
lunedì 23 settembre 2013

Documentario sulla Guerra in Libano del 1982

Documentario in tre parti sulla guerra in Libano del 1982. Mi torna in mente l'unico romanzo della Fallaci che ho letto, Insciallah, che appunto è una vicenda romanzata dell'esperienza del contingente italiano inviato in quel paese.

Civil War II Manuale online

E' possibile scaricare online il manuale di Ageod Civil War II dal sito Matrix:

Da quello che leggo nei forum, il gioco sembra venuto molto bene, a parte piccoli bugs. Prevedo il suo acquisto a breve.

Command: Modern Air Naval Operations intervista agli sviluppatori

Su The Wargamer trovate un'intervista fatta agli sviluppatori di Command: Modern Air Naval Operations, di prossima uscita:

La lista degli scenari è davvero notevole:

Advanced ASW Exercise, 1979 - FOST units vs. Redfor off UK

Battle of Chumonchin Chan, 1950 - North Korea vs. United Nations

Battle of Latakia, 1973 - Israel vs. Syria in Mediterranean Sea

Down Town, 1967 - United States vs. North Vietnam over North Vietnam

Duelists, 1989 - UK vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea

First Contact, 1957 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea

First Contact ,1973 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea

First Contact, 1986 - Norway vs. USSR in Norwegian Sea

First Contact, 2016 - Norway vs. Russia in Norwegian Sea

Green Tide 2016 - Spain vs. Morocco in the Canary Islands

Iron Hand, 2014 - Russian vs. Azerbaijan

Khark Island Raid 1985 - Iraq vs. Iran in the Persian Gulf

Maria and Victoria, 1982- Argentina vs. UK in the Falklands

North Pacific Shootout 1989- US Navy vs. USSR

Operation Brass Drum 2017- US vs. Iran in Arabian Gulf

Operation Lightning Strike 2014- US vs. Pakistani Belligerents and maybe Pakistan

Operation Lion’s Den 1972- US vs. North Vietnam

Operation Market Time, 1968- US/South Vietnam vs. North Vietnam

Operation Trident 1971 - India vs. Pakistan on Indian West Coast.

Operation Vantage 1961 - UK/Kuwait vs. USSR and Iraq in Persian Gulf

Raid on Dwarka, 1965- India and Pakistan on Indian West Coast

Raid on Kismayo 2013- US vs. Somali in Somalia

Raven 21 is Down, 1976-US vs. USSR and Somali Forces in the Gulf of Aden

Sea of Fire 1982 - UK vs. Argentine off the Falklands

Shamal 1991 - US Navy or USAF/Coalition vs. Iraq

South China Sea Clash 2013- US/Philippines vs. PRC/Chinese Coast Guard

Stand Up 2011 - UK vs. Argentine off the Falklands

Standing Naval Force Atlantic 1979- NATO vs. USSR in the Norwegian Sea

Tee Up, 1971- US Navy vs. Soviet Navy off Cuba

The Battle of Dong Hoi, 1972 - US Navy vs. North Vietnam

The Four Horsemen 1987 - USSR vs. NATO

The Shark 1971- India vs. Pakistan

The Tiger And The Dragon 2019 - Indian and Chinese Navy in the South China Sea

Trapped Under Ice 1999 - US Navy vs. Russian Navy under the Arctic Ice Cap.

Wooden Leg 1985- IAF vs. PLO in Tunisia

3 Tutorial Scenarios

Basic Training Air Operations- 1983

Basic Training Submarine Operations 2013

Basic Training Warship Operations 2013

Sembrerebbe che una volta stabilizzata la parte aereo\navale prevedano un'espansione modulare che renda più dettagliata la parte terrestre\anfibia. Decisamente sempre più interessante questo gioco.

sabato 21 settembre 2013

PBEM War in the East nuovo aggiornamento

Settimana scorsa ho parlato troppo presto, il mio avversario aveva delle panzer division arretrate che erano sfuggite alla mia ricognizione e grazie a queste è riuscito a salvare le quattro divisioni di fanteria in trappola, anche se durante questo turno le ho malmenate non poco e si sono ritirare con la perdita di 2000 uomini. Comunque ho ottenuto degli effetti positivi, innanzitutto ha spostato verso est le riserve centrali per salvare le truppe ed è stato costretto a forza all'indietro la spinta verso Stalingrado. In più cercando di spingere comunque verso ovest ha lasciato una parte di fronte a ovest coperta solo da deboli divisioni ungheresi e dove ho iniziato a spingere per raggiungere il Don, muovendo qui forze mobili da usare nel prossimo turno. In riserva ho individuato solo due Panzerdivisions, e se questo è vero rischia davvero di vedersi tagliato fuori lungo il Don, proprio prima del fango.

All'estremo nord, ha tentato il colpaccio muovendo la divisione corazzata finlandese nelle mie retrovie, ma ha sottovalutato le mie riserve e adesso rischia davvero di vederla distrutta nel prossimo turno.

venerdì 20 settembre 2013

Civil War II Trailer Video

Video di uscita di Ageod Civil War II

Fall Weiss - gioco in uscita sulla campagna di Polonia

E' il nuovo gioco della Wasteland (Time of Fury ) che ha come scenario la campagna di Polonia del 1939. Dovrebbe uscire a giorni. Dalla descrizione sembra molto dettagliato, ma non so quanto lo scenario abbia lo stesso appeal a livello internazionale delle campagne successive.

Fall Weiss is a turn based strategy game which takes place during the Invasion of Poland during the World War 2. Player has got possibility to take control over one of the major participants of the conflict which are Germany, Poland and Soviet Union and also to control other countries in the region, which might be interested in taking a part in the conflict, to name Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Lithuania.

The main goal of the game is to change the history course to the favor of controlled country. Poland will try to defend itself for as long as possible, or until the French offensive in the West will be started. Germany’s goal is to defeat Poland faster than one month and the Soviet Union will try to increase the gains compared to those historical.

Fall Weiss is played with daily turns with the following order sequence: Axis (Germany and Slovakia), Allies (Poland), Soviet Union, Neutral countries. Units are divided to regimental and brigade sizes and each of them has got assigned Action Points (AP), which can be spent to move, attack, reinforce or redeploy. Depends on the country there are various types of armored land units, non-armored land units, airborne unit, fighters, tactical and strategic bombers, there are also naval vessels divided into subtypes, and transport vessels.

Units on the map by default are represented by the figurines with information about the Strength, Action Points and nationality displayed. This allows to easy recognize own units which can still perform some action, and also to find a weak spots in the enemies lines.

Strength of the units depends on the many factors, such as basic strength, experience, war doctrine, commanders, HQs, adjacent units, terrain, weather, fortifications, entrenchments, but what is most important the supply. An unsupplied unit even with best support from all other factors and modifiers is doomed. Basic supply lines are provided by the cities and railroads network, can be also exchanged by the tactical bombers and fleets. Supplies delivered that way can only provide about 75% of the supplies needed by the units to be fully operational, both in battles and movement. The only way to deliver full level supply to the units is to deploy Supply Depots near them. Those are specialized types of units able to deliver 100% supplies even for units being couple of hexes from them.

As the number of Supply Depots is limited for each country and the whole map is almost 20000 hexes, it must be planned ahead where to deploy them, to provide support as efficient as possible.

In Fall Weiss many aspects of the gameplay can be set up to fulfill preferences of the player. Starting with hiding values of enemy units, through adjustable Fog of War radius, customizable battle reports, adjusting how fast the specific actions of the player and AI should be displayed to setting difficulty for each country separately. Also it is very easy to exchange the map and units graphic to make the game completely fit requirements of the player.

On September 1st 1939, German forces attacked Poland along the whole border. Thousands of tanks and planes, more than a million of soldiers marched into Poland. Polish army fought bravely and with tenacity, but on September 17th the Soviets stabbed Poland in the back, the allies withdrew and the country was left alone against two most powerful armies in the world.

Features List:

• Realistic presentation of the campaign’s events,

• Supply Depots which are crucial to execute successful offensives,

• HQ units and Chain of Command boosting the efficiency of units,

• Historical types of units, like Ulhans, Panzers, Stukas, etc.,

• Major rivers which can really slow down the offensive,

• Over 700 of historical units, with a unique photos,

• 20000 hexes map of Poland and surroundings.

When there are no guns, no tanks, no hope, honor is the only thing that’s left.

Company of Heroes 2 scontato su Gamersgate

Sempre su Gamersgate trovate scontato questo week-end Company of Heroes 2, sia nella versione base: , sia nella versione digital collector .

Costa sempre un botto e non so quanto ne valga la pena.

Graviteam Tactics: Shilovo 1942 rilasciato

Su Gamersgate trovate l'ultima DLC rilasciata per Graviteam Tactics, Shilovo 1942.

Ecco le features:

1) New Area near Voronezh, village Shilovo, 80 wide.

2) Two new operations at the beginning of July 1942, one for Red Army, one for the Wehrmacht (13 turns).

3) Troops:

- Wehrmacht - 24 Pz (one batallions from 21, 26 Inf Reg and 24 Pz Reg);
- Red Army - 2,3/498 Rifle Reg, 2 coys from practice battalion of 232 Rifle Div,
441 Tank Bn from 110 Tank Bde, 1/425 Arty Reg, parts of 16 Destr Bde and platoon from 180 Tank Bde,
1/687 Rifle Reg from 141 Rifle Div.

Questo sarebbe un gioco davvero perfetto se avesse anche il multiplayer. Queste dlc sono vitali per lo studio per sopravvivere, ma l'AI dopo un po' scoccia.