
mercoledì 25 luglio 2012

Rilasciata Patch 1.03 per Iron Front Liberation 1944

Nuova patch per Iron Front; qui il change log:

*New: New exe, fixing several crashes.
*New: Different damage model of the vehicles - they don't change anymore suddenly to an odd, burning piece of metal.
*New: New system of hitching the anti-tank guns to vehicles, now it needs only one simple action, and can be hitched also by the driver inside the vehicle.
*New: BattlEye anti-cheat system added.
*New: New, wider window of the list of the multiplayer servers.
*New: SVT soviet rifle added.
*New: G43 german rifle added.
*New: New german camo units (Sturmers, infantry and tank crew) added - an official mod made by Nick Leyland aka Stagler.
*New: Flare pistol added to the unteroffices.
*New: New mine system, does not need the "Using mines and tripwires" module anymore.
*New: Now M3 scout can close the armor plate now (need to get out from the car to do it, as in the real one).
*New: The M2 machine-gun on M3 scout is switchable.

Potete scaricarla da qui: ; ricordatevi che la patch è diversa se avete la versione retail o digitale del gioco.

Rilasciata patch 1.62 per Arma 2, Arrowhead e Combined Operations

Rilasciata nuova patch per la famiglia Arma 2; questo è il full change log della patch:

ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead / Combined Operations Engine

[94918] New: command unit addMagazine[name, ammoCount]
[94912] Fixed: Video memory detection on W7/x64 sometimes wrong because of bug in IDirect3DDevice9::GetAvailableTextureMem.
[94886] Fixed: Possible gear item duplication (private
[94761] TBB 4.0 update 5, (tbb40_20120613oss,
[94699] Tweak Reinhard tonemapping pars
[94629] Fixed: Wrong magazines are removed with weapon in briefing gear.
[94206] Fixed: Disabled channels can be bypassed in briefing screen (
[94049] New: terrainIntersectASL command
[94049] Fixed: terrainIntersect reverted to ATL
[94002] Fixed: PlayerId changed for users using Reinforcements or Arma X Anniversary edition to prevent PlayerId conflicts.
[94001] Fixed: "enableItemsDropping = 0;" now even for MP clients
[94001] New: moonIntensity command
[94001] New: sunOrMoon command
[93989] Changed: When dropping weapon unrelated magazine will not be dropped
[93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext
[93945] New: In gear added bars with ammo count
[93945] New: setGearSlotAmmoCount, setIDCAmmoCount, gearIDCAmmoCount, gearSlotAmmoCount gear commands
[93897] New: AToC & PPAA added into UI video options
[93841] Fixed: AI using NVGs as binoculars after dropping their primary weapon (
[93821] Changed: Authentication Timeout is distinguished from bad CD key
[93812] Fixed: Restrict gamma value set by profile
[93809] Fixed: Restrict brightness value set by profile
[93722] Fixed: Effects of setDamage to buildings different on clients and server (
[93701] Fixed: Changing gear in briefing screen is not working reliable in MP (
[93680] Optimized: MP: attachTo no longer sends a message when the attachment does not change.
[93672] Fixed: Unable to access AI soldier's gear in map
[93670] Fixed: Prone units stop engaging (
[93664] Fixed: Damage of buildings synchronization in MP after JIP (,,
[93657] Fixed: Target is no longer stored in the long-term target list when forgotten for the second time (
[93654] Improved: Tone mapping
[93652] New: Scripting functions visiblePositionASL and nearestBuilding position
[93648] New: Scripting functions ASLToATL and ATLToASL to convert between coordinate systems.
[93624] Changed: Scripting function weaponDirection returns a primary weapon direction when empty string is used as a weapon name.
[93622] New: Scripting function eyeDirection.
[93598] New: Scripting functions eyePos object and aimPos object
[93583] Fixed: Player-created markers not synchronised with JIP clients (see
[93575] Fixed: StringLoad command reads unicode
[93570] Fixed: Player-made map markers disappearing in MP under certain circumstances (
[93542] New: MP Statistics screen (key I) contains the Server hostname
[93528] Fixed: Max distance for DirectChat raised from 20m to 40m
[93415] Fixed: empty weaponHolder is not deleted when used by remote player
[93398] New: System chat like player connected/disconnected switched to CCSystem=6 channel. New configuration opportunity disableChannels[]={chan1,chan2,...}; in mission description.ext file possible.
[93294] Fixed: Multiple Object not found problems such as Server: Object 6:4 not found (message 124)
[93276] New: terrainIntersect command
[93273] New: lineIntersects, lineIntersectsWith commands
[93156] Changed: increased gear MP messages priority
[93146] Fixed: LOD blending
[93120] Fixed: JIP connecting players less affect other players network bandwith
[93117] Fix: Crash: - caused by fix: "LOD blending not working reliably (rev. 93017)
[93017] Fixed: LOD blending not working reliably
[92956] Fixed: Sound: Music often stop playing after window focus is lost and regained
[92925] Fixed: switching backpack with dead unit in MP
[92821] Fixed: Joining unit in the vehicle to a different side group did not change the perceived side of the unit.
[92781] Fixed: SelectPlayer makes direct communication unreliable (see
[92754] Fixed: scaling icons with grenade cursor
[92706] TBB 4.0 update 4, (tbb40_20120408oss,
[92705] Fixed: Possible crash when in out of VRAM conditions because of a race condition.
[92679] Fixed: A Javelin missile often did not lock a target when playing with a Veteran or harder difficulty (
[92612] Fixed: SelectPlayer in MP can break the Direct Chat or cause other MP issues.
[92582] Fixed: AI detection after load
[92463] Fixed: AToC ATi 77xx
[92071] Changed: Observer RPT messages now once per 60 sec,
[92061] Fixed: AtoC on nVidia for CSAA
[92059] PPAA pars tweak & SMAA use color edge detection method
[91173] New: Registry driven mod can contain list of required mods in its REQUIRE string value (the same syntax as for LOADAFTER). Moreover, the reg.value CANDISABLE="0" can be used to make the Disable button disabled.
[91055] Fixed: Respawn with backpack
[90909] Fixed: crash of Linux server when player with custom face connects
[90901] New: setUnitRecoilCoefficient command
[89964] Fixed: Linux servers were never green in server list.
[89899] Fixed: Helicopter is more accurate with unguided rockets
[89898] Fixed: Secondary gunner tracks enemies
[89603] Fixed: A possible crash when textures were loading too slow from the disk.
[89523] Fixed: Crash during engine termination from multiplayer game.
[89361] Fixed: Linux server slow startup
[89205] New: Player can look up/down using a mouse while driving land/water vehicles.
[89201] New: SMAA antialiasing introduced, use PPAA=3, PPAALevel=0..3 in Arma2OA.cfg.
[89104] New: Implemented automatic looking intro turns when driving a car with a mouse.
[89086] Experimental: A different way to handle mouse steering is implemented for cars, tanks, boats and bikes.
[89079] Fixed: Multiple reload sounds in mp (see
[89011] New: A cursor is shown to provide a visual feedback when steering a car.
[88975] Fixed: Multiple reload sounds in MP (see
[88948] Improved: Airplane thrust and brakes can now be applied at the same time.
[88947] New: Full joystick axis can be mapped by mapping both positive and negative part of the same axis (map negative first to use the axis inverted) (
[88918] Improved: AI scanning for the target more when a visual contact is lost.
[88890] Improved: AI vehicles scanning area with their weapons when target position is not known exactly.
[88870] Fixed: AI vehicles sometimes see player outside their field of view (
[88850] Fixed: AI was sometimes able to reveal a unit which has detonated a satchel (
[88726] Fixed: Frequent client/server crashes in MP (when merging multipacket messages)
[88269] Changed: Application name changed to "ArmA 2 OA" for "ArmA 2 Reinforcements".
[88195] Improved: -beta mods now always loaded first (
[88147] Add: Optional FXAA sharp filter, *.cfg "FXAASharp"
[88119] Improved: AI spotting reducing in high speed moving vehicles more accurate now (movement direction is considered).
[88111] Fixed: Unguided rockets no longer explode when passed by the target (
[88110] Fixed: AI gunner hits the ground with manually guided missile when "Auto guided AT" is disabled (
[88015] Fixed: Aircraft gunner firing even when manual fire was selected by a pilot (
[87963] Optimized: Reduced memory footprint in complex missions.
[87840] New: Added scripting command productVersion (
[87837] Changed: Addons config value requiredVersion ignored for easier addon sharing between various products (A2, TOH).
[87824] Changed: Removed support for config parameter nightVision (
[87768] Fixed: AI vehicles crews seeing targets badly (
[87755] Fixed: Player automatically reveals targets which AI would never see (
[87746] Fixed: Looking around no longer possible when combat mode changes in vehicle (
[87745] New: Cheat Shift+Minus+FPS to allow artificially limit FPS for testing to 40,20,10,5.
[87740] Improved: Targeting and firing always commanded by observer. (
[87706] Improved: AI laser target detection at large distances improved.
[87692] Fixed: Manual guidance not working for a helicopter gunner (,
[87659] Fixed: AI was unable to engage invisible laser targets used for SSM (
[87658] Fixed: Command doTarget on friendly unit did not work (
[87655] Fixed: Text parameter file parsing not reliable (
[87654] Improved: A behaviour of the leader player is now assumed to be the most restrictive behaviour of his subordinates (
[87652] Fixed: AI always turned out when player is effective commander in cargo (
[87646] Fixed: MP: Bullet hits of remote units not visible over large distance (
[87645] Changed: Default memory allocator is now tbb4malloc_bi instead of tbb3malloc_bi
[87643] Fixed: Manually guided missiles lost control when reaching 1500 m distance (
[87640] New: RVExtension dll interface implemented (
[87640] Improved: AI sometimes did not start firing at enemy which passed quickly just in front of it.
[87640] Fixed: AI unable to target crew in vehicles other than tracked ones (
[87640] Improved: AI units now give more preference to close targets (

Prime immagini della nuova dlc per Achtung Panzer

Sono state rilasciate alcune immagini della nuova DLC per Achtung Panzer Operation Star: Sinyavino, nome di un 'offensiva sovietica del 1942 per liberare Leningrado

martedì 24 luglio 2012

Su Gamersgate trovate le offerte estive Paradox

Su Gamersgate ci sono le offerte estive Paradox (GG è un marchio Paradox)

Ci sono delle belle offerte (anche se quello che mi interessava l'ho già tutto) inoltre trovate in offerta anche dei giochi Ageod e la serie Achtung Panzer.

Peninsular Mod per Scourge of War

Rilasciato un po' in ritardo il Peninsular mod per Scourge of War; qui trovate le istruzioni per installarlo (richiede anche il precedente Road to Wagram)

Altre 4 immagini di Rome 2 Total War

Rilasciate quattro nuove immagini del nuovo Total War

Mechwarrior Online nuovo video di scenario

Graficamente bellissimo, ma sarà pay for win? Io sono stato uno dei primi italiani a giocare a World of Tanks e probabilmente il primo a stufarsi dopo diversi mesi. Non mi piacciono i free to play concettualmente, alla fine fanno leva sull'ego dei giocatori: "voglio vincere a pago per avere il mezzo per farlo".


Preview di Company of Heroes 2 su Rock Paper Shotgun

Su RPS c'è una preview (solo testa con screnarts) di Company of Heroes 2:
La preview è quella di una presentazione ufficiale della THQ, e si concentra sulla difficoltà di generare l'effetto della neve sul movimento.

lunedì 23 luglio 2012

Terza parte sull'editor di dottrina di Les Grognards

Eccoci alla parte finale sull'editor di dottrina di Histwar Les Grognards; la parte finale dell'editor riguarda il combattimento dei reggimenti in fase di scontro (c'è una parte per i distaccati e una parte per i facenti parte di un corpo). Innanzitutto bisogna definire cosa deve fare la fanteria se incontra nemici superiori o inferiori di numero: le scelte possono essere ingaggio immediato, sganciamento, ingaggio se attaccati, Colonel AI (praticamente l'AI decide da sola). Nella stessa fase bisogna definire che formazione il reggimento userà rispetto alla formazione nemica (linea, colonna di compagnia,colonna di divisione); per cui potrò definire ad esempio che se affronto un nemico inferiore schierato in linea, voglio che il mio reggimento lo attacchi subito schierato in colonna di divisione. Poi devo definire il comportamento della cavalleria: per quest'ultima si definisce solo il comportamento non la formazione. Non è facile settare questo parametro perchè è difficile vedere nel gioco quale azione sia più premiante.

Nel frattempo è stato un insuccesso anche il terzo PBEM, anche se sembrava andare bene. Ho concentrato tutta l'artiglieria di armata in un corpo da usare come forza mobile: attacco in un punto con la copertura dell'artiglieria in massa, lui sposta le riserve e io muovo le artiglierie in un altro punto e attacco con un altro corpo. La tattica non è perfezionato, ma ad un certo punto ho visto le mie truppe crollare come dei birilli e le mie artiglierie dare forfait senza motivo. Per il momento ho deciso di lasciare da parte il gioco fino alla prossima evoluzione: i motivi gli ho già spiegati: ci sono ancora evidenti falle nel gameplay (artiglieria troppo potente rispetto al vero, che spinge i giocatori a schierarsi in una difesa trincerata e contrattaccare l'avversario consumato dall'artiglieria in modo assurdo, reggimento che agiscono immediatamente se distaccati) e un po' perchè penso che se non giocato al massimo realismo il gioco non ha senso (i giocatori attualmente online non lo usano), allora tanto vale giocare a NTW se vuoi l'azione immediata.

Nuovo video di gameplay con Combat Mission Afghanistan

Ieri ho fatto un nuovo video di missione con CMA (Combat Mission Afghanistan); l'azione era semplice e diretta, ma non facile a priori. L'azione può essere divisa così: due plotoni da direzioni diverse attaccano la prima collina, tiro di soppressione delle mitragliatrici mentre avanzano allo scoperto,fuoco di mortai sulla seconda collina, meno protetta dalla vegetazione, avvicinamento alla seconda collina mentre è sotto il fuoco.