Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
mercoledì 18 luglio 2012
Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue video intervista agli sviluppatori
Might & Magic Heroes 6 - Pirates of the Savage Sea Trailer
Devo ammettere la mia ignoranza sulla serie, però ne ho sentito parlare parecchio. Eador è ispirato in parte a questo serie. Non penso la prenderò, Eador 2 si preannuncia parecchio più interessante
Prime due immagini per Total War Rome 2
Mostrate le prime due immagini di quella che dovrebbe essere la grafica di Rome 2. Grafica splendida come ci si aspettava (anche se un ritocchino con photoshop lo sospetto).
martedì 17 luglio 2012
Nuovo video con Steel Armor Blaze of War
Stavolta una bella azione notturna con gli M60A1 iraniani: un plotone di carri e uno di fanteria meccanizzata, parecchie perdite: 2 carri distrutti, 2 danneggiati, parecchi morti tra la fanteria, ma ho sopraffatto tre posizioni irachene, distruggendo una postazione anticarro con missili e una con cannoni senza rinculo, e preso prigionieri.
Aggiornamento di JMM sui lavori in corso per Histwar
Ieri JMM ha dato un piccolo aggiornamento sui lavori in corso su Histwar Les Grognards: sta lavorando ancora sul miglioramento grafico e la scala 1 a 10 sarà abilita per fare posto ad un minimo di 1 a 6. Inoltre il PBEM avrà bisogno di meno scambi di mail per turno. Ovviamente ci sono altre modifiche in corso ma non ha dato aggiornamenti su quelle.
Due nuovi trailers per Legends of Pegasus
lunedì 16 luglio 2012
Testata la nuova patch di Panzer Command Ostfront
Ho provato la nuova patch di Panzer Command Ostfront; o dio non che i cambiamenti siano evidenti dato che riguardano parti sottili della meccanica e della grafica, ma è stata comunque una partita piacevole, dove ho fatto a pezzi un po' di carri tedeschi, anche se uno Stuka malefico con una bomba mi ha fatto saltare tre KV1.
Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue è stato rilasciato
E' stato annunciato oggi il rilascio di Decisive Campaigns: Case Blue che può essere acquistato dal sito Matrix
Per l'occasione su The Wargamer è stato fatto un articolo AAR qui:
Per l'occasione su The Wargamer è stato fatto un articolo AAR qui:
Rilasciata patch per il multi per Warlock Master of the Arcane
E' stata rilasciata la patch 1.2 per Warlock Master of the Arcane che tr ale multe cose introduce il multi. Io avevo provato la demo del gioco, che non è male in se, solo non dice nulla di nuovo ne dal punto di vista del gameplay ne dal punto di vista della grafica
ecco il change log della patch
Patch Notes 1.2
Multiplayer and Diplomacy
• Players can now play Multiplayer games! (Steam is required).
• New Diplomacy system in Multiplayer and Single play: Now when a player sends a proposal to rival Mage it will be delivered on the beginning of his/her turn. You will receive an answer on your subsequent turn. The Diplomacy Screen was modified accordingly. Also a player will never know for sure if his\her proposal would or would not be accepted - there will be seen only a prediction of it before the message is sent.
• Changed diplomacy effect of relations with gods
• Behavior of AI Mages improved with personalities and new factors
"Lords and Artifacts"
• Mighty Lords come to your service! They can learn faster than normal units and receive many powerful abilities as they progress through level-ups. You can hire these heroes as they come occasionally searching for job, find them in monster layers or even receive them as quest reward.
• Lords can use powerful Artifacts which could be found in monster dens, received as quests rewards, gained and lost during battles, bought from Trader of Artifacts or smelted to mana.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
• A player may turn on/off Victory Conditions on the Game Start.
• Player can now destroy his buildings from city interface
• Mages, Veterans and Halberdies got new skills. Mages can learn to cast fireballs and Veterans now have ZoneOfControl perk.
• New actions for Galleons units of humans and mosters
• Implemented a News message when you successfully research a new spell.
• Implemented a News message when any of the Great Mages controls a certain percentage of Holy Grounds.
• The Unity Spell cannot be counterspelled anymore, but its casting time was made longer. Also starting to cast a Unity spell worsens relations with all Great Mages.
• A Message "A Great Mage is Defeated" now looks better.
• AI now uses Dispels smarter and more aggressively.
• Teleportation spells casting interface logic is more intuitive:
now you can select a spell, then a target unit, and then a hex to move.
• Fixed an issue: an enchantment cast on a unit in transport ship is now shown properly on unit when it disembarks.
• Game loading has become faster.
• Great Mages now think 10-15% faster.
• Settlers do not receive experience points any more.
• Fixed an issue when a player could remove a "self-destruct" perk from units summoned by other units.
• Fixed a crash on clicking on a News message about a new unit if the city was destroyed.
• Fixed an issue with the unit's experience when a unit is upgraded twice the same turn.
• Fixed an issue with game camera position at the game start.
• Fixed an issue when unit movement points and "cooldown" timers could be higher than their current maximum.
• Fixed some issues with duplicating perks.
• Fixed a rare crash when a player disbands his unit.
• Fixed bug with flying units teleportation on water hexes
Known issues
• Sometimes you cannot enter text - fixes with restarting game from menu
• Disconnect not always works well"
ecco il change log della patch
Patch Notes 1.2
Multiplayer and Diplomacy
• Players can now play Multiplayer games! (Steam is required).
• New Diplomacy system in Multiplayer and Single play: Now when a player sends a proposal to rival Mage it will be delivered on the beginning of his/her turn. You will receive an answer on your subsequent turn. The Diplomacy Screen was modified accordingly. Also a player will never know for sure if his\her proposal would or would not be accepted - there will be seen only a prediction of it before the message is sent.
• Changed diplomacy effect of relations with gods
• Behavior of AI Mages improved with personalities and new factors
"Lords and Artifacts"
• Mighty Lords come to your service! They can learn faster than normal units and receive many powerful abilities as they progress through level-ups. You can hire these heroes as they come occasionally searching for job, find them in monster layers or even receive them as quest reward.
• Lords can use powerful Artifacts which could be found in monster dens, received as quests rewards, gained and lost during battles, bought from Trader of Artifacts or smelted to mana.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
• A player may turn on/off Victory Conditions on the Game Start.
• Player can now destroy his buildings from city interface
• Mages, Veterans and Halberdies got new skills. Mages can learn to cast fireballs and Veterans now have ZoneOfControl perk.
• New actions for Galleons units of humans and mosters
• Implemented a News message when you successfully research a new spell.
• Implemented a News message when any of the Great Mages controls a certain percentage of Holy Grounds.
• The Unity Spell cannot be counterspelled anymore, but its casting time was made longer. Also starting to cast a Unity spell worsens relations with all Great Mages.
• A Message "A Great Mage is Defeated" now looks better.
• AI now uses Dispels smarter and more aggressively.
• Teleportation spells casting interface logic is more intuitive:
now you can select a spell, then a target unit, and then a hex to move.
• Fixed an issue: an enchantment cast on a unit in transport ship is now shown properly on unit when it disembarks.
• Game loading has become faster.
• Great Mages now think 10-15% faster.
• Settlers do not receive experience points any more.
• Fixed an issue when a player could remove a "self-destruct" perk from units summoned by other units.
• Fixed a crash on clicking on a News message about a new unit if the city was destroyed.
• Fixed an issue with the unit's experience when a unit is upgraded twice the same turn.
• Fixed an issue with game camera position at the game start.
• Fixed an issue when unit movement points and "cooldown" timers could be higher than their current maximum.
• Fixed some issues with duplicating perks.
• Fixed a rare crash when a player disbands his unit.
• Fixed bug with flying units teleportation on water hexes
Known issues
• Sometimes you cannot enter text - fixes with restarting game from menu
• Disconnect not always works well"
Intervista Q&A con la DCS su SimHQ
Su SimHQ c'è un'interessante intervista con la DCS sull'evoluzione del DCS World, l'ambiente dove i vari gioco DCS simulatori e non si integrano.
dcs world,
simulatore di volo
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