
sabato 7 settembre 2013

War in the East - qualche regola random - morale delle unità parte 2

Il recupero del morale dei gruppi aerei per turni è dato dalla formula: 100 - morale attuale / 10. Se un'unità è rimandata nella riserva riguadagna 15 punti morali. Anche l'abbattimento di aerei nemici permette di recuperare morale.

Il morale nazionale è differente per ogni paese. Esso rappresenta il limite recuperato velocemente quando un'unità scende sotto questo livello per cui le unità di una certa nazione tendono ad avere questo livello.

v1.03 Beta 3 - February 7, 2011 Each turn there is a chance that a unit’s morale will be lowered by 1 or 2 points if its morale exceeds its national morale by 30 points or more.

v1.05.18 - September 6, 2011 Soviet National Morale has been changed to 50 in June 1941. One point is subtracted each month after this in 1941 (so it is 44 in Dec 41). In 1942 it is set to 40, with one point being added each month starting in September 1942 (so 44 in Dec 42). This continues in 1943 and 1944 until the Soviet National Morale reaches its maximum of 60 in April 1944.

 v1.05.59 - January 31, 2012 National Morale of Soviets in 1942 is now 45. Starting with January 1943, the Soviet National Morale increases by 1 each month, until it reaches 60 in March 1944. All Soviet units of size Brigade or smaller have a minimum national morale of 50.

 v1.07.10 - August 12, 2013 The Finnish National Morale is 70 for the entire war.

Ogni unità appena formata o riformata in gioco ha un morale di partenza che è dato da questa tabella (ma come vedete dall'aggiunta sotto, adesso questa tabella non è più valida, il morale di partenza coincide con quello nazionale):

v1.05.18 - September 6, 2011 Build morale now equals national morale in all cases (there is no separate build morale table anymore).

DCS WWII: Europe 1944 su Kickstarter

Una nuova simulazione di volo cerca fondi su Kickstarter,  DCS WWII: Europe 1944

War in the West entra in beta testing

Gary Grigsby’s War in the West entra in beta testing sul sito Matrix, è possibile fare domanda di partecipazione a questo link:

venerdì 6 settembre 2013

Prima patch per Rome 2 change log

Ecco il changelog della prima patch per Rome 2:

Higher average frame rates with out-of-the-box settings (more conservative settings)
Fix for DirectX 10.0 Lighting issue reported - environment map wasn't being created leading to black reflections.
Fixed a sunken Samothrace temple complex world wonder on the Campaign map.
Fixed defender being able to create encampments when involved in a combined battle.
Added some localisation fixes to audio packs in French, Russian, Italian, German and Spanish.
Fixed lock up in Multiplayer Campaign battles when a desynchronisation occurs. Players are now notified of the desynchronisation, and the battle ends.
Fixed Multiplayer Campaign battle "overrun" prompt, which was not being shown to a player if they were a reinforcement and the other player was spectating.
Fixed corrupt loading screen when changing to fullscreen / windowed mode after a battle, and then going into another battle.
Fix for Multiplayer Campaign host being unable to move the camera in campaign, after reloading a save game on some rare occasions.
Safe guards added to prevent a very rare crash in coastal assault battles.
Fix for game lock up during end turn sequence / Celtic AI faction turn in single player campaign.
Improved AI use of walls on Athens large settlement battle map.
Improvements to Auto-resolve balancing in Single Player and Multiplayer Campaign modes.
Aligned ship unit upkeep costs with land units - made mercenary ships more expensive and non-mercenary ships cheaper.
Fixed slow turning rates for transport ships.
Improved civil war balancing in relation to campaign difficulty.
Fixed vehicle ground pipes, to prevent Siege Towers becoming immovable when they are left empty during the Deployment Phase of a Siege Battle, then units were moved into the Siege Tower when the battle has started.
Fixed bug when ramming sideways into moving ship, which caused the ramming ship stick to target and strafe along with it in battles.
Reduced the chance of Naval units sometimes clipping through the ground or harbours / ports during Port Assault battles when attempting to disembark.
Fixed issue where armies would be stuck in Muster stance and could not exit that stance in Campaign modes.
Fixed case where spies could get stuck on top of fleets in Campaign modes.
Fixed rare post battle lockup in Campaign modes.
Improved unit pathfinding in Barbarian village battle maps (fixed no go zones).
Fix for Multiplayer Campaign lock up when the player was reinforcing an AI ally who was victorious in battle, causing the player to become stuck with no victory / continue / exit battle user interface functionality.
Fix for cultural influence bonus from the Shrine of Neptune building
Fix for “Zone of Controls” of hidden armies being visible to both players in head to head Multiplayer Campaign mode on mouse-over.
Assorted minor fixes to city battle maps.
Fix for "Rome Wasn't Built in a Day" achievement failing to unlock when its requirements were met in some situations.

giovedì 5 settembre 2013

Questo venerdì prima patch per Rome 2

Questo venerdì dovrebbe uscire la prima patch per Rome 2, non è chiaro cosa sistemerà dei numerosi bugs del gioco. Non sembrano bugs strutturali quindi è probabile che siano risulti tutti con il tempo (come dicevo giusto in tempo per prenderlo con lo sconto).

Ageod's Espana 1936

Questo mi era scappato: l'Ageod ha annunciato un suo gioco (ovviamente con il suo classico motore) sulla guerra civile spagnola del 1936-1939. Ambientazione decisamente interessante per una guerra devastante per il paese iberico. Ecco alcuni screenshots:

Ecco la descrizione:

Game Data:

Complexity: Medium to High
Field of Play: Strategic
Historical Period: Interwar period, Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Theatre: Spain
Unit Scale: Battalion and Regiments
Turn Play: Turn-Based WEGO
Players: 1-2
AI: Yes
Game Editor: No
Manual: Printed manual & PDF
Resolution: Minimum 1024x768


With España 1936 you could recreate the famous battles of Jarama, Guadalajara and Ebro, command the International Brigades or the Army of Africa. Could you conquer Madrid and force the Republic to surrender, or will you lead to victory the Anarchist units of Durruti?

With a high level of rich historical detail and historical accuracy, it is the first computer strategy game covering the whole conflict. The player must face the real dilemmas and challenges of the Republicans and Nationalists during the war. Not only must you build and train armies, manoeuvre them and engage the enemy, but you must also have to manage your nation resources in order to get the best from them.

Using the successful and famous AGE engine, España: 1936 covers the complete Spanish Civil War conflict from the beginning to the end in the summer of 1939. With more than 200 regions, complete with cities, roads, weapons factories, weather types, factions and sub-factions. Featuring the complete war scenario and the “Fall of the North” scenario, hundreds of historical leaders, units and events, España: 1936 is a must-have for any grand strategy fan.

mercoledì 4 settembre 2013

Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: Market Garden in pre-ordine

E' possibile pre-ordine adesso Combat Mission Battle for Normandy: Market Garden sul sito Battlefront con anche la possibilità del bundle MG + upgrade alla 2.0 per il gioco base. Ricordo che il pre-ordine non prevede solo il download digitale ma è obbligatorio download+spedizione e ricordo che la maledetta dogana italiana in barba ad ogni regolamento europeo vi applicherà sopra l'iva 20% + 4% di tasse doganali, quindi vi suggerisco di non pre-ordinare.

Rome 2 un gioco uscito incompleto?

Il gioco è uscito da un giorno e i commenti degli utenti sono devastanti. Chiariamoci nessun gioco esce perfetto e c'è sempre un'aliquota di scontenti per problemi relativi alle configurazioni delle loro macchine. Ma su metacritic il 50% esatto dei giocatori ha dato voti da 0 a 5, per un gioco da 60 euro (non di nicchia) è incredibile. Problemi grafici, di AI, di pesantezza sembrano comuni. Chiaramente è probabile che con il tempo i problemi saranno risolti, ma per allora il gioco uscirà scontato a 25 euro, e quindi chi ha pagato prezzo pieno, se ha avuto la sfortuna di incappare in questi problemi, sarà rimasto fregato.