
giovedì 7 marzo 2013

Starship Corporation

Trailer di gioco strategico indie:

Starship Corporation is a Realtime Strategy Game that contains 4 Elements:
Ship Design
Crew and AI Tactics
Ship Building
and Trade

The player is able to create the layout for Spaceships and Planetary Installations with multiple decks within the boundaries of existing fuselages. He can choose between (currently) 50 Room types in 6 categories .
A completed Design can then be challenged by playing a series of missions to test the crews reaction to emergencies and the ships combat capabilities. The success of these missions determines the ships rating, important for a good price on the market or the ships performance in your own fleet.

Questi giochi ti fanno respirare ancora l'aria di quando erano le idee e non la grafica ad essere alla base dei giochi strategici.

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