Su The Wargamer trovate un AAR fatto con Lost Battles, la nuova espansione per War in the East.
Blog dedicato alla Storia della Guerra. Sono trattati temi e recensiti libri di storia militare, ma si parla anche di wargames e videogames bellici, oltre che di film e telefilm a tema bellico, così come di documentari sul tema.
venerdì 10 maggio 2013
giovedì 9 maggio 2013
Dedicato ai cavalli
Il commento al video è molto bello:
A video of horse charges from various movies. May we never use such a beautiful animal for warfare ever again.
Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Division screenshots
Sempre sulla pagina facebook della Matrix, degli screenshots dell'espansione per Conflict of Heroes, Ghost Division.
Panzer Corps: Allied Corps screenshots
Apparsi sulla pagina facebook della Matrix degli screenshots di Panzer Corps: Allied Corps, in uscita a Giugno.
Rilasciato Rise of Prussia Gold sul sito Matrix
E' stato rilasciato Rise of Prussia Gold sul sito Matrix, assieme all'upgrade tool per i vecchi possessori del gioco originale. Sembra ci siano ancora delle imperfezioni, quindi se non avete fretta è preferibile aspettare l'uscita della patch che dovrebbe essere imminente.!!
mercoledì 8 maggio 2013
Levels of Tactical Proficiency su Real and Simulated Wars
Su Real and Simulated Wars trovate un articolo (il primo) sulla tattica nei Wargames, in questo caso usando Combat Mission Battle for Normandy come esempio:
Screenshots di World of Warships
Nuovi screenshots del gemello navale di World of Tanks su questa pagina:
Sicuramente un modo originale di buttare i propri soldi.
Sicuramente un modo originale di buttare i propri soldi.
Review di HISTORY : Legends of War
Su La Gazette du Wargamer trovate una review del da poco uscito HISTORY : Legends of War
martedì 7 maggio 2013
Command Ops 2 (CO2) - Piano di rilascio
Sul forum Matrix è stato messo il piano di rilascio del nuovo motore di Command Ops e dei sui upgrades. Per i vecchi possessori sarà sufficiente comprare l'upgrade.
We plan to develop CO2 in stages, releasing updates after each stage. In particular we plan to:
develop CO2 stage 1 by the end of August. Release by end of September. This would comprise the following features:
Planning Graphics 1 - NAIs
Sequential Tasking
Enhanced Map Drawing
Map Overlays
Enhanced Context Menu
New Unit Icons
Multiple Selection in OB Display
develop CO2 stage 2 by end of November and release early December. This would comprise the following features;
multiple AI threads/large scenarios
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release KOAD in early December
develop CO2 stage 3 by end of Mar 2014 and release by end of Apr 2014. This would comprise the following features;
Fire Plans
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release West Wall in April 2014
develop CO2 stage 4 by end of July 2014 and release by end of August 2014. This would comprise the following features;
Campaign Mode
Task Variants (Doctrine) - specifically Soviet doctrine
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release East Front by end of August 2014
develop CO2 stage 5 by end of October 2014 and release by end of November 2014. This would comprise the following features;
Planning Mode
Mounted Ops
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release LOTB by end of November 2014
We plan to develop CO2 in stages, releasing updates after each stage. In particular we plan to:
develop CO2 stage 1 by the end of August. Release by end of September. This would comprise the following features:
Planning Graphics 1 - NAIs
Sequential Tasking
Enhanced Map Drawing
Map Overlays
Enhanced Context Menu
New Unit Icons
Multiple Selection in OB Display
develop CO2 stage 2 by end of November and release early December. This would comprise the following features;
multiple AI threads/large scenarios
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release KOAD in early December
develop CO2 stage 3 by end of Mar 2014 and release by end of Apr 2014. This would comprise the following features;
Fire Plans
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release West Wall in April 2014
develop CO2 stage 4 by end of July 2014 and release by end of August 2014. This would comprise the following features;
Campaign Mode
Task Variants (Doctrine) - specifically Soviet doctrine
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release East Front by end of August 2014
develop CO2 stage 5 by end of October 2014 and release by end of November 2014. This would comprise the following features;
Planning Mode
Mounted Ops
whatever other small UI features we can fit in
release LOTB by end of November 2014
Per chi non lo sapesse: LOTB sta per Legends of the Blitzkrieg e KOAD per Knock on all doors (versione germano-centrica di Bulge).
Il rilascio di ETA (versione upgradata di COTA) è quasi imminente.
Seconda settimana di Deal of the Week sul sito Matrix
Sul sito Matrix continua la lista delle offerte settimanali, stavolta in offerta sono Steel Panthers Generals Edition e Uncommon Valour.,.part.two!,.part.two!
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