Eukarion Wars. Si tratta di un wargame fantasy di un team italiano. Il gioco sembrerebbe un fantasy ma anche con caratteristiche spiccatamente da Wargame e non da RPG.

domenica 6 ottobre 2013

Rome Total War 2 video review

Su The Wargamer trovate una video review di Rome Total War 2.

Warlock 2: The Exiled Announcement Trailer

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Aggiornamento PBEM War in the East

Come nefastamente prevedevo il mio avversario è riuscito a sfruttare la settimana di bel tempo che non avevo contato per accerchiare le mie truppe nel saliente, ma grazie al cielo avevo abbastanza truppe mobili per creare un varco e lui troppo poche per chiudere bene. Così il turno successivo con il rischio di rimanere bloccato con le truppe in posizione precaria durante il fango si è abilmente ritirato. Adesso devo organizzare bene le truppe per l'offensiva invernale. Sicuramente lui già si aspetta attacchi nei punti critici, quindi devo cercare di martellare le sue riserve quanto possibile con l'aviazione, sfruttando il fatto che i rifornimenti per lui sono più difficili.